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Offering: RNG Screwups/Spitbacks/Leftovers


what is your spaghetti policy here?
May 9, 2010
Reaction score

Ok, so I've decided to offer up everything I've RNG'd that are spitbacks/screw-ups, etc.

They may have been RNG'd to be used as a parent in breeding, they may have been fails on my behalf, or they may have been RNG'd just because I felt like doing them. It doesn't really matter, I just figure they may be wanted/of use to somebody.

Note: These were RNG'd and will be cloned using an Action Replay. If you don't like it, then don't offer. I can't put it more simply than that.

I'll give as much information as possible, but note that the IV's/natures/abilities are not perfect as these are spitbacks. If the pokemon was caught I'm not going to bother listing its moveset; the moveset will only be listed if the pokemon was hatched, and even then, the moves will only be listed if they are interesting/egg moves.

The sprite limit on BMGf will hold me back, so I'll just give the main sprite of each, the PokeBall caught in will just be listed instead.

I may post up a list of stuff I want/need if these get some attention (I understand it can be annoying if you don't know what to offer in return) otherwise, I'm just going to listen to any offer you have.


Anyways, on with the thread:



Shiny Fraxure
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Adamant | Gender: | Ability: Rivalry
IV's: 28/31/30/14/31/31
Level 40 | UT
Caught: Premier Ball



Shiny Axew
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Jolly | Gender: | Ability: Mold Breaker
IV's: 30/31/30/21/23/31
Level 31 | UT
Caught: Luxury Ball



Shiny Deino
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Modest | Gender: | Ability: Hustle
IV's: 27/31/31/30/22/31 | HP Ground 70
Level 40 | UT
Caught: Dusk Ball



Shiny Maractus
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Adamant | Gender: | Ability: Water Absorb
IV's: 25/31/31/20/30/31
Level 20 | UT
Caught: Dusk Ball



Shiny Durant
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Jolly | Gender: | Ability: Hustle
IV's: 28/31/30/26/29/31
Level 38 | UT
Caught: Premier Ball



Shiny Tynamo
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Careful | Gender: | Ability: Levitate
IV's: 31/31/23/25/31/31
Level 27 | UT
Caught: Nest Ball



Shiny Drilbur
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Naughty | Gender: | Ability: Sand Rush
IV's: 31/31/31/10/31/31
Level 1 | UT
Moveset: Skull Bash | Submission | Crush Claw | Iron Defence



Shiny Blitzle
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Hasty | Gender: | Ability: Lightningrod
IV's: 24/31/26/20/31/31 | HP Grass 59
Level 9 | UT
Caught: Dive Ball



Shiny Blitzle
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Naive | Gender: | Ability: Lightningrod
IV's: 31/31/31/30/6/31 | HP Ground 70
Level 1 | UT
Moveset: Double-Edge | Double Kick | Me First | Screech



Shiny Yamask
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Sassy | Gender: | Ability: Mummy
IV's: 15/29/30/30/30/4 | HP Fighting 63
Level 22 | UT
Caught: Premier Ball



Shiny Burmy
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Impish | Gender: | Ability: Overcoat (DW)
IV's: 31/31/31/30/30/31 | HP Ground 70
Level 1 | UT



Shiny Sandile
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Adamant | Gender: | Ability: Moxie
IV's: 30/31/29/9/24/31
Level 22 | UT
Caught: Repeat Ball



Shiny Litwick
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Timid | Gender: | Ability: Flash Fire
IV's: 31/29/26/30/14/30 | HP Fighting 68
Level 27 | UT
Caught: Luxury Ball



Shiny Cubchoo
OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Adamant | Gender: | Ability: Snow Cloak
IV's: 28/31/29/14/30/31
Level 30 | UT
Caught: Dive Ball



OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Brave | Gender: | Ability: Swarm
Level 1 | UT
Moveset: Megahorn | Bug Bite | Pursuit | Screech



OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Hardy | Gender: | Ability: Frisk
IV's: 31/30/30/30/30/30 | HP Fighting 70
Level 22 | UT
Caught: Master Ball



OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Naughty | Gender: | Ability: Super Luck
IV's: 30/31/31/30/31/31 | HP Grass 70
Level 9 | UT
Caught: Master Ball



OT: Reuban | ID: 56139
Nature: Modest | Gender: | Ability: Hustle
IV's: 30/29/30/31/30/30 | HP Rock 68
Level 20 | UT
Caught: PokeBall

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Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Would you take a level 1 Totodile with the moves Hydro Pump, Ancient Power, Aqua Jet and Crunch?

Or a level 1 Charmander with Crunch, Brick Break and Focus Punch?

I also have a level 1 Phione that knows Dive and Icebeam.
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Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

How about a shiny Gible/Charmander? or a Suicune?
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

How about a shiny Glaceon for it? Since I can't poketransfer yet can I trade it to you in GEN IV and you trade me the Fraxure in GEN V? (If you accept my trade of course)
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Would you take a level 1 Totodile with the moves Hydro Pump, Ancient Power, Aqua Jet and Crunch?

Or a level 1 Charmander with Crunch, Brick Break and Focus Punch?

I also have a level 1 Phione that knows Dive and Icebeam.

If you could get me an Adamant Male Totodile (with those moves), I'd be willing to trade for that. If not just a Male Totodile will be fine.

How about a shiny Gible/Charmander? or a Suicune?

What's the nature of the Suicune?

How about a shiny Glaceon for it? Since I can't poketransfer yet can I trade it to you in GEN IV and you trade me the Fraxure in GEN V? (If you accept my trade of course)

I don't need one, sorry.
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

I can offer a Cyndaquil with BLAST BURN!
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

I can give you a shiny female Timid DW Eevee (31/16/31/31/31/31) or a [not shiny] Jolly Snivy with Glare (30/31/28/20/31/31).
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Can I get one for a Charizard? Hes my main pokemon and is great! Plz accept! :)
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

No, sorry.

I can offer a Cyndaquil with BLAST BURN!

"Fair and interesting". I could just take my own Cyndauil to the move tutor's to teach that--besides, it's a useless move anyway.

I can give you a shiny female Timid DW Eevee (31/16/31/31/31/31) or a [not shiny] Jolly Snivy with Glare (30/31/28/20/31/31).

I already have my own 31/x/31/31/31/31 shiny DW Eevee that I RNG'd, so I don't need the Eevee. What gender is the Snivy?

Can I get one for a Charizard? Hes my main pokemon and is great! Plz accept! :)

Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

would you trade for an egg move zorua with captivate,snatch,sucker punch or zorua with foul play,taunt,torment
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

No, sorry.

"Fair and interesting". I could just take my own Cyndauil to the move tutor's to teach that--besides, it's a useless move anyway.

I already have my own 31/x/31/31/31/31 shiny DW Eevee that I RNG'd, so I don't need the Eevee. What gender is the Snivy?


:( So how about a PKTOPIA Electivire?
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Hmm. I'll think about it.

With it being Male and only knowing the egg move Glare, that means if I use it as a parent the babies will only know Glare--Snivy is in the ground type egg group, so it's possible for me to get four egg moves onto the babies with a different Male parent (Smeargle).

(I just thought I'd explain my thinking process.)

:( So how about a PKTOPIA Electivire?

I don't collect events, sorry.
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Hmm. I'll think about it.

With it being Male and only knowing the egg move Glare, that means if I use it as a parent the babies will only know Glare--Snivy is in the ground type egg group, so it's possible for me to get four egg moves onto the babies with a different Male parent (Smeargle).

(I just thought I'd explain my thinking process.)

Fair enough. I was Masuda'ing for a shiny and I wanted that specific moveset, so I didn't bother trying to get any other egg moves because I didn't really need them.
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Hmm. I'll think about it.

With it being Male and only knowing the egg move Glare, that means if I use it as a parent the babies will only know Glare--Snivy is in the ground type egg group, so it's possible for me to get four egg moves onto the babies with a different Male parent (Smeargle).

(I just thought I'd explain my thinking process.)

I don't collect events, sorry.

Then I dont know what to offer... I collect Events, so if we could trade an Event, that would be great. If not, I will try to find something...
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

I'm quite certain that I have an Adamant nature, but I'll double check and get back to you on that. :)
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Fair enough. I was Masuda'ing for a shiny and I wanted that specific moveset, so I didn't bother trying to get any other egg moves because I didn't really need them.

I'm just an egg-move fanatic, that's all.

Then I dont know what to offer... I collect Events, so if we could trade an Event, that would be great. If not, I will try to find something...

I don't collect events, so I'm not going to accept one, sorry.

I'm quite certain that I have an Adamant nature, but I'll double check and get back to you on that. :)

Alright, just let me know, when you know. xP
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

I have a shiny drapion I could trade for it or zorua that know swords dance
Re: Offering: Shiny Adamant Fraxure

Not really interested in a shiny Drapion as I have a shiny Skorupi.

And Zorua learns Swords Dance via TM... so... I don't really know why you've offered that :s
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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