I have filled my National Pokedex by collecting one of every Pokemon. Now I'm collecting quality pokes, but my boxes are all full. It's getting to be crazy, so I need to either release some pokes or give them to you fine folks. So here's the deal:
I'm looking to clean out some pokes. I've got one of each, and I'm willing to giveaway nearly all of them. Legendaries/events are off-limits, but everything else is yours if you want it.
What's Gone/Reserved:
What's Left:
Most everything else!
If you want more than one, that's fine. The more you take, the better.
I only want super common pokemon, so I don't have to think twice about releasing them. Zubats, Rattata, Lillipups, Patrats. Anything super common. Easy Breezy.
If you want to know a pokes nature, gender, or moves.. That shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Reply here with what you want. Please take as many as you'd like, as I don't wanna make a million trades
I'm looking to clean out some pokes. I've got one of each, and I'm willing to giveaway nearly all of them. Legendaries/events are off-limits, but everything else is yours if you want it.
What's Gone/Reserved:
Vileplume - Holidaymodio
Machoke - Holidaymodio
Klang - ElekidDude
Zweilous - ElekidDude
Hydreigon - ElekidDude
Gardevoir - gatherlikestorms
Grumpig - gatherlikestorms
Rhyperior - gatherlikestorms
Shiftry - gatherlikestorms
Politoed - gatherlikestorms
Venomoth - gatherlikestorms
Espeon - gatherlikestorms
Swoobat - Kommander
Seismitoad - Kommander
Leavanny - Kommander
Whimsicott - Kommander
Krookodile - Kommander
Scrafty - Kommander
Confagrigus - Kommander
Zorua - Kommander
Gothitelle - Kommander
Reuniclus - Kommander
Swanna - Kommander
Sawsbuck - Kommander
Jellicent - Kommander
Klinklang - Kommander
Chandelure - Kommander
Beartic - Kommander
Cryogonal - Kommander
Golurk - Kommander
Steelix - Croag
Sudowoodo - Croag
Electrivire - Croag
Blissey - Croag
Surskit - Croag
Persian - Croag
Shroomish - Croag
Houndour - Jaylan
Bagon - Jaylan
Scyther - Jaylan
Electrike - Jaylan
Togekiss - Kaguya
Donphan - Kaguya
Mr. Mime - Gagmonster
Meowth - Gagmonster
Makuhita - Gagamonster
Slowpoke - Gagamonster
Gulpin - Gagamonster
Whismur - Gagamonster
Vespiquen - Gagamonster
Meowth - StoneKold
Sawk - StoneKold
Shelgon - StoneKold
Slowking - StoneKold
Aggron - StoneKold
Mankey - StoneKold
Wartortle - StoneKold
Chansey - StoneKold
Spearow - StoneKold
Voltorb - StoneKold
Gastly - StoneKold
Torchic - ZiggyZag
Totodile - ZaiggyZag
Ditto - ZiggyZag
Tepig - ZiggyZag
Shellos - Starman125
Golett - Silverwynde
Vileplume - Holidaymodio
Machoke - Holidaymodio
Klang - ElekidDude
Zweilous - ElekidDude
Hydreigon - ElekidDude
Gardevoir - gatherlikestorms
Grumpig - gatherlikestorms
Rhyperior - gatherlikestorms
Shiftry - gatherlikestorms
Politoed - gatherlikestorms
Venomoth - gatherlikestorms
Espeon - gatherlikestorms
Swoobat - Kommander
Seismitoad - Kommander
Leavanny - Kommander
Whimsicott - Kommander
Krookodile - Kommander
Scrafty - Kommander
Confagrigus - Kommander
Zorua - Kommander
Gothitelle - Kommander
Reuniclus - Kommander
Swanna - Kommander
Sawsbuck - Kommander
Jellicent - Kommander
Klinklang - Kommander
Chandelure - Kommander
Beartic - Kommander
Cryogonal - Kommander
Golurk - Kommander
Steelix - Croag
Sudowoodo - Croag
Electrivire - Croag
Blissey - Croag
Surskit - Croag
Persian - Croag
Shroomish - Croag
Houndour - Jaylan
Bagon - Jaylan
Scyther - Jaylan
Electrike - Jaylan
Togekiss - Kaguya
Donphan - Kaguya
Mr. Mime - Gagmonster
Meowth - Gagmonster
Makuhita - Gagamonster
Slowpoke - Gagamonster
Gulpin - Gagamonster
Whismur - Gagamonster
Vespiquen - Gagamonster
Meowth - StoneKold
Sawk - StoneKold
Shelgon - StoneKold
Slowking - StoneKold
Aggron - StoneKold
Mankey - StoneKold
Wartortle - StoneKold
Chansey - StoneKold
Spearow - StoneKold
Voltorb - StoneKold
Gastly - StoneKold
Torchic - ZiggyZag
Totodile - ZaiggyZag
Ditto - ZiggyZag
Tepig - ZiggyZag
Shellos - Starman125
Golett - Silverwynde
What's Left:
Most everything else!
If you want more than one, that's fine. The more you take, the better.
I only want super common pokemon, so I don't have to think twice about releasing them. Zubats, Rattata, Lillipups, Patrats. Anything super common. Easy Breezy.
If you want to know a pokes nature, gender, or moves.. That shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Reply here with what you want. Please take as many as you'd like, as I don't wanna make a million trades
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