I was considering applying to open a trade shop stocked with shiny Pokémon that I'd caught through Poké Radar chaining on my Platinum cart. (This is not something I am thinking of doing imminently. I do not have enough stock to do it yet.) But of course, one issue with Pokémon that have been Poké Transferred to Generation 5 games is that they can no longer be renamed once they have arrived.
I think most people do not mind being unable to give their Pokémon a nickname (assuming of course that it doesn't already have a disliked nickname). But some people might dislike the fact that non-nicknamed Pokémon from Generation 3 and 4 games have ALL CAPS names.
A little technical information here: In the Generation 5 games, if a Pokémon has a name that matches its official name in any language (or matches except for differences in capitalisation), and it evolves, then its name becomes the name of the new species in the language of the cart where evolution took place. The new name will not be in ALL CAPS. So for example, if I have two Weepinbell on my English-language White cart, one of them called "WEEPINBELL" and the other called "Boustiflor", and I evolve them both, they will both end up being called "Victreebel".
So the question is, if I Poké Transfer shiny Pokémon to my White cart, should I leave them unnicknamed? Nickname them with non-ALL CAPS names? Only Poké Transfer them when I've found interested trading partners? That last option would be a bit of a pain in the neck, to be honest. And yet it seems likely that each of the first two options would put off some people.
EDIT: How annoying, I've made an error in my poll options. Please could a moderator change "SHINX" to "Shinx" in the second option?
I think most people do not mind being unable to give their Pokémon a nickname (assuming of course that it doesn't already have a disliked nickname). But some people might dislike the fact that non-nicknamed Pokémon from Generation 3 and 4 games have ALL CAPS names.
A little technical information here: In the Generation 5 games, if a Pokémon has a name that matches its official name in any language (or matches except for differences in capitalisation), and it evolves, then its name becomes the name of the new species in the language of the cart where evolution took place. The new name will not be in ALL CAPS. So for example, if I have two Weepinbell on my English-language White cart, one of them called "WEEPINBELL" and the other called "Boustiflor", and I evolve them both, they will both end up being called "Victreebel".
So the question is, if I Poké Transfer shiny Pokémon to my White cart, should I leave them unnicknamed? Nickname them with non-ALL CAPS names? Only Poké Transfer them when I've found interested trading partners? That last option would be a bit of a pain in the neck, to be honest. And yet it seems likely that each of the first two options would put off some people.
EDIT: How annoying, I've made an error in my poll options. Please could a moderator change "SHINX" to "Shinx" in the second option?
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