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PMD world: Why are there no humans?


It's all ogre now.
Feb 13, 2011
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Today I tackle one of the biggest questions of the Pokémon universe; why does the Mystery Dungeon universe have no humans? As this is never explained explicitly, this has been subject to many debates. Normally, this would be simple. Different canon, no humans. But there is one case in point. The hero of the games. As that person used to BE a human, as well as the Pokémon's knowledge of the existence of humans, we know they exist. So, where are they?

One common theory is that the Mystery Dungeon universe is actually a post-apocalypse, far future version of the regular games in which all humans but one died from whatever caused, famine, war, disease, and such, but Pokémon weren't affected. Or it ended up like a Rise of the Planet of the Apes/I Am Legend scenario, which could explain the Pokémon's ability to speak and act civilized, as seen in Treasure Town.

Another, far less common theory is the co-existence theory, believing that the Mystery Dungeon planet is a separate world altogether from the regular games planet, and that Pokémon migrated there through either ancient or human technology, and the hero's presence is because he was a former astronaut or something like that. The problem is, how would the legendaries end up there?

So, why do YOU think the PMD world is free of humanity?
I always assumed it just on an island in which humans just don't live (think tiny island in the Pacific) but the occasional visitor (going with the Pacific analogy, shipwrecks, explorers, etc).
The PMD world has few humans, but they don't show it in the games because if they did, it would ruin the "You-Are-The-Pokemon" feel of the game.
PMD just probably takes place in an area uninhabited by humans.
Either that or the Pokemon ate them all.
Maybe they were all (or mostly) wiped out.

I would say N succeeded in splitting the humans and Pokémon, but that would mean you (Grovyle's trainer, and a human) don't exist, so I don't know.
Perhaps he did, but not on such a grand scale as to create two separate worlds.
My theory is that it's a huge pile of islands in the middle of the ocean, where Pokemon are civilized and have towns and stuff. Every Pokemon knows about it, and so do humans. They send their Pokemon to this island for vacation, where they can go on adventures and join guilds and so on. Humans don't go there because it is an area set aside specifically for Pokemon only, so they honor it by never going there.

Or something. I'm still working on it. D| But that is how I view the Mystery Dungeon "world". Humans are still there, they just won't intrude on the Pokemon's sanctuary.
Pokemon is fiction,the creators can do whatever they want,there is no explanation for this,smarten up.
Mod Note: Let's keep things civil. No one here has the right to insult any of their fellow members.
My theory is that the games take place inside PC storage. The main character and their trusty Groyvle were sent in to attempt a bug fix, but the bug caused problems with the transfer. The Pokemon know about humans, because they were captured by humans, but there aren't any humans because the system isn't set up to handle them - thus why you're a Pokemon.
I say its a parallel universe joined on to the world that Pokémon and humans share. Knowledge of this world isn't common knowledge, but travel between them is possible and does happen.
I've always liked the idea of it being an alternate universe where N succeeds in his plans.

Although, i doubt it will be made cannon
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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