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Out of all, which is your most favorite?

What way of Pokemon do you like most?

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John Understands

Somalian Anarchy Leader!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
There are sevearal way to market Pokemon. The games, the anime, the manga, the TCG, and other things.

As a Pokemon fan, let me ask all of you this question.

Out of all the Pokemon things, which do you like most?

I prefer the games, because you do what you want.

EDIT: Oh, and before you say "Everyone's choosing games", I know that.
I've never been interested in the manga, I grew tired of the anime (characters I love in the games seem so annoying once given voice actors - eg: Barry) and the TCG is kinda nerdy!

So, I like the games best. They're the only aspect of the franchise I enjoy now.
The games are my favourite, because I find them easiest to immerse myself in.
The games.

I do read Pokéspecial occasionally, but only after I played the games. I never really got into the anime or TCG, so... the games.
You know, the games are very much the best one I can relate to, because this is the closest I can get to interactivity with Pokemon. However, both the anime and manga has some merits that I like. The TCG is a fascinating game whose longevity surprised me. One other thing I like about Pokemon are the commercials, because they can be entertaining (but not as entertaining as Mario commercials).

Thanks for reading.
The games, definitely, and this includes most of the spin-offs as well as the main RPGs. Every series of the Anime has had its own share of problems to prevent me from enjoying them to the fullest, I've never read any of the Manga and I'm put off by the sheer amount of comics I'd have to get through to even consider it, and while I can appreciate the TGC, it progresses too fast for me to keep up. There seems to be a new card expansion every month, and I don't have the money to buy the many cards required to become a good player.
While the games are my favorite, I find all the options enjoyable at times.
None of them. It's actually the Pokemon universe that I like the most. Though the anime is what got me into Pokemon.
The games of course. I haven't read the mangas yet nor have I played the TCG that much. The anime was never good to begin with thanks to "WTF Pokemon," but it does have its strong moments (Ex: Dawn's performance).
The games by far. I love the manga, but it has nothing on the main series games. I lost interest in the anime a long time ago, I've never cared much for TCG.
The games, obviously. I picked the anime only because I grew up with it, not to mention I even sometimes watch it when I turn on the TV and surf the channel and there's nothing else to watch... but anyways.

I enjoyed reading the manga, but after they started delaying the release of takubons(a.k.a, in comic books) I stopped being interested in it.
I never had the cards.

So yeah, the games.
Games. Actually playing something is just so much more fun than just watching it or reading about it, and I've never actually played the TCG so I can't really include that.
I liked the manga and games the best. The anime stared really bugging me recently, and the Pokemon cards are just cute to me. :/
The cards, games, but by far...the merchandise.

You can't get anything better than having a plush of a Pokemon, a spork with Pikachu on it, postcards...it's just awesome :D
The games are the dominating and main part of what makes Pokemon so amazing to me. I also like the anime as well from episode 1 to now.

As for the TCG I only got into them when I was younger, when the craze of Pokemon Cards enveloped the UK XD. When the craze ended I ended my collection.

I did have the first 4 volumes of Pokemon adventures Manga when I was younger as well, but never pursued them any further.
I have to say the games and the anime. I love playing the games, always have! and I always try to watch the anime. The only time I've never watched the anime for a long period of time was when the Advanced Generation series was airing and I was at a point where I didn't have a tv to watch it on. Lately the only time I don't watch is if I sleep too late but I watch it later online.

I collected the cards for years, I don't buy them anymore though, I never played it because I never learned how.

I have never been interested in manga Pokemon or any other kind for some reason, so I've never had anything to do with it.

I do have a ton of toys and such from when I was little. I don't really buy stuff like that anymore either.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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