Basically I just need a Pikachu with a Light Ball for breeding purposes.
Also, (and I don't know if I should open a new thread in the hacked section or not) I'd like a Light Ball in Gen. V if someone could hack me one?
Offering some egg move Pokemon: Charmander with various egg moves, Totodile with two different sets of egg moves, Phione with Dive and Icebeam and Bulbasaur with Giga Drain and Leaf Storm.
Please and thank you.
Also, (and I don't know if I should open a new thread in the hacked section or not) I'd like a Light Ball in Gen. V if someone could hack me one?
Offering some egg move Pokemon: Charmander with various egg moves, Totodile with two different sets of egg moves, Phione with Dive and Icebeam and Bulbasaur with Giga Drain and Leaf Storm.
Please and thank you.
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