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Pikachu with a Light Ball {PLEASE CLOSE/COMPLETED}

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Anime Fan
Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Basically I just need a Pikachu with a Light Ball for breeding purposes.

Also, (and I don't know if I should open a new thread in the hacked section or not) I'd like a Light Ball in Gen. V if someone could hack me one?

Offering some egg move Pokemon: Charmander with various egg moves, Totodile with two different sets of egg moves, Phione with Dive and Icebeam and Bulbasaur with Giga Drain and Leaf Storm.

Please and thank you. :)
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Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

I can trade for both generations. What do the Totodiles know?
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

Well, they're on Gen. V so I'll have to either get you two egg move Pokemon or something else for Gen. IV. I forgot for a moment that most of my breeding projects are on Black.

Anyways, set one have Aqua Tail, Water Pulse and Hydro Pump; set two have Hydro Pump, Ancient Power, Aqua Jet and Crunch.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

I can get you items instead. Such as heart scales, Thunder, Fire, Water, Leaf and Sun stones, or fossils. If that doesn't work, I can breed something for you in Gen. IV. But that will be limited because most of my Pokemon (such as starters/Totodile) is on my Black.

Currently, I don't have any Pokemon bred on a Gen. IV game.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

I'm quite certain I do. If not, I can get one from the game corner in HG.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

Sure. Let me check real quick to see if I have one handy. Do you still want a Totodile for Gen. V?

Can you breed a Porygon?
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

No thanks. I am only trying to get good eg moves in Gen IV.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

Yep I have one in my Platinum version.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

Ok can you trade now? And then if you want we could trade the Pokemon White Lightball too.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

Yes I can trade now. What do you want in Gen. V?

My FC is 0604 6736 0782 (platinum) Which FC of yours should I use?
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

Do you have any DW pokemon in Gen V? If not then just trade me some kind of fodder pokemon. Use my HG FC for the Gen IV trade. I'm in the room in m HG now.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

I have a Kangaskhan and a Poochyena, but I haven't bred them yet. If you can clone, you can have one and then give it back.
Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

Okay. Thank you for the Light Balls! :)
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Re: Pikachu with a Light Ball

My Black FC is 4899 5604 9593
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