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Pokémon Symphonic Medley ~Musical Medley Version~

Zhen Lin

May 2, 2003
Reaction score
When PSM first appeared, there was some study of where the boundaries for each segment were. It seems like PSM extended is more complicated... I can only clearly distinguish Advance Adventure, Soko-ni sora-ga aru kara; just faintly hear Polka O Dolka... It also seems as if they've also had more than one segment per song...

Advance Adventure: 0:00 - 0:58 (The WAKU WAKU line, followed by the first few verses)
Challenger!!: ???
Smile: ??? (The segment sounds like Smile, but I can't really identify any verses)
Polka O Dolka: ??? (There seems to be a long bridge leading up to this segment; you can clearly hear the Polka O Dolka line at 4:10)
Soko-ni sora-ga aru kara: 4:27 - 5:04
0:00 - 0:58: "Advance Adventure"
0:59 - 1:48: ??? (I can't identify anything in this part.)
1:49 - 2:13: "Smile" (Around 2:02 it becomes apparent: tsuyosa nara nakute ii kara)
2:14 - 3:26: "Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara"
3:27 - 3:47: "Challenger!!" (it's the opening verse- the faster part of the song)
3:48 - 4:26: "Polka o Dolka"
4:27 - 5:04: "Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara
5:05 - 5:16: "Advance Adventure"

That one part before "Smile" has me absolutely stumped.
I have to admit, I still can't hear Smile. The style (which is more like the Piano & Strings version) fits, of course, but there's no identifiable melody. It sounds like the accompaniment has been used instead. I can't pick out Challenger!! at all - but the vast stylistic differences probably obscures everything.

I think that Soko-ni doesn't really start until 2:42 - where kitto iu kara theme is repeated a few times.

The second Soko-ni segment is probably the longest, least repetitive segment - it's aruite yukō up to inochi-wa kagayaku.
Are we listening to the same song? I hear the first verse of "Soko ni" clearly starting at 2:14.

At 2:17: tsukareta toki ni wa
2:25: sora wo miagete namida wo nagasou
2:39: hoho naderu kaze ga kitto iu kara

About "Smile," it's still quite obscure, even for me. Really all I hear is tsuyosa nara nakute ii kara (the part at 2:02) repeated twice.

3:33: yaruki genki ryukku ni tsumete
3:36: ore wa kyou mo chikau yo
This song was horribly disappointing.. They took all the worst songs from the series and put them to an orchestra... Just atrocious.. The short opening is a 3 star song, this is a 1 star song
We probably are hearing things differently. I myself can't pick out anything from 2:14 - 2:42, though it seems to be Soko-ni with a much too light-hearted rhythm...

I do admit that, the Smile segment starts with something that sounds very familiar... probably one of the non-vocal sections of Smile... But it's also present in the original PSM (0:56) though, where it was labeled as Soko-ni, so maybe it's just a bridge.
I was a huge fan of the TV version and like mozz, i am very dissapointed about this song. I was hoping they would just extend the tv version similar to what they have done in earlier songs.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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