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PokéShipping Hint List

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Dec 29, 2002
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  1. He/Him
Back in 2002, the OPS organised a massive shake-up of its hints list, and for once, PokeShippers had a unified list that we could all agree on.

Most of the people who worked on that have since left the fandom, but now that we have Bulbapedia, I think it's past time for us to be attempting to create this again. Our perspectives on several things have changed as we've all aged, and the late Johto episodes at the very least provide us with more material that we need to go over with the same fine tooth comb that we used to go over everything with in the days of the debates.

Who here would be willing to help in putting this list together? You don't have to be a PokéShipper (though it probably would help. ^^;), just someone who's interested. Hopefully, once we've covered PokéShipping, we can move on to other currently popular ships like AdvanceShipping. Or, even better maybe, we could do both at the same time. Just think of the good ol' fashioned shipping debates that might spark. ;)

So....anyone willing to put up their hands and help out?
Okay. Thinking about it I can't actually name any recent episodes (season 5 or later) with Pokéshippy stuff except Gotta Catch Ya Later. Was there anything worth mentioning during the Whirl Islands? I forget.

There's also that Pokémon Chronicles episode with the kid who has a crush on Misty, but I figure it's best to wait until the English version is available in a few weeks time.
Which episode?
Sky 1 are currently showing the Whirl Islands, and nothing has come up yet. Misty is more interesting in getting a Corsola than Ash for the first few episodes.

A while ago, I added a couple of points for "Gotta Catch Ya Later", so we may as well start there:

When Ash and Misty separate, Misty says "Well now I know how you really feel about me, Ash Ketchum". This one line has since been the centre of much debate over pokéshipping.

The clips of Misty in the how were random Misty clips in the dub. However, in Japan they concentrated on a relationship between Ash and Misty.
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...okay, now I've never got around to seeing that ep (Mainly due to the difficulty of getting a Japanese copy), but now I really have to see it, to find out what exactly was said in the original. Because *damn*, that line, together with her seeming lack of interest in the recent HoSo, could be a real kicker.

What about the Togepi eps?
The first Misty Housou airs today. I'll check for hints.

The fact that she goes to meet Ash could be seen as a hint, (though it could just be as a friend.) Why does she go back?

Her reaction to the kiss in Pokémon Heroes must be worth something too! It's also interesting that she is the one to ask who kissed him.
How about how teary eyed Ash gets when he talks about Misty in Jirachi: Wish Maker? (I don't know if that's a dub thing or not, but it sure convinced me)
EDIT: And speaking of dub things, how about Misty's Song from the 2BA Master CD? It's the only one of those crap songs I like...
nekusagi-chan said:
How about how teary eyed Ash gets when he talks about Misty in Jirachi: Wish Maker? (I don't know if that's a dub thing or not, but it sure convinced me)

Unfortunately, this was purely a dub invention. The line in the original is completely different.
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The song was taken as a hint in the early days, then we learnt better. Now, the best you could say about it is that maybe it could indicate the direction that 4Kids may be pressuring the Japanese writers to go in. Maybe. If they have any influence at all to begin with.
4kids has some influence I think. They got Brock to leave the first time, and I think they told the Japanese to ease on the jokes (that's what people at serebii are complaining about anyway).

I guess it depends on what the writers want to do. I wonder if it'll take a Yu Yu Hakusho like route?
I'd agree with the scene in Pokémon Heroes. She seemed to react more strongly to that kiss than she did when Melody kissed Ash.
I think she did ask. Didn't latias, or whoever kiss him on the lips?

I don't really remember...lol
The Pokémon Heroes kiss gained more of a reaction because it was so unexpected. Misty had seen her competiton in Pokémon 2000, but this one came out of nowhere.

As for dub hints, I think we should list them on the article as well, but perhaps in a different section, making it clear that the original version is seen as being more canonicle than the dub.

Come to think of it, they mentioned something about Misty's song and hints in the director's commentary for the first movie. *Runs off to find it*
In the Japanese version of "Naval Maneuvers!" I just heard that Danny specifically asked Misty to marry him?! Urh....

I'm assuming the dub probably edited that out for reasons to discourage paedophilia lmao, rather than to subsidize pokéshipping (which is what the anti-pokeshippers would claim).
It was Rudy who asked Misty to marry him. At least, I think so... I'm almost positive that's what happened in the manga, at least.
Oops my bad, I miss read. Gee I was gonna say that was a bit suspicious.
Well, if I ever dig up my DVD version of Mewtwo Strikes Back, I can take a look into it. I do recall the producers not really remembering what Kasumi said during that scene in the original, and that they remembered what they did with the 2BA Master CD so they decided to have Misty say "Please, no..." in its place

And the whole Rudy thing was much more hilarious in the manga. Especially the title page.
FabuVinny said:
The Rudy episode was very Pokéshippy! My main though is...how can Ash be so ignorant of what everyone around him saw and implied?!?

I think it's great when Ash acts all dense, probably the best bit about pokéshipping. It's funny to see Misty act all pissed off cause she can't get Ash jealous lmao. I'm not a fan of straightfoward ships anyway, I like it when there's a hidden agenda between the two, and there certainly is between Ash and Misty.

ShadowDino said:
And the whole Rudy thing was much more hilarious in the manga. Especially the title page.

Could you elaborate?

*is interested*
Crystal Mew: No, Latias kissed Ash on the cheek, just like Melody.

Kasumi-san: I don't remember if she did, but I believe you're correct. I'd have to watch the movie again to be sure. But IIRC, didn't Bianca wear a beret?

And the Rudy story in the manga was really funny. It had a few shippy hints as well. If my computer doesn't crash again, I'll put up a couple of scans from the manga.
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