So my friend was seaching Google JP for info sites, and this came up. While it's all in Japanese so I can't read it, I found something on Mr. 720. Under a section titled "Netabare" (I don't know what that means, unfortunately, but a Google search seems to indicate it means "spoiler" and not "rumour" or something like that), it said this:
"Next year's theatre edition principal Pokemon is Aruseus."
If it's in the next movie... I bet it's only going to be given out to people who watch it or something. <_< Well, we all knew it was going to be an event Pokemon anyway.
I don't know how reliable this is, but there seems to be some other decent info on the site (the names of the TM moves, for example.) Can anybody better than me possibly translate it?
Dex Data of Aruseus, Translation?
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