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Pokémon You Never Get

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New Member
Apr 21, 2010
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Hey all,

Just making a thread wondering what Pokémon people never get cards of. I'm sure I'm not the only one who suffers from this strange phenomena XD

I have been collecting Pokémon cards ever since they first came out and I have noticed a really strange trend that has never EVER faltered.

With the exception of Call of Legends, I never came across any other Pidgeotto cards since the Gym sets or a Pidgeot since Jungle.
I have never had a Fearow card since the original Jungle set.
Also, since the Gym Challenge set I have never had another Arbok card.
I have never had a Clefable or Wigglytuff since the Jungle Set either.
I've never had a Vileplume since Gym Heroes or a Poliwrath since the original Base Set.
I have never had a Cloyster or a Kingler card since the original Fossil set.
The only Mew I've ever had were Promos that came with a DVD and a movie.

What I find even more interesting is that I at one point had over 30 Base Magnemite, 20-30 Base Staryu and Starmie, 20+ Pikachu, Caterpie, Weedle, Vulpix and Koffing all from Base Set and yet only ever 1 Base Metapod in my entire time collecting.

Now, in order to put this further into perspective - my boyfriend and I are quite card daft so we spend quite a lot on cards (twice this year we have spent £60 in GameStation on cards, but that was due to BW preview tins and then the actual release). Since D//P we buy every deck and every tin that ever comes out and several booster packs in-between. So, in the last five years out of everything he and I have bought, we have never had a single Fearow, Arbok, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Vileplume, Poliwrath, Cloyster or Kingler. Even at that, there are several more that would have followed the same trend, but thanks to some very good pre-made decks, it did not.

Does anyone else suffer from similar trends?
I have never pulled out a Dragon Pokemon from a booster pack. (Not Promos)
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Surprisingly, I rarely come across Magikarp in packs.
kadabra.... though thats not my fault.... GIVE US ANOTHER KADABRA! ITS BEEN 8 YEARS!
chikorita. i needed 2 for a deck I wanted to try, and i never got a SINGLE one. I had an easy 100+ cards bought just when i was looking for one.
I also never found a Machoke. That's how far I remember.
Glad to see I'm not the only one :D

Funny with the Kadabra... I really miss Kadabra as a card :(

My boyfriend and I have bought the Reshiram and Zekrom tins and an additional 16 Black and White booster packs since then. We got two of the full-size Reshirams in one tin and also have a double of the secret rare Pikachu... however, we have yet to come across a single Maractus or a Bouffalant.
I have a ton of Kadabras...(but then again, I have 7,000 cards :p)

Out of all the cards I have, I have never owned a Blastoise. I have of all the other final starter evolutions, but not Blastoise...
I have a ton of Kadabras...(but then again, I have 7,000 cards :p)

Out of all the cards I have, I have never owned a Blastoise. I have of all the other final starter evolutions, but not Blastoise...

oh, i probably have 30 kadabras out of my 12000 cards. But, none of mine or yours were mad later than 2003, so its been a while since ive actually pulled one from a pack...
Unrelesed Pokemon Zekrom and Pikachu Rares From Black & White
From when I started getting cards at age eleven until I got myself a Paypal account at age twenty-one, I never had cards of Pidgeot, Nidoking, Clefable, Poliwrath, Alakazam, Chansey, Scyther, Ditto, Snorlax and Moltres. I kinda floated out of the TCG for awhile during the Neo years so it was never as much of a goal to complete the post-Kanto regions until I got back into the TCG during DPP.
The only one of the female nido set that I ever actually from a structure deck, and it only gives you the basic, which lets you get more ofthe male nidorans, besides that, I had to trade to play my Nido deck, which would have been killler back when it would have been legal.
Besides that, No one I have ever met has ever gotten a Koga's Beedrill, and the only time i ever saw one was just now, when I looked it up on Bulbagarden.
Since i started collecting during the 1st base set I have never got a persian or a Venusaur or a pinsir since the jungle set. I do have bad luck in pulling the same rares in boosters, pulling 3 different thundurus in 3 boosters yesterday.
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