Title says it all. I'm only offering 100% legitimate Pokémon, and I expect anything offered to be legit as well.
Charmander/Flare - 4
Gender - ♀
Level - 1
Nature - Brave
Ability - Blaze
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP - Bug/38
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Scratch/Growl
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade from Xiera/hatched by OT
OT - Loki
Squirtle/SQUIRTLE - 7
Gender - ♀
Level - 1
Nature - Bold
Ability - Torrent
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP - Electric/62
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Tackle
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/hatched by OT
Mankey/Mankey - 56
Gender - ♂
Level - 1
Nature - Jolly
Ability - Defiant (DW)
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - 31/31/31/31/21/23
EVs - none
HP - Dark/49
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Focus Punch/Close Combat/Encore/Foresight
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/hatched by OT
OT - Reuban
Machop/ワンリキー - 66
Gender - ♂
Level - 28
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Guts
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - Flawless
EVs - none
HP - Dark/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Low Sweep/Foresight/Seismic Toss/Revenge
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/hatched(and most likely RNGed) by OT
OT - まっつん
Seel/Seel - 86
Gender - ♂
Level - 50
Nature - Calm
Ability - Hydration
Poké Ball - Premier Ball
Notable IVs - 31/19/31/30/31/31
EVs - none
HP - Electric/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Take Down/Dive/Aqua Tail/Ice Beam
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/RNGed by OT
OT - Reuban
Dratini/DRATINI - 147
Gender - ♀
Level - 1
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Shed Skin
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - Flawless
EVs - none
HP - Dark/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Leer/ExtremeSpeed/Dragon Dance/Thunder Wave
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/RNGed/hatched by OT
OT – Brad
Crobat/Crobat - 169
Gender - ♂
Level - 54
Nature - Hasty
Ability - Inner Focus
Poké Ball - Ultra Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - 7/18/5/12/9/38
HP - Ice/30
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Air Cutter/Venoshock/Acrobatics/Poison Fang
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/RE by OT
Steelix/Steelix - 208
Gender - ♂
Level - 62
Nature - Calm
Ability - Sturdy
Poké Ball - Ultra Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - 14/21/24/2/2/42
HP - Ghost/30
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Crunch/Thunder Fang/Iron Tail/Earthquake
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/RE by OT
OT - Ash
Manectric/Manectric - 310
Gender - ♀
Level - 26
Nature - Hasty
Ability - Static
Poké Ball - Quick Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - 24/5/0/2/0/2
HP - Bug/57
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Quick Attack/Thunder Wave/Charge Beam/Thunderbolt
Touched/untouched - touched
Chained myself
OT - Tim
Armaldo/Armaldo - 348
Gender - ♀
Level - 40
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Battle Armor
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - 31/20/16/11/10/3
EVs - none
HP - Bug/66
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Protect/Metal Claw/AncientPower/Water Gun
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/hatched by OT
OT - Toast♪
Beldum/BELDUM - 374
Gender - N/A
Level - 1
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Clear Body
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - Flawless
EVs - none
HP - Dark/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Take Down
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/RNGed/hatched by OT
OT - Jake
Drifblim/Drifblim - 426
Gender - ♀
Level - 28
Nature - Careful
Ability - Unburden
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP - Grass/37
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Payback/Minimize/Hex/Gust
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/hatched by OT
Krookodile/Krookodile - 553
Gender - ♂
Level - 40
Nature - Calm
Ability - Moxie
Poké Ball - Great Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs – 12/51/26/5/10/18
HP – Water/60
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Dig/Sand Tomb/Scary Face/Foul Play
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/RE by OT
Axew/Axew - 610
Gender - ♂
Level - 1
Nature - Brave
Ability - Mold Breaker
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP – Bug/35
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Scratch/False Swipe/Dragon Claw
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/hatched by OT
OT - Rekka
Can also check IVs, EVs, SID and offer a Wi-Fi Victini, Snarl/Extrasensory/Dark Pulse+Night Daze Zoruas and Heat Wave Litwicks. Will add more soon.
Charmander/Flare - 4
Gender - ♀
Level - 1
Nature - Brave
Ability - Blaze
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP - Bug/38
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Scratch/Growl
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade from Xiera/hatched by OT
OT - Loki
Squirtle/SQUIRTLE - 7
Gender - ♀
Level - 1
Nature - Bold
Ability - Torrent
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP - Electric/62
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Tackle
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/hatched by OT
Mankey/Mankey - 56
Gender - ♂
Level - 1
Nature - Jolly
Ability - Defiant (DW)
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - 31/31/31/31/21/23
EVs - none
HP - Dark/49
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Focus Punch/Close Combat/Encore/Foresight
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/hatched by OT
OT - Reuban
Machop/ワンリキー - 66
Gender - ♂
Level - 28
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Guts
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - Flawless
EVs - none
HP - Dark/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Low Sweep/Foresight/Seismic Toss/Revenge
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/hatched(and most likely RNGed) by OT
OT - まっつん
Seel/Seel - 86
Gender - ♂
Level - 50
Nature - Calm
Ability - Hydration
Poké Ball - Premier Ball
Notable IVs - 31/19/31/30/31/31
EVs - none
HP - Electric/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Take Down/Dive/Aqua Tail/Ice Beam
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/RNGed by OT
OT - Reuban
Dratini/DRATINI - 147
Gender - ♀
Level - 1
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Shed Skin
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - Flawless
EVs - none
HP - Dark/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Leer/ExtremeSpeed/Dragon Dance/Thunder Wave
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/RNGed/hatched by OT
OT – Brad
Crobat/Crobat - 169
Gender - ♂
Level - 54
Nature - Hasty
Ability - Inner Focus
Poké Ball - Ultra Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - 7/18/5/12/9/38
HP - Ice/30
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Air Cutter/Venoshock/Acrobatics/Poison Fang
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/RE by OT
Steelix/Steelix - 208
Gender - ♂
Level - 62
Nature - Calm
Ability - Sturdy
Poké Ball - Ultra Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - 14/21/24/2/2/42
HP - Ghost/30
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Crunch/Thunder Fang/Iron Tail/Earthquake
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/RE by OT
OT - Ash
Manectric/Manectric - 310
Gender - ♀
Level - 26
Nature - Hasty
Ability - Static
Poké Ball - Quick Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - 24/5/0/2/0/2
HP - Bug/57
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Quick Attack/Thunder Wave/Charge Beam/Thunderbolt
Touched/untouched - touched
Chained myself
OT - Tim
Armaldo/Armaldo - 348
Gender - ♀
Level - 40
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Battle Armor
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - 31/20/16/11/10/3
EVs - none
HP - Bug/66
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Protect/Metal Claw/AncientPower/Water Gun
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/hatched by OT
OT - Toast♪
Beldum/BELDUM - 374
Gender - N/A
Level - 1
Nature - Adamant
Ability - Clear Body
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - Flawless
EVs - none
HP - Dark/70
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Take Down
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/RNGed/hatched by OT
OT - Jake
Drifblim/Drifblim - 426
Gender - ♀
Level - 28
Nature - Careful
Ability - Unburden
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP - Grass/37
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Payback/Minimize/Hex/Gust
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/hatched by OT
Krookodile/Krookodile - 553
Gender - ♂
Level - 40
Nature - Calm
Ability - Moxie
Poké Ball - Great Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs – 12/51/26/5/10/18
HP – Water/60
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Dig/Sand Tomb/Scary Face/Foul Play
Touched/untouched - touched
Received in trade/RE by OT
Axew/Axew - 610
Gender - ♂
Level - 1
Nature - Brave
Ability - Mold Breaker
Poké Ball - Poké Ball
Notable IVs - none
EVs - none
HP – Bug/35
Pokérus - no
Movepool - Scratch/False Swipe/Dragon Claw
Touched/untouched - UT
Received in trade/hatched by OT
OT - Rekka
Can also check IVs, EVs, SID and offer a Wi-Fi Victini, Snarl/Extrasensory/Dark Pulse+Night Daze Zoruas and Heat Wave Litwicks. Will add more soon.
A flawless IV Ditto
Flawless IV Pokés
Any interesting shiny
Feel free to make me a reasonable offer of any kind.
Flawless IV Pokés
Any interesting shiny
Feel free to make me a reasonable offer of any kind.
Pokémon/Pokémon - name of species/name of individual
Gender –
Level –
Nature –
Ability –
Poké Ball –
Notable IVs – Individual Values - only notable IVs mentioned are 30 or 31. Will post full IVs if requested
IV/EV format - HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Spd ex. 30/15/30/31/31/31
EVs – Effort Values
HP – Hidden Power and power level
Pokérus –
Movepool – Egg/DW moves in bold
Touched/untouched –
Method of obtainment - RE - Random Encounter
OT - Original Trainer
If the EVs of a particular Pokémon are a deal-breaker, I can clear them.
*Used Pokécheck for individual stats/info and gifs.
Gender –
Level –
Nature –
Ability –
Poké Ball –
Notable IVs – Individual Values - only notable IVs mentioned are 30 or 31. Will post full IVs if requested
IV/EV format - HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Spd ex. 30/15/30/31/31/31
EVs – Effort Values
HP – Hidden Power and power level
Pokérus –
Movepool – Egg/DW moves in bold
Touched/untouched –
Method of obtainment - RE - Random Encounter
OT - Original Trainer
If the EVs of a particular Pokémon are a deal-breaker, I can clear them.
*Used Pokécheck for individual stats/info and gifs.
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