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Pokemon That Would Make Cute Couples!


Nov 13, 2010
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Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Okay love birds,
tell us which 2 different kinds of pokemon would be good together?

To me, I would have to say these guys

Both are fully-evolved bipedal pigs
Both first appeared in an odd-numbered generation
Both are in the same "Ground" egg groups, which means they can breed :ksmile:
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Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Shouldn't this be on the shipping board?~ =o


Crobat and Swoobat, both cute bats that evolve via happiness~<3

Mr. Mime and Jynx is also an undeniable one... xD

For some reason, I also liked Deoxys with Jirachi... No clue why even though they have no genders, probably cause they're the last Pokemon in the Hoenn dex and are both from space.
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Espeon X Houndoom

Scizor X Flygon

Lucario X Bisharp


Well, that's how my team is shipped XD
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Espeon X Houndoom
Weird; because in my first competetive team, my Houndoom was my Espeon's father. Guess my Espeon had an Elektra complex.

And now, your team is awkward xD

But seriously...no one has said Wailord x Skitty yet?

Blaziken and Poochyena - they can breed.
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Obviously Wailord and Skitty, as someone pointed out. It's a match made in heaven.

Other than that, some that I'm really fond of are:

Ninetales and Arcanine (just because it's so perfect; Ninetales the gorgeous and intelligent lady and Arcanine the regal and powerful lord)

Espeon and Umbreon (no explanation necessary, although I love the thought of them being egyptian royalty in fanfictions)

Bellossom and Roserade (either both female, or with a handshum Rosedude and his cute girlfriend)

Kirlia and Hitmontop (Both are cute dancing battlers, and psychic/fighting is a good matchup too.)

Froslass and Scizor (from Mystery Dungeon...self explanatory. Plus, really cute..)

Absol and Mightyena (Dark lion and dark hyena....could make for some interesting relationships...)

Altaria and Breloom (I just do. Deal with it)

Luxray and Manetric (both badass thunder beasts with a fierce bite and hunt in prides/packs. Don't mess with em.)

Dragonite and Ampharos (they're big fat yellow things of adorable and badassery).

Reshiram and Articuno (my friend got me into this. They're both very elegant, and have opposing elements, so could have very interesting relationships).

Pardon my English. Also, for the record, I don't care if any of them can't breed with eachother. Most ships don't take that into consideration.

What I hate...any pairings that go against the ones I like! But I guess everybody feels that way, ha.
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Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

My personal favorite is Gardevoir and Muk.

But seriously, though they can't breed, Gallade and Lucario (F).
I also have an odd liking for Ivysaur(F) and Beedrill(M).
Vileploom(M) and Bellossum(F) are well suited, and they come from the same line.
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Gardevoir and Gallade or course! Also, Lunatone and Solrock are a nice combination.
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Ooh. D8 This should be fun.

Infernape (f) x Charizard (m) is one, from a small while back. Because both were my starters by the same "trainer" in FireRed and Platinum.

Mewtwo x Darkrai very cute, very awesome, what a badass pairing. D8 I see how they look together in battle, and wow.

Gardevoir (m) x Gallade, because slash is awesome, and I hate how everyone makes Gardevoir a girl. Stupid stereotypers...

Froslass x Scizor, also from Mystery Dungeon. I felt a little sorry for Froslass, that we took her man away. Of course, it WAS against his will, but still...

Lopunny (m) x Gengar (f), from something in my own story. D8

Cresselia x Darkrai, foe yay foe yay.

About all I can think of for now...
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Froslass x Scizor, also from Mystery Dungeon. I felt a little sorry for Froslass, that we took her man away. Of course, it WAS against his will, but still...

Hey, it's quite possible he was into that kind of stuff. He just didn't let it show. :p And maybe Stockholm Syndrome came into play, too...?
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

I say Qwilfish(m) and Lumineon(f), because both are fish water types, come from even numbered generations, are both found on Iron Island, are fairly uncommon, both are forgotten by many, and finally, they are both in the same egg group.
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Hero x Partner (mystery dungeon)

Grovyle x Celebi (time travel mates)

Hero x Grovyle (Just think it could happen Moreso for the girl character)

Gorebyss x Huntail since it seems adorable
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Lol at this thread. x3

Scrafty(M) X Whimsicott(F) I've seen this pairing quite often, lol.

Croagunk(M) X Scrafty(F) That would be SEXY.

Scizor(F) X Bisharp(M) ಠ^ಠ

Crobat(M) X Swoobat(F) Would be cute, since they're both bats. :B

Beartic(M) X Ursaring(F) They're both bears, so Wynaut? (corny ass joke, lol)

Piplup(M) X Torchic(F) A common pairing, I'm sure. :x

Gallade(M) X Medicham(F) Fighting/Psychic pairing. :>
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

My team is shipped like this in HG SS

Pikachu(Ash/M) x Togekiss(Misty/F) (ehehehehehehehehehe.... I named their Daughter MElody!)

Altaria(F) X Dragonite(M)

Meganium(M) X Charizard(F) Though this should be the other way around.

And I Just got a Chikorita from trade that is female that I will breed with a Blaziken I also have.

Bayleef(Currently/F) X Blaziken(M)

Oh yeah, Its supposed to be Skitty but I got her from trade like that so I cant bring her one evo back, but I actually DO have this couple.

Delcatty(F) X Wailord(M)

Im still in the progress of pairing up my tean so there will be more on the way!
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?


I win.
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Jolteon (M)
and Manectric (M)
= Yaoi couple ♥ lol

Delcatty (F)
and Espeon (F)
= Yuri couple ♥
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?


These two are adorable together.
Re: Which 2 Pokemon would make a good Couple?

Gallade x Gardevoir
Lucario x Lopunny
Chandelure x Mismagius
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