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PUSA: GS remakes "very unlikely"


∠(>w<) #634
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
In the Mailbag feature of Pokémon.com, editors of the site answer questions sent in by fans. Here is one of the most recent:

Q: Are they ever going to do a redo of Pokémon Gold, Silver, or Crystal?

A: This is one of the most frequently asked questions here at the Mailbag! While we can't pretend to have perfect knowledge of everything that will happen in the future, we can tell you that the odds are very unlikely. You can now catch all of the Johto Pokémon by playing the latest generation of games, so there's no practical reason to remake Pokémon Gold, Silver, or Crystal.

While these people are hardly Game Freak, they do bring up a good point that GS remakes would be rather unnecessary given the availability of Johto Pokémon in Gen III and Gen IV.
While I personally don't feel there isn't any practical need for a GSC remake, I think the fan demand is big enough for Game Freak to take notice, especially with all the nods to Johto present in Diamond and Pearl.

The only real additions a GSC remake would be to the canon of the game universe like Sinnoh's relation to Jhoto, and expanding character's profiles, or relations. *coughSilver/Giovannicoughs*
Well, Pokemon availability didn't stop Nintendo from creating Pokemon Emerald or Pokemon XD. Given how the DS is selling, it'll be years and a whole new platform before we ever see the 5th generation. Aside from the obligatory third version to DP... GS sounds like the logical place to go. But I do agree that it is pretty unlikely.
I think the only reason they're not too interested in remaking and releasing GSC is because it's still fairly early (it's only been 6-7 years?), and while that argument could've been successfully made against FRLG, the fact FRLG were released probably nullified the chance of any remake releases, if only for another few years. They might also be figuring they're building up hype and interest in that way.

In the meanwhile, I totally agree with Trainer-c. I haven't played DP so I don't know how deep the references to Johto are in it, but if we can't have a GSC remake, and we can't have a game in the Johto region, key characters from Johto should appear in the games. And dammit, Giovanni should've been in the DP Elite Four or something.
This point has been voiced over and over since FireRed and LeafGreen were released, at which point all 386 were available, yet for some reason Emerald, Diamond and Pearl further nailed the coffin.

Let's not pretend that the lack of availability of 185 Pokémon in 2003 necessarily signified the release of remakes. It was popularly believed that those would be covered by the GameCube RPG that had been heard to be in plan. Come to think of it, Colosseum, Emerald and XD do cover 146 of the 185 Pokémon.

This time, the situation is reversed--the National Dex can be completed, whereas the fate of Gold and Silver remakes is the topic of discussion. I am inclined to believe that we are not supposed to know what such remakes would bring to the table, no more than we were able to determine that the missing Pokémon problem would lead to Red and Green remakes. We are, however, aware of Game Freak's desire not to leave Johto a thing of the past.

Furthermore, I would say that the demand for Gold and Silver remakes is by far greater than expectations of a third game to Diamond and Pearl. We should not forget that Blue, Yellow and Crystal did not complement their respective main series with more PokéDex slots. Interestingly, Diamond and Pearl are filled with a reference to Palkia or Dialga, respectively, as though confirming that in some reality (a third game) the two are supposed to meet. On the other hand, there is a much clearer allusion to Tin Tower and and Whirl Islands. I think we can all agree that the idea of Lugia and Ho-oh returning to their previous status of normally obtainable legendaries is more appealing than being able to catch Dialga and Palkia in the same game. Not only that, but Gold and Silver remakes would actually remove the absurd of Caterpie and Weedle being ones of the fourth generation's most elusive critters.
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Sorry, but this really doesn't mean anything at all. Pokemon.com is maintained by people paid to do it by being given press releases and stuff to rewrite. These people know very, very little more than we do at any given time so this is merely an opinion by one of the writers.

Opinions can be wrong, you know.

I think it would probably be unpractical to release anothe GS game, if they did it for the GBA and not the DS people without gamecubes or wiis or DSes(like me) would automatically run to the shops with whatever cash they had, so they could buy the grand master of pokemon games!!
Only the Game Freak knows.

Impractical yes. However, since when has impractical stopped Game Freak? They made Emerald which basically nullified Coll. in terms of dex completion. They made XD just to try to make a better 'cube RPG.

If they do make remakes it's just because they want to and/or the fans want it.

Besides, I'd like to hear the Gen2 Kanto Gym leaders theme remade.
It is worth noting that they are most likely specifically referring to Generation III as they are yet to acknowledge Diamond and Pearl.
You never know, they might wanna kill 2 birds with one stone and release gen V set in Johto.
I liked how one Mailbag shot the "OMG, WHEN IZ BUTTERFREEZ COMING BACK!" down.
I also liked that one letter about how the Japanese openings would be unfair to the "littlest" viewers that would have to keep up with subtitles or something along those lines.

With a vocabulary like that, I think the only person slow enough to be bothered with their inability to read subtitles is the guy who writes these answers.

Or maybe kids don't read?
PUSA knows as much about anything as we do, they just guess.
Well, Pokemon availability didn't stop Nintendo from creating Pokemon Emerald or Pokemon XD. Given how the DS is selling, it'll be years and a whole new platform before we ever see the 5th generation. Aside from the obligatory third version to DP... GS sounds like the logical place to go. But I do agree that it is pretty unlikely.

Quite technically, all the Pokémon from the GameCube games can be gotten though special events and FRLG/Emerald. The two games were pointless as far as the Dex goes.And BTW, PUSA said a while back that Pokémon don't have genders, even though we had the Nidoran.

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It is worth noting that they are most likely specifically referring to Generation III as they are yet to acknowledge Diamond and Pearl.
Why aren't they acknowledging it yet? Are they complete idiots?
The only media source to report on D/P is Nintendo Power, apparently.
The odd thing from this statement is that you really can't tell what they mean.
The only thing GS remakes would really help with is making it easier to get Ho-Oh and Lugia. Ideally, the goal should be to have all Pokemon obtainable within the DS games.
And I really hope if GS is remade, some improvements are added. Like making Kanto decent. And making the TR plot somewhat more engaging. FRLG was, up to a point, more like an update of RBG. I want to see improvement. Good features kept, old ones scrapped.
PUSA knows as much about anything as we do, they just guess.

Not for American stuff. They probably know the names of most DP Pokemon as well as when the games will come out.

Now, anything regarding news on the other side of the pond, they probably don't know much more (hell, sometimes it seems WE know more)
The fact that Johto locations were found in the Trainer's Memo data in DP must not have gotten through to them yet.
Errr, and possibly exploring the fun Johto Region in better graphics, and improving on stuff missing from the original because of a rehashed region?

Am I the only one who plays games for more then just getting an event Pokemon?
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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