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old advance pic


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
Reaction score
I made this when there was an ulternate univerce rumor.
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Perhaps it's just me.. but I can't seem to see the image ^_^

You might want to recheck the URL you used to link to it. Or perhaps MSN Groups doesn't allow direct linking to an image?


I dont get it. it worked on pkmn uk why doesnt it work here?
Hmm... Images hosted on places like MSN Groups and Yahoo Groups are really.. blah. o_o You might want to try places like www.boomspeed.com, www.strike9.com, or www.geocities.com (although from GeoCities, you'll have to post hyperlinks to your images instead of using IMG tags).

This topic will be locked if there still isn't a picture in here by tomorrow afternoon in my timezone (in ~24 hours). ^_^;
ok then

I'll try and find a site but I cant seem to join those ones (apart from geocities) any others?
you can upload pictures on the forums as well. it's a much easier way. Use attach file in the reply form, beneath were you put text, to upload a file and it will all be done.

And yes, groups like MSN or Yahoo suck hen it comes to linking pictures.
Ah yes, file attachments. o_o I'd forgotten about those (I am an idiot).

So anyways... I've changed my mind on the locking of this topic; it won't be locked, unless it keeps getting more posts without any art being posted. It's also motivating me to create a FAQ, which I'll probably have up within a few days.
I dunno

I will get the pic soon. but are there any other sites?
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