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Pokémon Mythology

pkmn Trainer Zach

New Member
Jun 22, 2005
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Now, I understand that there is now a "Creation" Pokémon. The God of all Pokémon, if I am correct.

So how in the world do Groudon and Kyogre and Raquaza get involved? I thought Groudon and Kyogre created the world.

And what about Ho-oh? For a while, if I am not mistaken, that was considered to be the "god" of Pokémon.

And Mew? Mew is the father of all Pokémon, as in, every Pokémon came from Mew. Wouldn't Mew be responsible for creation?

Sorry if this sounds choppy but it's getting late for me. What I'm trying to get it as, how do all of these legends about Pokémon and the actual Pokémon themselves relate to each other? What are all of these "god" Pokémon's roles? Who is the main "god"? Which Pokémon were chosen to do their bidding (like Raikou, Entei, and Suicune)? So many unanswered questions!

Is there a way to tie all this together and come up with a solid story on how the Pokémon world was created, and who rules it?
Maybe they're all different creation myths from different cultures around the PokeWorld. Or maybe Kyogre, Groudon, etc. were his/her/its assistants, along with the rest of the pokemon.

Kyogre - helped create the seas
Groudon - helped create the land
Rayquaza - helped create the air
Mew - helped create pokemon. In my "realistic" view of the PokeWorld, there were many Mews in the past. It was a species, not just one pokemon, which evolved into many different species (like how some early primate evolved into humans as well as apes, chimps, etc.).
Well, by official canon, the hoenn gods, actually are just strong pokemon who helped "expand" earth and water, rayquaza doing nothing besides stopping the fight.

But to answer your questions,

What I'm trying to get it as, how do all of these legends about Pokémon and the actual Pokémon themselves relate to each other? They don't, they don't have to.

What are all of these "god" Pokémon's roles? Well, someone already gave a descent explanation.

Who is the main "god"? Doesn't have to be one.

Which Pokémon were chosen to do their bidding (like Raikou, Entei, and Suicune)? Well, that is related to interpretation.

Most people here actually believe that the pokemon are just pokemon who happen to be powerful rather than gods, unlike me. But to me only the ones you mentioned I imagine as gods, oh, and Celebi and the new ones. Actually, maybe not celebi given the new ones.
Different Regions=Different sides of the creation story.

That could work for the games. Not so much for the anime and Special.

But they are called legends for a reason so it might not all be true.
I think there's some possible hierarchy. After all, we have the Beasts reporting to Ho-oh, the Birds reporting to Lugia, and the Regis reporting to Regigigas. Now again, that makes another trio of Lugia, Ho-oh, and Regigigas. So who do they report to? Possibly, Lugia does to Kyogre, note how the tips of Kyogre's fin things look like Lugia's fingers. And Lugia's a sea-dweller, so it connects. Ho-oh possibly reports to Rayquaza, Ho-oh makes rainbows, Rayquaza's power stops intense drought and intense rain-- perhaps a reference to the Bible's story of Noah. And of course, Regigigas, which assumptively, like the other three Regis, is a hunk of material, would then report to Groudon.

Of course, Dialga and Palkia don't throw this off, either. Their powers might be more relevant to the entire universe than GKR's are, but essentially, they're within the same tier as they are. So who reports to them? Possibly the legendary Lake Trio from D/P reports Kureseria which reports to Palkia, while Manaphy, Celebi, and Jirachi report to Dialga.

Of course, where do I get this? Well, the Lake Trio are all Psychic, and Kureseria bears some similarities, in my mind, at least, to Lugia, Latios, and Latias, not just in type, but in form. As for Manaphy, Celebi, and Jirachi, well... they're all similar.

...and then there's Giratina. Hoo, boy... Can't think of anything that'd go to him, but I'd imagine that all six (GKRDPG) report to Arseus.

...yeah. Probably just some crappy fanfic-world theory, but hey, it helps me organize my boxes.
Personsally, I believe the legends in Johto have more supremacy than most, simply given that Ho-oh acts more like a "fatherly" god than anything else. It's element and its species relates it to the sun, the superior celestial body in the solar system. Not to mention the legend it was given: the power of reincarnation and resurrection (the Beasts) and its refusal to "return" until humans and pokémon all live in harmony after the burning of its tower and the war that caused it.

And if Ho-oh is supreme and Lugia's its counterpart, wouldn't that make Lugia just as supreme? The beast of the sea, the tide churner. It may not expand the ocean like Kyogre can, but it controls the oceans currents and tides, which suggests a connection to the moon, another celestial body. While not gifted with the powers Ho-oh has, it lives in the same psychic wavelength.

Time and Space are intangible conceptions; we move through them every moment of our lives. It's powerful, but not all-powerful. And certainly not responsible for Creation.

Mew itself is just a very strong pokémon. Its "extinction" leads to believe it was once "common". Not overly populated, but every so often one would appear. They're malleable, versatile, flexible. They're the ultimate psychic pokémon for any occasion, but not all-powerful in the same sense as Ho-oh. Life wasn't born from mental power.
Mew- Created Pokemon (or at least evolved over time into them)
-Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres- Masters of elements

Entei, Suicune, Raikou- created to watch in Ho-oh's place

Lugia- not sure

Ho-oh- supposed to represent a possible future, since it only will come back when Pokemon and humans finally make peace with each other.

Celebi-watches over time

Regis- not sure

Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza- created our world today

Latis- not sure

Jirachi-not sure

4th generation- represents the dimensions (time, space, creation, death, ect.)

Even though this has holes in it, you can see how the legends tie into each other.
Latis- not sure

Yin and Yang, thins repeating and complimenting eachother, eternal cycles - etc. Hence the "Eon" classification.

Anyways, not every Legendary Pokemon has a God-like domain to watch over. Celebi is just a time-traveling forest spirit. It doesn't mean it controls all time and forests in the universe. Similarly, Jirachi is just a really powerful Pokemon that wakes up every 1000 years to grant wishes.

Look at Sheim. I highly doubt it is supposed to be "God of all Flowers, Lord of the Unending Bloom and Giver of Flowers Unto the World".

In the games, really only Mew, Groudon, Rayquazza, Kyogre, Dialga, Palkia, Agnom, Yuxie, Emurit, and Arseus have any ties to strict "creation myths" with religious polytheistic aspects. And in the anime, the Legendary Birds as well.

The rest of the Legendaries are just presented as fantastically rare and powerul beasts. Like unicorns or dragons in the real world. Doesn't neccessarily mean they have God-like set domains to maintain balance or anything. They're just really strong and really rare.
well first of all there are time gaps between each game's story so some of the Myths do colide but here is how it happened thus far that we know

~Aruseus created time and space
~Dialga and Perukia divulged from Aruseus to protect the threads of time and space
~The 3 Mew-like creatures formed the world with the help of Dialga and Perukia
~The Ghost/Dragon creature is the worlds Darkness; the other new dark legendary is probably its offspring or something
~Groundon; Kyogre and Rayquaza were created to protect the balance of the world's land and water mass and sky
~Mew was created
~Mew eventually evolved into several several creatures leaving very few pure Mew's alive
~Lugia was created as the guardian of all pokemon
~Ho-oh was created as the protector of all living beings
~The Regis were created to cleanse the world before being sealed away so that only the bravest if souls could find them
~The Dogs were created to patrol the world
~The Birds were created as the threads of Lugia; just random pokemon who have special talents and can awaken Lugia to protect the pokemon
~Man began to tame pokemon with the use of apricots to capture them
~People developed "pokeballs" a more efficient way of capturing and taming pokemon
~Eventually man became curious and defied all of the higher beings by creating their own pokemon; the ultimate pokemon Mewtwo who could defeat any guardian wich crossed his path;but I'm not sure if he can take Aruseus

as for the rest; its easy to understand

I think they're going to probably say that some legends are not true like Asureus and just say it was the original Mew or something; I think they should stop making so many legendaries

as for me I'm an uber slayer so I've defeated just about all of these pokemon accpet Aruseus; Dialga and Parukia as well as all those other new legendarys (they added to many this time)
Who's to say which is right? They're LEGENDS...

For me Aruseus and Mew are like Creation vs. Evolution, some people can say Aruseus created all the Pokemon, some can say all Pokemon evolved from a common ancestor Mew... meh...
Here's how I view it (with a bit of Christianity):

As in our world, God came first. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In our world, we are told that we are made in God's image, along with being the only creatures that have souls. Now if pokemon also have souls, then shouldn't they have been made in God's image too?

Basically what I'm trying to get at is this: God the Father has two forms: The form that we view Him in (His human form) and the form that Shinou people view Him in (the form of Areuseus). Thus, Areuseus came first, and was (and still is) the strongest pokemon.

During the week-long period of creation, God created the pokemon, however, before he created the pokemon, he needed to create the planet. This is where Diaruga, Parukia, Emuritto, Yukushii, and Agnomu come in. At that time, the only existing pokemon (all residing in heaven) were Areuseus (God the Father), Mew (God the Holy Spirit), Diaruga, Parukia, Emuritto, Yukushii, Agnomu, and whatever pokemon form of Jesus there was at the time (though some debate that Jesus only has/d a human form).

So Diaruga, Parukia, Agnomu, Yukushii, and Emuritto created the world as stated in Diamond and Pearl. When their job was done, the Earth was 100% water. So for the time being, Mew had to live as a water pokemon, and Parukia decided to live on Earth, and help guard the waters, along with Areuseus. Because there were so much water and so many water pokemon, there had to be a lot of water legendaries . Thus, Mew decided to create Kyogre, Lugia, and Manaphy. Not too much later, Mew decided it would be better to also have air guardians; this resulted in Ho-oH and Rayquaza.

Time went on, and Manaphy had a baby (that you know as Fione). This arose a problem; if the legendaries reproduced, then there would be more than one, and eventually in time, there would be a battle over who controls more. So it was then decided that the legendary pokemon would be immortal.

Afterwards, a small patch of land was created, meaning two more legendaries: Kureseria and Daakurai. The island was divided down the middle, with one side being the evil side (Daakurai's side) and the other side being the light side (Kureseria's side) (at this time, Latias and Latios were created, but they were common pokemon) . The only neutral land lay in the dead center of the island. In that center was a small tree, what we now know as the Tree of Beginning. Over time this tree grew, and so did the land.

As the land grew, the land needed one central leader: Groudon. As the land grew, Groudon began to argue that it wasn't fair that Kyogre had so much water than he did land. Thus, the war between the began. Most pokemon took sides; It was Kyogre, Lugia, Manaphy, Fione, Parukia, vs. Groudon, Ho-oH, Diaruga, Kureseria, and Daakurai. The others just watched, trying to figure out what to do. The couldn't request help from the land or sea, because they were all fighting in the war.

Finally, the bystanders came up with an idea; get help from Rayquaza. With this idea, Mew, Areuseus, Emuritto, Yukushii, and Agnomuu lent the majority of their powers to Rayquaza, who came down from the sky to stop the fight. After the war ended, Rayquaza was extremely exhausted. At the fear of having two consecutive battles at any point and time, it was decided to give the Tree of Beginning (the source for all land on Earth) a connection to earth, so that if Earth were to die, so would the tree, and if the tree were to be healed, so would Earth.

Even after the war ended, neither Kyogre nor Groudon could stand each other. So they both took refuge under the place where each of their elements originated (as stated in Pokemon 2000, the Orange Islands are the source for all the waters in the world, and the Tree of Beginning is the source of all land in the world). They both pretended to be in eternal sleep so that neither would bother each other, but not a single pokemon bought it, because if they were to really be asleep, then the world would collapse due to a sudden drop of water and land power. So to make their lie more believable, they put their powers in two orbs: the blue and red orbs. To this day, they are both still awake, but very few pokemon are aware. Kyogre thinks Groudon is sleeping and Groudon thinks Kyogre is sleeping. But they also made the orbs so that they can use the power from it whenever they want, so the only way they can really lose their power is if someone else takes control of the orbs. (< Was that hard to understand?)

Eventually, Mew decided it would be best to live in the Tree of Origin, because it was the origin of all pokemon. So now, whenever a new species is created, Mew always does it in the Tree of Origin. Usually the new species will leave the Tree and live in the oustide world, but sometimes, they will forever live within the tree. With all the new pokemon, more legendaries were created. Lugia created Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, Mew created Regigigasu, Registeel, Regirock, and Regice. As a result of the battle between Groudon and Kyogre, Diaruga and Parukia wanted to make sure that that never happened between them. So they gave up a large portion of their powers to create Giratina, and gave some more of their power to create Jirachi, Deoxys (Parukia's power) Lucario, and Celebi (Diaruga's power).

Unfortunately, not a lot of pokemon enjoyed Deoxys' rule. So it was then decided that only Mew, Diaruga, Parukia, Lugia, Ho-oH, Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogre, and Areuseus would be immortal. For the rest of the legendaries, offspring would be born at the same time as their father/mother died.

Then the humans came. The humans' lust for power and greed caused many problems. The humans tried to capture and manipulate the powers of several of the legendary pokemon. Afraid of what could become of such actions, God the Father sealed away the body of Areuseus.

As the humans tried to control the pokemon, they took control of the three minor regis and corrupted them. They began doing evil things and causing mayhem throughout the planet. To stop them Lucario and Regigasu teamed up, and sealed them away forever. However, later, Regigigasu also became corrupted. Lucario, with the help of his new friend Sir Aaron, sealed Regigigasu away with the other three Regis.

Unfortunately, Sir Aaron did not know his place in the very big scheme of things. When two forces tried to destroy the tree of beginning, and the castle located nearby (Sir Aaron and Lucario's home), Sir Aaron knew the only way to save the world was to heal the tree, resulting in his own death. Although he cared very much for Lucario, and sealed him away as to not let him die, Sir Aaron had no right to take away one of the world's legendaries.

So because of these new humans mucking up the place, more legendaries were created to try and keep them in check too. This is where all the rest of the legendaries come in (except for Mewtwo). But unfortunately, Hiidoran, the legendary dogs, and Sheimi were not enough. So Mew gave birth to one more immortal mew, so that the original mew could go off and protect the world (This is the mew from Mewtwo Strikes Back). The other Mew lives in the Tree of Beginning and is the Mew that knows transform and gives birth to new species (the mew from Lucario and the Mystery of Mew). Now because the legendaries are keeping the humans in check too, the humans have settled down.

So when Mewtwo was created and Mew got him off of his evil rampage, the legendaries asked him to take the place of Lucario. Doing so, his power increased, and Lucario's decreased. This is why Lucario was lacking in power when he was released from the staff, and could not heal mew on his own.

((Wow, that was long. I think I answere a majority of quesetions with my theory. :D ))
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