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Pokemon Crater

Mods and admins can see this for ourselves, you know. ;-)

I used to. My first entry into the online fandom was there back in 2003. But after the message boards went down in... I think the summer of 2004... I drifted away from that area of the fandom. I made a few posts on the new message boards but I haven't restarted.
I had an account for about 3 minutes. Unless something strikes me as fun in the first few minutes I just leave.

I agree, it is too laggy. but i have high chances of getting onto the Top trainers list.
I used to play it, but I seriously dislike it now. The battle mechanics are shot, it's too laggy, and when there's 400 people standing around you, it's not fun. No, I like Netbattle better.
I think a lot of people would like to have a fully graphical interface when they're playing an MMORPG.
I play it.And my Username is PurityForest.I do not play it as much of often now since it is sometimes slow.And boring,Somehow.
I used to play it, but...it be blunt, it sucks. Lag aside, its battle mechanics made no sense whatsoever(I distinctly recall seeing several fucked up type effects), you had no choice over moves(and they had several made-up moves, which is just pointless), the "special" Pokemon of theirs(Dratinice or something) is a classic example of a poorly thought out fan-made Pokemon, and it's poorly done in general(when I first tried it, every grass square in the map always had the same Pokemon. Always. And you could only use one Pokemon per battle. Both of which changed later on, but still.). I also recall trying it AGAIN one day(the magic of boredom induced retries) to find that they'd made it laggier by having your character sprite have to move through a route(okay) with the sprites of EVERYONE ELSE ON THE ROUTE VISIBLE(not okay). I gave up on Crater permanently at that point.

It seems like failure to capture what makes Pokemon fun in the first place is a failing of many online Pokemon RPGs(TPPc comes to mind), but maybe I'm just too picky.
I used to play it, but I seriously dislike it now. The battle mechanics are shot, it's too laggy, and when there's 400 people standing around you, it's not fun. No, I like Netbattle better.

Quoted for truth. Honestly, it sucks hard.
I play occassionally, but only because there's a better chance that I find a shiny in Crater then in Pearl. My account is Beta G, a new one.
My username in Pokémon Crater is Pika125. Pika25 was not available, so I instead picked Pika125.
I played it a LOOOONG time ago, and I thought it was laggy... but I had dial-up back then and I HIGHLY doubt any of you don't have DSL, so maybe it's just laggy, PERIOD

(sorry for the caps, I'm just pushing my point)
This thread has inspired me to create a new acount.

EDIT: 13 minutes later, I realised what a waste of time that was.
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Please note: The thread is from 17 years ago.
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