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Pack Prices

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Apr 14, 2011
Reaction score
Advanced warning: A rant topic;

So... I was in U.S.A the other day and bought a fair few packs, and then I got annoyed because I realised back in the U.K I wouldn't be able to buy cards as cheap and sell them and make a profit. Buying packs in the UK sucks.

UK Prices:
£3.99 For a Pack of 10 cards = 40 pence a card
$6.38 For a Pack = 64 cents a card

U.S Prices:

$3.79 For a pack of 10 cards = 38 Cents a card
£2.37 for a pack = 24 Pence for a card

That's almost half price, then english people get flamed for setting their card prices so high! Grrrr... What's wrong with TPCi? Why can't they just sell them for the same price in both the U.K and the U.S?

Does anybody have TPCis email address for me to rave to them about?

This actually annoys me so much, I'm still at school, I don't get much money. Also, this game is aimed at kids aswell, so if smaller children want a pack, what can they do if they already got their weekly beano (or whatever it is that small children like)?
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