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Overpowered pokemon?


New Member
Apr 12, 2011
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This thread is about overpowered Pokemon, so just say what Pokemon seem overpowered to you and what makes them overpowered.
I'm gonna state the obvious and say Garchomp. If someone sets up a Sandstorm for it, it can then Swords Dance, then annihilate your whole team with Dragon Claw and Earthquake.
Like Subway Loser Dragoon said above me Ill have to say Garchomp.

It's got great speed and monster attack and is also pretty damn bulky then on top of that it's got a huge move pool that has great moves such as Earthquake,Outrage,Dragon Claw(All of these he gets a STAB on just to make it worst),Sword Dance,Stone Edge,Crunch,Fire Blast,Fire Fang and Brick Break. Then after that he has a great ability that makes him hard to hit in a Sandstorm (which is everywhere in OU) and his typing is insanely good too.
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Legendary Pokemon are obvious, right? Most of them anyway. D: Mewtwo and Darkrai are my two faves for overpowering goodness. Mewtwo just kills everything in his path with Choice Specs, while Darkrai can put all foes to sleep with Dark Void and Nasty Plot while they sleep! Nobody survives a +3 Dark Pulse from Darkrai. D<
You know what would be insanely overpowered? A Slaking that's been hacked so that its ability Truant gets replaced with Huge Power. It would be a beast. Same goes for Regigigas.
Lilligant + Quiver Dance + Petal Dance + Own Tempo = Beastliness.
Thank Arceus for Victini. That little thing has saved my butt from QuiverPetalDance Lilligant soooo many times.
My hasty Alakazam is a monster. Psychic, Focus Blast, Charge beam and Recover. Plus Syncronize, and you have one horrible enemy.

So yeah, Alakazam.
The Flame Orb Sigilyph Set.

Nature: Calm
Ability: Magic Guard
Item: Flame Orb
EVs put into HP, Def., and Sp. Def.
Moves: Cosmic Power, Roost, Psycho Shift, and Stored Power.

This thing just dominates every one (except Dark types, of course).
The Flame Orb Sigilyph Set.

Nature: Calm
Ability: Magic Guard
Item: Flame Orb
EVs put into HP, Def., and Sp. Def.
Moves: Cosmic Power, Roost, Psycho Shift, and Stored Power.

This thing just dominates every one (except Dark types, of course).

But a simple Taunt and your done for.
Of course, I will just state the obvious, because they are obvious!

Kyogre: An ability that makes its attacks more powerful or useful (Surf, Water Spout and Thunder) and has a huge Special Attack stat.
Mewtwo: Very powerful with very useful attacks. Special walls will hate Mewtwo's new weapon called Psystrike. Can also perform a support role when need be.
Darkrai: Very fast, has a great Sleep move (and an ability that rewards it), and can even power up with Nasty Plot!
Shaymin-S: Very fast, can inflict flinching often, Seed Flare is powerful and devastating, and Earth Power for coverage.
Deoxys-A: Very fast and powerful, and even can use that Speed to perform some supporting too.
Groudon: Ability makes it not weak to Water, very powerful Physically with great attacks.

For the not-so-obvious, then:

Blaziken: Speed Boost makes Blaziken faster and faster, and has power up moves for stronger attacks. Not to mention, if Baton Pass is on this Pokemon, Blaziken can get out of there when he's weak, so someone else can take over sweeping duties! Makes Azumarill very useful, though.
Moody Pokemon: By stalling the foe, lots of nice boosts can be accumulated, including Evasion! Even Bidoof can defeat Arceus because of this ability!
Blissey: If Minimise is allowed, Blissey will be even harder to take out. Even if you hit Blissey, if the attack isn't strong enough, Blissey can heal that damage!

Thanks for reading.
Prankster Whimsicott and Contrary Serperior, with those Leaf Storms....
Have to agree with thhe Contrary Serperior.... that ability is completly broken if you; ask me. Lilligant is also kinda broke because og QD SATk SDEF AND Speed Lilligant's already has a high SATK and Speed (100 and 90) then we gie her own tempo which prevents confusion ANd Petal Dance? pretty damnbroken
Kyogre, Deoxys, SkyShamin, and Arceus per the legendaries, and Wobbuffet and Smeargle per the non-legendaries. (DW Gothitelle and DW Chandelure also have an OP ability.)

Kyogre's ability makes itself and its team ridiculously deadly. DeoxysA has jilted stats and can outrun base 130 speed pokemon with a neutral speed nature. Shaymin is perhaps my favorite pokemon - I will admit though that flinching everything is obscene. (Its Seed flare is also tremendous.) Arceus has a giant movepool and giant stats.

Smeargle is the best breeding pokemon ever, and can do all sorts of things. Wobbuffet is simply a pain, and the other Shadow Tag pokemon will be too. (Shadow tag is the most OP ability there is, I think.)
I'm gonna have to say Spore/Leech Seed/Sub Breloom and Cosmic Power/Stored Power Sigilyph. I only see these things when I am unable to set up Taunt to break them and they end up sweeping my entire team.
Actually, it might surprise you, but Chansey can be even more OP than Blissey, thanks to Eviolite. Since Chansey and Blissey only need to have good Defensive and HP stats, this makes Chansey 10 times the tank Blissey ever will be. Let's just pray that they don't make Chansey and Blissey Fairy in X and Y.
Garchomp and the pseudo-legendaries. Kingdra too, that thing is a nightmare.
Hawlucha. When I was traveling my level 30 Braixen lost to a wild level 20 Hawlucha. I was just trying to earn exp. points to evolve Braixen (which as all of us know, just like "Snivy," Fennekin's evolution was a disappointment). I wanted an awesome fox pokemon similar to Ninetales, but cooler (sorry for getting off topic). Anyone else agrees??
Please note: The thread is from 11 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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