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Official Spider-Man 3 Villain Thread

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Jan 4, 2003
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This is very intriguing, but I don't know how well to trust this. According to the IESB, Harry Osborn's role has been revealed. That role?
Harry Osborn is Spider-Man's ALLY against his two foes. He's forced to decide between Peter and his father's legacy.
This follows, fairly closely, the conflict that Harry dealt with in the comics, even up to the issue he died.

IESB Article

Thoughts? Opinions? Speculation?
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He knew what Peter did in the first one, but he was forced to because innocents would've died. Besides, he didn't kill Norman. Norman killed himself. Peter just avoided it due to his Spider Sense.
I'll be thrilled if that turns out to be true. I've never read the comics, but I liked the films a lot and Harry really grew on me. I had a sinking feeling at the end of the last one, thinking he'd go the cliched route and turn evil. If he becomes an ally instead, it'll be good to know.
But Harry doesn't know about the spider-sense. Even in the comics, few are aware of that ability. And even if they were, it might seem that he knew it was coming and did nothing to save Norman. It's that ambiguity that drove Harry insane in the comics.
Liking the idea of Spidey working alongside someone rather than on his own. It was a dynamic used much loads in the cartoon and comics so it makes sense to translate it to the movies at some point.

Plus THREE enemies to take care of in one movie? I was always skeptical over how they planned to pull that one off.
I like the idea of a Spidy ally for this movie, especially with two enemies. However I would've loved to have seen Black Cat that having Harry, but oh well maybe later on in the movies.
Doctor Oak said:
Liking the idea of Spidey working alongside someone rather than on his own. It was a dynamic used much loads in the cartoon and comics so it makes sense to translate it to the movies at some point.

Plus THREE enemies to take care of in one movie? I was always skeptical over how they planned to pull that one off.

Well, we know two of them are new, and the third is still a rumor (there's been talk of "2 and (1/2) villains"). But it gives you an idea if they ever decide to do the Sinister Six. If this is handled well, six villains won't seem so bad.
I decided to just make this the Spider-Man 3 villain thread. Just...for the hell of it, and because it seems like information (for now) is only coming out in small bits.

The latest bit? Apparently Sandman is the main villain of the film, and Topher Grace's character (all but officially confirmed as Venom) doesn't pop up until the end. So...is this a setup for Spider-Man 4? Or is Venom just getting the shaft? AND...how does Harry Osborn play into this whole thing?

Link to scan of interview with Thomas Haden Church.
I can't picture Sandman as a main villain of a movie. I know the director has a hard-on for him, but let's face it - he's a moronic small-time crook with some super powers he often screws up using.

It'd be like making Toyman the main villain of a Superman movie.
Sandman's one of the deeper Spider-Man characters, actually. There have been numerous issues where Sandman's wrestled with his own morality, and c'mon...he was an AVENGER. Granted, they DO seem to be making him more developed than he was in the comics, but they did it with Dr. Octopus. And, besides, how much can they focus on him with Venom, Harry's development, the introduction of the Stacy's, and the furthering of the relationship between Mary Jane and Peter?

EDIT: Oh, and I'd give ANYTHING to see a villain OTHER than Lex in ANY Superman show or movie. It's starting to piss me off.
EDIT: Oh, and I'd give ANYTHING to see a villain OTHER than Lex in ANY Superman show or movie. It's starting to piss me off.

The thing is, Superman's rouge's gallery REALLY, REALLY sucks. He's got Brainiac and Luthor. Maybe Parasite, too. Darkseid's usually out of his league.

His other villains - Toyman? Prankster? Mxy? Mentally challenged Superman? (Bizarro).

They don't really have a lot to work with. Superman's problably the most famous superhero with the world's crappiest rogue's gallery.
Actually, Bizarro, Metallo (or whatever he's called), and Darkseid could provide interesting foils for Superman and would go against the typical Lex Luthor. And Mxyzptlk is a truly great villain (although not movie worthy), But you are right, Superman is SERIOUSLY lacking a rogue's gallery (and you forgot the seminal General Zod).

And there's always Doomsday. Who needs character development when he can kill the hero?
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