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Pie's Winamp Skins


Dead Again
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
The idea of having more FAQs in this forum has come up many times. One possibility for FAQs was a Winamp Skin FAQ. The only problem with this is that someone needs to learn to make Winamp Skins first, right?

So, I decided to teach myself.


My first Winamp Skin attempt ever: The Bulbagarden Neoclassic Classic Winamp Skin. (Try saying that ten times fast.)

The skin can be found here. If you have Winamp, just download it to the Winamp folder called Skins. That's it; it should ready to be used as a Winamp skin without even taking it out of the .zip file. (In case you don't know how to set it in Winamp, alternate skins can be selected in Winamp by clicking the icon in the upper-left corner of the player, and going down to the option "Skins".)

The only problem is that, for some reason, it doesn't use the skin for the AVS window. I've tried to figure out what I've done wrong, but nothing about this problem seems to be mentioned on the Winamp website tutorial. Maybe if I took a close look at some other skin files... anyway, I'll have to work at it some more before I can write up an FAQ, unfortunately.

Expect more skins, specifically ones based on other Bulbagarden themes, in the near future!
That actually looks pretty good. I always liked the Classic/NeoClassic colour scheme.

I'd suggest that you remove the Bulbagarden branding, however...as those are pointless. (The two bulbs and the "BULBAGARDEN" title.)

Also, I'd change the oval and rounded buttons to use the same style as the SHUFFLE, PRESETS, etc buttons you made, but resized. I never liked the round buttons in the default Winamp skin. I guess you wanted to stay consistant with the original, but there's no need to copy their desing flaws, is there? :p

There are also a few lesser issues:
1) The gap between the EQUALIZER header box and the equalizer's main box is 2px, while the others are 1px, each.
2) It is hard to tell whether or not the small blue lightbulbs are lit or not, especially when someone's using a high-resolution screen. Either make them a bit bigger, or use a colour that stands out more.
Aw, but I like the Bulbagarden Identification. ={ Wouldn't be hard to make a version without, though, and perhaps call it just NeoClassic rather than BulbagardenNeoClassic.

And actually, I was basing the buttons off the design with the square buttons. Doing round ones instead was a choice of my own. Other than the little slider markers, the other buttons are supposed to have rounded corners as well, although the small size makes it difficult to see them. Hmm. Since those do look like squares and the others circles...yes, the two do seem to clash a bit. Squares it is.

The 2px gap is a small skinning problem, and an easily fixed one at that. In fact, I had caught that same mistake and thought I corrected it. I guess I must've forgotten to switch the old main equalizer skin with the fixed one.

I don't have a problem distinguishing between lit and unlit myself, but I can see how someone else might. All right, that can be fixed too...

Thanks. Like I said, this is my first skin ever, so I'm still just kind of impressed it exists. XD
Mmm, I had noticed that jagged border as well. I had tried to fix it, and I suppose I didn't a very good job...

I've updated the skin, hopefully fixing some of those problems. I also made a version without the Bulbagarden identifiers or the little Pokéball behind the Winamp logo. I'd make new screenshots, but I have a feeling I might be making more changes soon...
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