A dark shadow is forming over the land of Pokemon. Draco, the evil Flygon, is detroying the world and turning Pokemon into blood-thirsty creatures. Help save Pokemon Land!
(Pokemon Land consists of a volcano, a beach, and a forest. It is a getaway for Pokemon)
You may join as an evil Pokemon, or a good Pokemon. I'll be Draco, and a good Pokemon. Here is the setup of your pokemon.
(these are mine)
Gender: Male
Good or Evil: Evil (Duh)
Apperence: Dark scales and Red eyes
History: Born with a hatred for cute things
Gender: Female
Good or Evil: Good
Apperence: Big innocent eyes, wears a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon pin as a necklace, really soft fur, has only 3 fluffy tails
History: is an orphan, doesn't remember her parents or her family
(Pokemon Land consists of a volcano, a beach, and a forest. It is a getaway for Pokemon)
You may join as an evil Pokemon, or a good Pokemon. I'll be Draco, and a good Pokemon. Here is the setup of your pokemon.
(these are mine)
Gender: Male
Good or Evil: Evil (Duh)
Apperence: Dark scales and Red eyes
History: Born with a hatred for cute things
Gender: Female
Good or Evil: Good
Apperence: Big innocent eyes, wears a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon pin as a necklace, really soft fur, has only 3 fluffy tails
History: is an orphan, doesn't remember her parents or her family