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PokéShipping Debate Thread

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Then howcome nobody made a big deal about it? You would think a date is pretty much official, yet nobody cares? Bwuh?
That's odd, I never heard anybody talk about it... Most people actually think Handymanshipping died because Daisy imagined Misty and Tracey together.

WTF. o___O
Here's the scene: (Dubbed version)


Daisy: He [Georgio] wanted a date?
Tracey: You mean, that's why he wanted to meet you?
Daisy: Was he at least a good dresser?
Misty: He's very nice, but I've just got too much work to do at the Gym. Hey, what's the wrench for?
Tracey: Well, I figured while I was here I'd do a few minor repairs.
Daisy: I'm letting him take me to dinner as a thank you gift.
Misty: Are Violet and Lily back yet?

I'm aware that the last minute from here varies from the original, since in the dub Misty doesn't decide to go to Hoenn and instead 'realises that she has found her calling'. But that is as far as the date is pushed.

The fact that Daisy goes out of character to invite Tracey to the gym in the next Misty housou is another matter, however.
...woow. I've been away from cable waaay too long. XD Haven't seen an episode for quite some time. A long time....:(
Don't know what's going on much...Except in Jirachi Wishmaker, Ash is talking to Max...And he says something abou that he misses Misty a lot, and something about how they'll always be together? Haven't seen it for a while. And he looks pretty sad for the first part of that conversation, and then he suddenly perks up. Hm. I'm not really in a debating mood, but I had to say it. XD Oh well, go debate...When I've watched it again I can fix this up. -_-;
Lutearina said:
...woow. I've been away from cable waaay too long. XD Haven't seen an episode for quite some time. A long time....:(
Don't know what's going on much...Except in Jirachi Wishmaker, Ash is talking to Max...And he says something abou that he misses Misty a lot, and something about how they'll always be together?

That was dub added.

Not to mention his exact line was, "A close friend left me once, and I miss her everyday".

In all of AG, Ash barely ever talks about Misty or mentions her. And when Ash and Misty do meet again, Ash is pretty nonchalant around her and Misty vice versa.

Their interactions in those 3 post-Hoenn episodes should have caused concern for any Pokeshipper, as Ash and Misty's interaction with each other were "meh" at best, (they barely even made an effort to speak with one another), and at the same time Misty's interactions with Tracey should have raised an eyebrow or two.

In addition it doesn't look like Misty is returning to the anime anytime soon (if ever at this rate, as the more time goes by the more it looks like Misty's departure was meant to be permanant), so this is definitely not a happy-go-lucky time for Pokeshippers...at all.
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Stupid dubs. XD Yeh. not a happy-go-lucky time is right. >< Hm. I'm off to brood...This is quite an interesting time, indeed. Tracey, eh? For some reason, that scares me greatly. ><
In the post-Hoenn episodes, Misty is more interested in Max than Tracey!
Well they did make an entire episode for Misty/Max, but in that second Oak episode Misty was hanging around Tracey more than with Ash. It seems like they've doing a lot of bonding because Tracey swooned her over by giving her the child of his Marill, thus making them connected in a way.

But anyway I still stand by my position that there hasn't been a single Pokeshipping hint since GCYL. It seems that when Pocket Monsters ended, Misty and Pokeshipping went with it.

Advanced Generation being a new show, doesn't appear to want to bring either Misty or Pokeshipping back into the fold, which is why there has been barely any Ash/Misty interaction since Hoenn started.

It seems like the writers are moving on instead of dwelling on Misty's 5 season crush, as there is just no point anymore especially if they have no desire to make her a main character again.
There haven't been ANY shippy hints in AG at all. Be it Pokéshipping, Rocketshipping, Advanceshipping or any other ship.

As for Misty being interested in Max... oh please. Just because she and the little bugger got stuck together for ONE episode doesn't mean they have the hots for each other.
You would argue that for Contestshipping as well? Gee, don't get Jo-Jo started on that. :p
I haven't seen any hints regarding Contestshipping either. *shrugs*

Actually, the only shippyness I have seen in AG has been from characters of the day, like the Spinda girl and her boyfriend. Romeo and Juliet from the Illusmise episode and the girl and guy from the most recent Battle Frontier episode.
Misty and Max had a bonding moment. But shippyness has been rare. There has been a couple of Pokéshipping hints, but the only couple that the writers seem to have made any attempt to push is Tracey/Daisy.
Hmmm...I need to get cable. Definately. That really sucks about Misty, because she was my favorite character. -_- Stupid stupid writers. -_-
Yeah, that's really smart...Taking off Misty...Hehe, that's gonna cause a bit of trouble...Actually, it already has. -_-;;;;; Oh well, we'll see what happens...right?
In fact, besides the obligatory Brock flirtation and occasional characters of the day, "A Date with Delcatty" and "Luvdisc is a Very Splendored Thing" are the only shippy episodes in the whole of AG!

I wonder if the writers were making a point in the Delcatty episode by having all of that episode's characters go on dates except for Misty...who stays at the Gym thinking about Ash. And this is in the original version, too.
Lutearina said:
Hmmm...I need to get cable. Definately. That really sucks about Misty, because she was my favorite character. -_- Stupid stupid writers. -_-
Yeah, that's really smart...Taking off Misty...Hehe, that's gonna cause a bit of trouble...Actually, it already has. -_-;;;;; Oh well, we'll see what happens...right?

I hate to break the news to you but the show has been doing just fine since they took off Misty. Don't act like the anime is falling apart because someone holding onto an egg isn't standing in the backround.
Would you please spread your anti-Misty propaganda somewhere else? AG Misty is different to Johto Misty anyway, but that's for another thread.
I'd like to see if this person dares to say those things about Misty if he was a registered user.

In any case, sorry to burst your bubble Mr. Unregistered, but AG has had less rating points than Kanto and Orange Islands and those two seasons had Misty on them.
FabuVinny said:
I wonder if the writers were making a point in the Delcatty episode by having all of that episode's characters go on dates except for Misty...who stays at the Gym thinking about Ash. And this is in the original version, too.

Hm, are we talking about the Psyduck thing? I don't remember Misty mentioning or thinking about Ash at all in that episode except for that small Psyduck scene.
>> You'd be surprised, "good sir" unregistered.
There really HAS been a drop-down rate. Sorry. And Misty is MUCH more than "a person standing around with an egg". Oooh. That must be a revelation to yeh, eh? Well, for one thing, she isn't holding an "egg" anymore. And she has matured as well as any other character out there. We love our Misty. So try that again. Registered. I dare you. >> *TECHNICALLY quoting Kasumi-chan....XD*
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