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Offering POKERUS infected Pokemon


New Member
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hello fellow trainers!

I'm new here to the forums! I registered so I might finally have a chance to complete my collection of pokemon. I have been playing pokemon since Generation I, but stopped playing when diamond and pearl came out, as I didn't have a DS. Lately, I got interested again and I fixed my brothers old DS, so I could use it myself and I bought pearl.

A couple of days earlier I was playing sapphire, after not having played it for a couple of years, when my girlfriend called me. So I put away the DS (I was playing it on the newly fixed DS) and picked up the phone. While talking to my girlfriend, my brother picked up my DS and started looking at the pokemon in my party. Suddenly he began screaming, POKERUS! YOU HAVE POKERUS! :p And indeed, my whole party had been infected with pokerus in the time I was battling wild pokemon in the last couple of hours. So I was all happy, immediately putting one infected pokemon in the PC and I started infected all my pokemon with pokerus, by battling wild pokemon. And you never guess it, about an hour later while infecting my pokemon with pokerus, I come across a shiny nincada! I think I have never been that lucky in my whole live, especially since that shiny nincade evolves into two shiny pokemon, ninjask and shedinja. I don't know if has happened before to people, pokerus and a shiny in just a couple of hours.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I am offering any pokemon I can breed, infected with pokerus. I know that might not be that special anymore, but I am hoping that people are willing to help me complete my collection. I have no event pokemon to offer, apart from the pokemon channel Jirachi and arrogantly enough, I am asking for mostly event pokemon. The pokemon I still need to complete my legendary collection are:


I don't care if the pokemon are cloned, but I do want only legal, non-hacked pokemon.

Please reply with your offering and leave your Friend Code. Anything else can be discussed through PM. Have a nice day!



PS: It's not that I'm to lazy to get event pokemon, but I live in the netherlands and it is hard to get event pokemon here. Also, Generation IV events aren't likely to happen anymore, with Black & White being out. I have been wanting to complete my legendary list since I first started playing pokemon. But if you don't have anything to offer and still want pokerus, I could just give you some bogus pokemon that's infected.. But it would be nice to get the pokemon on the list, so i'm really hoping for some very generous people.
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Sorry, I don't have any event pokemon either, but can I have a pokerus pokemon? My FC is in my sig. Use the HG one.
Sure, but don't you have anything interesting to offer? Otherwise I'll just take some bogus pokemon. And what time can you be online?
Ok, give me a couple of minutes to infect a pokemon, then I'll be on. Is the spiritomb legit?
EDIT: My game says that the FC is "Wrong". Are you sure that that is it?
EDIT 2: Now it is having no problem, but can you check to be sure?
yeah it's correct, triple checked, I have Pokemon pearl, maybe thats the problem?
Have fun with your Pokerus infected pokemon! Remember to put the pokemon you infected in the PC before your DS's clock turns midnight, or they will be immune to pokerus and unable to transfer it to other pokemon. They will however keep the benefits of pokerus. You can infect the other pokemon in your party by fighting battles and having a infected pokemon next to a non-infected pokemon.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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