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Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
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After seeing 4Chan, and IdleChan...I wondered why there weren't more imageboards. It was a novel concept, and a great way to get and show off images. Seeing as there was none for our fandom, Pokemon, I decided to go and strike out my luck on a unique idea.

Some problems arose, such as Wakaba being crap, and I almost gave up. Thorn was luckily a much better script and now powers PChan. After officially being up for a couple of weeks, it's been gaining momentum. Notably that the Pokemon Games section has taken off with D/P screenshots and ways of verifying fakes and such. Fanart is also popular, it's a cool way to share a get comments.

A couple days ago, BulbaGarden took in PokeChan as an associated site, under my request, to help nurture its growth and expand it to a bigger audience. I'm really grateful to them for helping out a site that aims to be something new and fresh.

Without further ado, please visit and then post comments/criticism:

the board does not like me :( it's always telling me my verification code is wrong
That usually means you have your cache set to take up too much memory. The Captcha image generates each time, but the cache will replace it with the one you've seen before, which would cause the problem.

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