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Outrageous Animal Facts

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Dark Espeon

Mage des Dark Arts
Aug 30, 2005
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Be amazed :-D :

-Fleas can jump 200 time stheir own size. That = a human jumping over the Empire State Building in one leap.

-Lion's mating lasts 6...seconds o_O.

-One in every four million lobsters is blue.

-Frogs can't vomit.

-If beavers didn't chew trees, their teeth would grow out of their jaws (Aka: a beaver's teeth never stop growing, hence they chew treees).

-Hard clams can change their sex once in a lifetime (i.e. if they were born female they can change to male but will never be able to change sex again). o_O

-Male pigs' orgasm last 15 minutes. o_O

-Elephants can't jump (too heavy).

-Koalas never drink water. They eat eucalyptus leaves, which are 50% water.

-Starfish don't have brain.

-Male emperor moths can sniff a female 5 miles away (pheromones).

-Penguins spend twice as much energy in walking than any other animal (too clumsy on land).

-Cockroaches can live up to nine days without its head. After nine days, it will die because it needs its head to eat ^_^;

-Fitzroy river turtles can breath through their rectum/anus (aka asshole).

-Wolves' howls don't echo.

-Paradoxical frog's tadpoles are bigger than its parents (aka the tadpole of this specie of frog is bigger than its parents).

-A hummingbird flaps its wings 100 times per second. It must eat twice its body weight of nectar every day in order to do this.

Ye may go ahead and freak out, or post more amazing facts, as long as they aren't common known ones i.e. cheetahs are the fastest animals on earth.

I wish I was a flea ;_;. *jumps 200 times its size* Wheeee! :-D

*transforms into cockroach* look Mom, no head! *uses a flowerpot as its head* :-D
A duck's quack doesn't echo either.

A Blue Jay's feathers are not blue. It is an optical illusion.

If you cut a worm in two, the ends will become self sufficient and thus giving you two worms.

Cicadas spend up to 16 years as nymphs.

A father seahorse gives birth, not the mother.

A giant squid's eye is about the size of a basketball.

Despite its small, docile apperance, The blue ringed octopus is one of the most poisonous creatures known to man.

Despite the rumor that they can only see black and white, Dogs can see shades of blue, green, and yellow, while cats view the world in pastels.

A Great White Shark rolls it's eyes back into it's head before it strikes.

A crocodile cannot stick out it's tounge.

A giraffe's tounge is black.

Termites in Africa have built nests up to 5 feet tall!

Lassie was male.

i have a ton more! XD animals are cool!
  • One way to tell the age of a fish is by looking at its scales. They have growth rings just like trees. These are called circuli. Clusters of them are called annuli. Each annuli show one year.
  • The fastest bird is the peregrine falcon. It can fly at a speed of 168-217 miles per hour.
  • Whether an alligator is a male or female is determined by the temperature of the nest where the egg is hatched – 90 to 93 degrees will make it a male; 82 to 86 degrees will turn it into a female.
  • Elephants purr like cats do, as a means of communication.
  • Starfish can have up to 16 arms!
  • The lung fish can live out of water for as long as four years!
  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
It is true that if you give a seagull alka-seltzer their stomach will explode.
A ducks quack does echo, the echo just sounds nearly identical to the original quack. Check out Mythbusters sometime dude.
Yep. They tested it out really well, using all this neat equipment and stuff.
Dark Espeon said:
-If beavers didn't chew trees, their teeth would grow out of their jaws (Aka: a beaver's teeth never stop growing, hence they chew treees).
LOL, I remember an episode of Angry Beavers that had something to do with that.
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