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Official BMG Picture Thread

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The Veteran
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
BMG Picture Thread

Well, I thought i'd show a pic of me, so people knew me other than by a name. Hope other people post there's, cause i'm not much to look at. {note} Please copy the address into your browser, cause god doesn't love the internet. :p

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You have....

a moustache


K never mind its ok, I'm just not used to it coz in Singapore you aren't allowed to havea moustache in school until you're what, 18...
I look young, yes. People have said I look 15. I'm 19 as of the 25th, so hehe, ty. ^^
It's a couple years old but I haven't really changed...except my hair is usually shorter than that...

Wasn't there a thread like this a while back? I might be remembering it wrong...

Well, here I am. An old picture from my college days. This was taken right in the middle of my percussion ensemble's concert, which explains why I look so weird... but it's worth it all to see my nice timpani again... ;_;
Moustache... o_o God no. Get rid of it. It does not look good. They never do. Unless you're in some American state where they have a sort of 80's time war- =O

=o There's nothing wrong with having a mustache, not like it's huge, or uncommon. :p You're the first person to say that, everyone else says it's cool.;-) Tbh, my g/f says I should get rid of it, then i'd be super hot. Now, i'm just hot. :XD2:

Btw, "you have the cutest little hands." :p
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You DON'T want to see my pic, even though I have one now.

... ... ... ... ... ...

You do? Are you sure?

... ... ...

Fine, but once you see it, you must promise me that you'll still talk to me.

My face is really red in that pic for some reason. And I'm leaning against the wall.

- Trip
Way to play those drums, Rev! Btw, ya owe me a private message ^_~. I sent ya one a while back and I never got a reply. Either way, I'll make this the official BMG pic topic! So says Ledian_X! And here's my pic:

I'm on the left. It's a pic of me at my brother's wedding. The lady's one of the brides' maids.

So yeah, that's me circa August 24th, 2002
*sweatdrop* See there, L_X? i'm getting old and forgetful. thought I answered that already. :sweatlol: *makes note to send PM during the dead minute at work this evening*

LOL, Ketz! You're right--I do look like Anthy! It's those blasted glasses of mine; they are JUST like hers. I don't think anyone can pull swords out of me yet, though... o_O;;

Everyone's so cute! (And you all look like people I know IRL, lol) Keep the pics coming!
You guys look so much cooler than me. I'm just a lame pretty boy.:XD2:

Seriously, you people look good. Not like you have antlers growing from your head. :p~ Nice wedding pic L_X. Trip looks like he's in a mug shot for stealing socks. That expression, lol. ;x

Thanks for making it a sticky, and I hope you guys have fun posting pics. =D

I'm gonna take a funny pic one of these days. =/
Why do most of you have these specs with big lenses? @_@ Ooh la la...

I'm not saying its bad though, som eof you look really cool :D

I wouldn't post my picture here untli I get a GOOD one of it... I need a good one of it -_-
My old glasses were bigger than these, these are small. :p
Oh, what the...

Might as well post this. It's a bit over a year old or so, but I might as well put it up.

Since I have no recent photos...

The following is merely a pixel-pushed rendition of me, nothing more. ^_^ It was in my signature for a while, but I took it out, since a lot of people thought it was some character I worshipped or something. o_O
Originally posted by Damian Silverblade
Oh, what the...

Might as well post this. It's a bit over a year old or so, but I might as well put it up.

I Dont Need To Put This In A Quote, Do I [/B][/QUOTE]

Gosh. How long have you been growing your hair :eek:!

I tried growing my hair up till about 1/4 of the top part of my shoulder, but it's just far too bushy and fluffy. :\

I wonder what you looks like with your hair all down x_x Wow, generally most boys don't take half as good care of their hair as yours ^_^;

And I suppose I'm obliged to post a picture, aren't I? And don't you go saying "aw no! Ah didn't expect yoo to be a girl!!11 this only proves the fact that..."

Don't smack me if the size happens to be too big. I can't help it! It's on my eldest bro's webspace. It's HIS pic with HIS cam (he didn't want to take a nice one of me, oh nooo... -_- )
EDIT: *Slaps face many times* I"M SO STUPID!! I wrote all this nonsense and didnt even give a link.
[size=6][url=http://www.stanford.edu/~sidat/pics/IMG_0082.JPG]Here You Go[/url][/size]

This was at my brother's girlfriend's house, they were getting engaged ^^
From left to right:

My bro's gf. She's 25, and she's a teacher. She's really pretty, really. [There are some other pics of her in the only 3 other pics at my brothers pic folder: [url]http://www.stanford.edu/~sidat/pics/[/url] .] She's a small eater and most extremely polite. She's rather short, though... I'm taller than her even with her wearing heels... but shes really nice ^^

My brother himself. 25, too. He's the eldest and he's this spanking clever person who loves bossing people around but not that bad, really. He can be incredibly funny... sometimes. He looks like he's grimacing. Eh... he isn't, really, but I dunno whats up with the pic.

My bro's gf's sister. She's just like my bro's gf, but she's not that short for her age, and... yeah. She's pretty good looking too. I dont know much about her, though. She's really shy. She's my age, 14. She goes to a different school, but she's really relaxed and stuff. While I have to cram, cram, cram..

And me! OMG! I'm HALF A PERSON!... Fugly, ain't I? I'm not as dark as that, though, the light just wanst too good. My bro's gf's sister doesn't look that dark eitehr.
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Michael, your girlfriend appreciates style. I bet she likes skinny guys with small shoulders. ^^;

Kets, cute cat. @.@ Looks like a useless lump of fluff. Nice.

Damian, that's scary. ^_^ You should push your hair over the top of your head and gel it into a quiff. Really.

Didesy has a bloody good nose. As good as Kurai's. o_O;; *Needs to get picture of self*
Oh really? ^^ Thanks! Eh, I'm satisfied with it, though its really fun to squeeze.

Raelly. ^^

Unfortunately, it's been attacked by the Nasty Things Called Prickly Heats. I don't have any pimpes but my nose has al ot of small prickly heats. THey arenot too bad recently. ^^

I wonder what Kurai's nose looks like..
Small and round, if I remember correctly from the picture she showed me of her. ^^

What are prickly heats? oO *Refrains from squeezing Didesy's nose*

Meh. A picture of me where I need to sweep my hair over so I don't look like all stupid and stuff. ^_^ Took like... 5 minutes ago. And I normally look better. Oh yes.
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