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Review PK17: Pikachu's Island Adventure


∠(>w<) #634
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Japanese: ピカチュウのわんぱくアイランド Pikachu's Island of Mischief
Japanese movie site

This ANA special is on the English ninth movie DVD, which came out April 3 in America. It will be released on DVD in Japan on June 22, 2007. [HASHTAG]#PocketMonsters[/HASHTAG] has a torrent link and pictures up on its site.


I thought the animation was sub-par, and the absence of [bp=Ash's Sceptile]Jukain[/bp], [bp=Brock's Forretress]Foretos[/bp], and [bp=Ash's Swellow]Ohsubame[/bp] was kind of lame. The narrator (the usual TV series one) used the same voice for all the Pokémon, so sometimes it was hard to distinguish between Pokémon. I want to see the Japanese version now.

Most of the time when the narrator said "Buizel," it sounded like "weasel." I think if someone didn't know the Pokémon's name, he or she would think it was simply named after the animal.
And, according to credits, it weren't dubbed by TAJ. Instead company called DuArt Film and Video worked on this. That's strange.
The narrator (the usual TV series one) used the same voice for all the Pokémon, so sometimes it was hard to distinguish between Pokémon.
Both narrators have that problem. That's why I'm glad 4Kids didn't do the same with Mike Pollock when dubbing the Pichu Brother hosos.
Bad. The horrible narration in particular made this painful to watch.

Only redeeming qualities were Buizel, Chatot and Cowboy Meowth...
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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