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Picto-Chat: Your Experience

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Jul 18, 2006
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I've seen someone on it, and they picked up another DS, and they said the funniest stuff. The guy asked "Do you have a DS?", and he later asked where the guy lived, and he said he lived in Michigan, even though the DS clearly says it only goes 65 feet - and I live in a suburb of Niagara Falls - which borders with New York. The guy on Picto-Chat actually believed my friend, and started talking about how far away it was.

What has happened to you or someone you know on Picto-Chat?
I've never had the good fortune to use Picto-chat when anybody with a DS was within 65 feet of me.

I guess Picto-chat just isn't that popular in the mountains of North Carolina. :(
I've used it with my sister for stuff like Hide and Seek. :x
It's a walkie talkie with a screen.
Me and my girlfriends use it too talk about boys and stuff right in front of them, like LOL OMG!

Honestly, this is like those FriendChips. -_-
I amused my boyfriend's 8-year-old brother with drawings on a car ride, but that's about it.
My friends and I all drew boobies and stuff before we got bored.
Step 1: Bring DS to a convention, preferably one with high chances of nerdom.
Step 2: Boot Pictochat and find a chat room that's not overcrowded.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Prepare for onslaught of phallic imagery.

Oh yeah... it gets really really bad. There are some surprisingly good artists with a stylus and too much free time out there.
On a similar note, has anyone left their Nintendogs in Bark Mode in public and actually gotten a result? Don't count when you arranged meetings with friends.

I put it in Bark Mode when I go to malls sometimes, but I've never had a hit.
Yeah, I've often tried that with the Mystery Dungeon Unknown Dungeon feature but I've never had a hit. I did once, but that was only on the launch day.
There are too few gamers in Indy to really justify starting up Pictochat. I did spend some time in a "conversation" with James (read: me posting to myself) to kill time while waiting for a ride after a football game at school, but that'd be it.

That thing needs WiFi something terrible.
I just realized my previous post is inaccurate.

I HAVE used Picto Chat; however, it was at a 4-H function where I was sitting 2 feet across from the other person and we were only on two minutes because he invited me to a round of Mario Kart.

I really don't see where it'd be useful, except at conventions where you've got a few friends with DS's and you're just using it to keep tabs on each other (like I saw a lot of at Gen Con). It also brings to mind this:
I've only used it to amuse myself when I'm bored. And I'll be able to use one of the Pokétch features for that once D/P is released.

Eh, at least no one is stupid enough to charge money just for Picto-Chat. Oh wait...
I've never seen anyone on Picto-Chat. Well, except when my brother and I internationally talk on it. It sort of reminds me of those Friend Link things. I never met anyone on those.
Ping Pals for DS is a game they sold, and it was just a Picto-Chat clone, with more options.

Clubhouse games has an improved version that can go on Wi-Fi.

With Pokémon D/P, the only one who would need Wi-Fi Picto-Chat is me (so you don't have to suffer my terrible multi-voice(s)).
I don't see the point of Picto-Chat, except maybe for doodling.
Picto Chat would have been useful online, but as it is now most people forget it even exists.
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