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Pokémon, Wolf's Rain, and Gravi

Pacific Pikachu

Cuddly Electric Critter
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Here's a ton of pictures I've done over the last...while... I don't know, I have such copious amounts of fanart (3000+? I don't even know. I do at least about 10 pieces of fanart a day, though most are 15 minutes or less.) I can't even keep them straight any more.


Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu, Prismacolor colored pencils, around eight months old, maybe older. I may have posted this before, but I can't remember. It's kind of cute...very simple, not time-consuming at all. I still haven't finished Raichu's tail out of laziness.


Ash and Pikachu, semi-Ono style, Prismacolor colored pencils, around eight months old. Again, I can't remember if I've posted it. Overally, I'm pretty pleased with it. His skin looks kind of pasty, but I've always had trouble coloring skin with my colored pencils, so that's nothing new.


Mudkip and Cleffa, Watercolors, about a year old and still unfinished. Haven't done the background, but it's the only watercolor I've done that I've ever been happy with.


Vulpix Morph, ink, about ten months old. I just think this is extremely cute.


Ash and Pikachu, pencil, about three months old. Quick, quick sketch that I thought was rather cute.


Toboe [human form] from Wolf's Rain, Prismacolor colored pencils, around a year old. Toboe is going to look a little top-heavy in this picture, due to the angle I took the picture at. He's not actually like that.

!Warning! A spoiler for Wolf's Rain episode 30 in the next picture!


Darcia, random colored pencils, done yesterday fairly quickly. Very creepy and weird-looking.


Kiba, random colored pencils, done about a week ago in about 15 minutes (seriously). I really like how this came out--it's very colorful and different from most of the things I draw.


Tsume and Toboe, pencil, done ???. Very quick and insignificant.


Tsume and Toboe, pencil, done ???. Chibi and cute, but otherwise not all that interesting.


Hige and Blue, pen, done about six months ago. Again, pretty simple ink drawing. Cute, though. I don't think I ever finished Blue's collar.


Toboe, pencil, done about five months ago. Silly little drawing. The caption says, "I'm hiding from the fangirls."


Shuichi, ink, done about two weeks ago. Just cuteness. Though nobody here is going to notice, the dog sitting next to him has the exact same markings as his dog costume he wears frequently.


Ryuichi, ink, done about a month ago. I really like this picture for some reason... I will color it in colored pencil soon, but I haven't quite gotten there yet.

Wow, that is a lot of pictures, isn't it? I don't expect anyone to comment on all of those--just comment on your favorites, or in general, and I'll be happy. I'll consider taking requests, but first you'd have to tell me what the request is before I decide. ^^;;
That colored Ash & Pikachu one is awesome. You say it was colored with leads (the term I used growing up to refer to colored pencils) but it really doesn't look that way.

And your idea of a "quick sketch" would take me forever to do. Have I ever told you you have a heck of a lot of talent?

I do have a request though...I've been itching to see some new fanart of Flannery. That's as specific as I'll get, I'll leave the details to your no doubt creative mind...although if possible I think a pic of her dressed as Sailor Mars would be awesome.
Wow, that's a lot of piccies. ^^

And all of them wonderful. My favorite would be Ono style Satoshi with Pikachu. It's so well colored and adorable to say the least. Although I also like the Mudkip one a lot. You should finish coloring the background.
Thanks, you two! Always nice to have comments on my art.

Geodude, I'll consider that Flannery picture (and I'm itching to draw some fire Pokémon next to her, too), but first I have to get a good reference picture (could you point me to one?) and I need to find some time. I can't guarantee I'm going to get to it, but I'll definitely try. I think Flannery would definitely be an interesting character to draw--so if I do get the time, it would be a fun project. ^^ There's about a 70% chance that I'll be able to get to it in the next few days.
I have a gallery of Flannery pics here. Hopefully they can be useful.
Thank you, those are perfect! Again, not sure about the whole time thing, but now when have time I'll be sure to draw her.
Gomen for never doing the drawing. My life has been so busy it's hardly allowed for visiting Bulbagarden, much less time for requests. I'll tell you if I can find the time to do the drawing, okay? Again, I'm sorry. ;_;
Oooh,can I request?^_^ I was wondering if you would draw my character for me.=D She's,um,a girl mewtwo..^^; I was wondering if you could draw her in human form(she's part human,part mewtwo)and mewtwo form.Her mewtwo form looks just like mewtwo but with white long hair tied to a ponytail.Her human form,she wears a black leather shirt with black pants.Her hair is brown tied to a spiked ponytail(like Misty's,but in the back) and her eyes are midnight blue and slanted.I'm going to start my fanfic soon with her and my other character(me)in it.^_^ So,can you do it?

BTW,your drawings are awesome!!I wish I could draw like that..{anime sparkly eyes}
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