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PokéHoliday FanArt Festival Submissions Thread

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Jan 2, 2003
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Here is where you submit your artwork for the Festival. Remember, this contest only lasts between December 1st and December 31st.

Also, please fill out this form when posting your picture:

Description (Optional):

If you are confused or need help, remember that you can always ask us here: Rules

Submission threads in other forums:


Finally... Good luck and have fun! We look forward to seeing what miracles your brushes will perform!
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I'm usually a total procrastinator, but I'll be spending the last week or so of December on vacation...so I'm trying to get things done early. Here's my first entry.

Title: Deck the Halls
Theme: Winter Celebration
Description: Until my birthday is recognized as an official holiday, Christmas will be the best holiday ever. This is a very generic theme, I realize - setting things up for Christmas, trimming the tree, such and such - but I like it anyway. Enjoy!
Title: "Ai no Yoru" (Night of Love)
Theme: Harmony
Description: A Houndour and Espeon enjoying the peaceful bliss of a
grassy hilltop at night. The flower clutched in the Espeon's paw was
a gift of love from the Houndour upon their arriving there.....

I apologize if the moon looks odd in the background. I was trying to
make it be heart-shaped but accidently made it come out all weird.
Title: "Winter Celebration"
Theme: Winter Celebration
Description: This picture depicts the infamous Jumpluff Duo's attempt to build a snowman by placing two Electrodes and a Voltorb on top of one another. Unfortunately, the Voltorb on top just had to explode, causing the carrot to fly off and pin Hanatori's headband to a tree. Meanwhile, one eye's going to hit a tree, while another's engulfed... in flames. [/joke] Hanako, meanwhile, exclaims, "Oh, no... my snowman's head a'splode.." while covering himself.

Oh, and here's the picture. Enjoy, or not
Title: Hana Family at Christmas
Theme: Family
Description: Hanasan watches nervously from atop the Hana Family lair as Hanatori (the other blue Jumpluff), Hanako (the green Jumpluff), Hanaheri (the purple Hoppip), Hanagaado (the Skiploom), and Hanakokoro (the pink Jumpluff) celebrate Christmas.

Oh, and here's the picture.
Title: Be Harmonious
Theme: Harmony
Description: This is the third and final submission for the PokeHoliday Fanart Festival. This is part of my Dual Wing gym squad in the PASBL; Ohashi the Xatu is flying upwards while Hanako the Jumpluff chases her, Hanatori the (other) Jumpluff is making a mad dash to the Christmas tree, while Chou Chou the Butterfree is enraged at Bela the Golbat (who's rather dazed, as usual) for drinking a jar of her blood. Meanwhile, Asher the Charizard explains that you won't get any closer to harmony than this with these monsters..

Oh, and here's the picture.
Eep. Okay, here we are!

Title: Home For Christmas
Theme: Family
Description: The best present a mother could dream of.
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