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Question the Popular Responses!


Banana eating Gengar
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
At my time at Bulbagarden, and via browsing on other Pokemon related forums, I've come across many assumptions. Popular responses to in-game related things, e.g. Hoenn has little to nothing to do Post-Elite 4.

Well, I've made this thread to question those popular assumptions, whether it be in Black/White or Reb/Blue. Simply post a popular comment that you believe is untrue and unfair, and questions the methods that question is based on. You may argue other peoples responses, but don't just say: Pokemon Yellow is awesome! Anyone who doesn't like it is a n00b!

I'll start with my favourite Pokemon games, Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver :p

Comment: There is simply too big a level jump within the game, from region to region. The jump from the last gym leader, Blue to Red, the greatest trainer is even bigger than that of Johto to Kanto.

While I do agree there is a big level jump between the last gym leader and Red, he is the final battle. He was meant to be a challenge, that's why he's all alone by himself at the top of a mountain. Really I have to diasagree that the level jump is too big, the whole game prepares you for him. If you've been training well in Johto all your Pokemon could be between Lv.40 and 50, and after the plot and gyms in Kanto your Pokemon being in the 50's to 60's level-wise isn't that hard to imagine. After that there is the Rival battles, the improved Elite 4 and the gym leader rematches, all of which can easily help you grind up into the Lv.70's. From there it's not too much of a stretch to beat Red.

Comment: The games story is dull. It lacks a good plotline in Johto and Kanto, and Team Rocket is quite pathetic. There are limited good Pokemon, and the gym leaders you battle are nearly always higher than you. Some of their Pokemon are quite overpowered too, yet the Elite 4 doesn't prepare you for the next stages of the game.

This comment has a valid argument. The plotline in the game wasn't exactly lengthy or completely original. It wasn't really supposed to be original though, as it was just a final attempt by Team Rocket to rule the world/whatever they wanted. To be honest, GameFreak could have lengthed out the plot longer, and made Team Rocket more entwined in the storyline, with at least some action in Kanto. An event including Team Rocket could have been placed somewhere between the Goldenrod and Olivine city gyms, and it would have shifted the storyline better. The Radio Tower crisis happening after the 8th gym could have improved overall gameplay as well, however that particular gym is quite hard, and the extra levels gained during the fights at the Mahoganny Town base and in Goldenrod City do help.

I disagree with the part that says there are limited good Pokemon. To really say that you have to be very lazy or just be new to the games. Unusual Pokemon like Quagsire and common Pokemon like Geodude can be extremely helpful, and anyone who has used an Ampharos knows how useful it can be. Some Pokemon that the gym leaders use are overpowered; Bugsy's Scyther with U-Turn, Whitney's Miltank now having Scrappy, and Clair's Kingdra with its great movepool and resistances are all tough opponents. However, do you really think that the game would be more fun if these tough battlers were replaced with easy Pokemon? Doubtful. No-one wants to play a game that is way too easy. The fact that the levels in Johto are all lower doesn't make it bad though, it just makes the gameplay a bit different. It makes you shift from full throtle power attackers like Dragonite to more defensive players, and forces you to utilise strategies more.

Well, that's all I have to say. Please voice any of your opinions, especially if you have reasonable evidence to back it up. Thanks!
Hoenn has too many water routes.

I would respectfully disagree -- it's only about 1/3 water routes, and the real world is the other way, with the world being 2/3 water. So I don't think there are too many water routes, and I personally enjoyed island hopping.
Red's awesome! I like challenges and managed to beat him in Crystal with all Pokemon below lv.50.

My favorite:Bug Pokemon are weak.

NOT! That's the image Butterfree and Beedrill created back in the times of Red and Blue.Many Bug-type Pokemon are powerful such as Scizor,Heracross,Accelgor,Yanmega,Galvantula,Volcarona...the list goes on.
Fire Pokemon are weak.

Fire nerfs Steel. Plus, many Fire-types have such stellar Sp. Atk. that they can kill with just a STAB.
DPPt Super Contests are stupid and incredibly difficult.

While whether they're fun or not is obviously subjective, I really don't think they're that difficult. The Visual Round is easy once you have the right Scarf, a lot of accessories and know what the themes mean/what's effective for them. Yeah, some of the themes are harder to figure out, I'll admit. ("Relaxed?" What.) Dance Round is easy with some practice and later involves a bit of luck.

I think the problem is that some people throw in a random Pokémon to participate and hope to win, and get frustrated when they don't. This can work on the lower ranks, but don't expect to get an easy Master win without actually preparing for it(condition, moveset, nature, etc.)
Dragon types are the best

Maybe stat wise but I prefer a Klinklang any day over a hydriegon.

It is just more useful.
X Pokémon is bad because I don't like how it looks.
This is a video game. There are mechanics. Base stats, EVs, IVs, Natures, Abilities, etc. Gameplay. It is not about how pretty the Pokémon are, it's about how they function in the game.

X Pokémon is good/bad because it did well against a Gym Leader/Elite Four member/ the Champion/the evil team leader.
For one thing, in-game trainers have no EVs and likely have poor IVs as well. Your Pokémon have likely gained enough EVs from killing random Pokémon that its stats are high enough to surpass whatever in-game trainer you were facing. On top of that, in-game Pokémon have little in the way of strategies. Simply spamming a powerful enough attack is enough to defeat most trainers in-game. As long as your Pokémon isn't bottom-of-the-barrel trash, it well do well in-game.

Pokémon that are bad in-game on the other hand, likely have a reason why they are not usable. Many have poor level-up movepools and require another source, such as breeding or TMs, in order to get decent attacks. A decent level-up movepool is necessary or else they will not be of much use.

Many defensive Pokémon cannot deal enough damage to do anything outside of, well, defend. Because of this, they will not be much of use in-game, due to the AI's "HAX HAX HAX ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK" mindset which renders most forms of defensive strategies useless.

Arceus/Kyogre/Darkrai/Mewtwo/stupidly powerful Uber Poké is overrated because I could take it down easily!
How well the Pokémon performs depends on the person using it. If some mentally deficient noob uses a team of 6 Ubers, they won't win because they know so little about the game that they likely gave their Pokés HMs in their movesets. A good player on the other hand, could easily sweep anything in their path. Basically, give a gun to someone smart and you'll have an armed man; give a gun to someone stupid and you'll have an idiot to accidentally shot himself.
X Pokémon is bad because I don't like how it looks.
This is a video game. There are mechanics. Base stats, EVs, IVs, Natures, Abilities, etc. Gameplay. It is not about how pretty the Pokémon are, it's about how they function in the game.

While on some level that's true, there's also an aesthetic portion of the game as well.
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Hoenn has too many water routes.

I would respectfully disagree -- it's only about 1/3 water routes, and the real world is the other way, with the world being 2/3 water. So I don't think there are too many water routes, and I personally enjoyed island hopping.

I was going to say that too, but I also want to point out that the theme is "Land vs. Sea" in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, so naturally the water and land routes in Hoenn are going to be relatively even compared to other regions.
Chandelure rox0rs. I get the whole "Fire types suck" thing from people who tend to choose Water- or Grass-type starters.

And the topic of Pokemon and aesthetics brings up another popular response: only competitive battling matters lololol n00b. It's your game; you can play it however you choose. If you like playing the game with a stick up your backside (no Salamence, Leftovers on your Milotic, Earthquake on every damn 'mon, same old same old) that's fine.
"grass types are the weakest type. don't choose them

as much as i like grass types, i have to agree, BUT, if you chose a grass starter it makes the game more challenging. and if you pick for example, a fire starter, you could just breeze through the game and have it finshed by tomorrow. i picked snivy in black and white, and she's now a level 100 serperior:awww:
"grass types are the weakest type. don't choose them

as much as i like grass types, i have to agree, BUT, if you chose a grass starter it makes the game more challenging. and if you pick for example, a fire starter, you could just breeze through the game and have it finshed by tomorrow. i picked snivy in black and white, and she's now a level 100 serperior:awww:

Not always. Grass types were the easiest to run through with in gens one, three, and four. Five all three were pretty well balanced.

I wouldn't say grass types are harder to run through with.
Generations 1 and 2 have a terrible storyline

I suppose this is subjective, but I personally like the storylines very much. I'm not saying I don't like the complexities of Black and White, but I really do like the feelings of Gen 1 and Gen 2. I like that the adventure seemed just carefree and light. You weren't necessarily trying to save the world, and you weren't some kind of chosen one. You were just a kid on an adventure with his friends and you were working on your dream. I like the first two generations because it captures the wonder and majesty of being a child. Even though you got caught up in some bad stuff, the world wasn't going to end because of it, and it felt as though the only reason you were fighting team rocket was out of the pure goodness of your heart.
I got into Pokemon to help keep the child in me alive.

Hey you Pikachu was the stupidest thing ever, only little kids and noobs like it
Even if Hey you Pikachu wasn't a masterpiece, I personally found it very fun. I liked interacting with my Pikachu and i found the games to be rather entertaining.

If you use Ubers, you are probably just a noob who is overcompensating
Or... you know, I just happen to like the pokemon and use it on my team. My Ho-Oh fights alongside a BUTTERFREE, so I don't think I'm looking for ultimate power.

End of rant
If you use Ubers, you are probably just a noob who is overcompensating
Or... you know, I just happen to like the pokemon and use it on my team. My Ho-Oh fights alongside a BUTTERFREE, so I don't think I'm looking for ultimate power.

This. Who cares what I use in-game? I always use non-uber pokemon when I'm battling casually and competitively, so what do you care if I use them in-game?
grass types are the weakest type. don't choose them

Grass types are awesome and most of them have acess to Leech seed,Giga Drain and Ingrain which makes them tough opponents.The only reason they aren't used more is their weaknesses to both top offensive types:Ice and Fire.
grass types are the weakest type. don't choose them

Grass types are awesome and most of them have acess to Leech seed,Giga Drain and Ingrain which makes them tough opponents.The only reason they aren't used more is their weaknesses to both top offensive types:Ice and Fire.

I know, everyone hates on grass and bug types, which are my favorite, but with good move sets many of them are a force to be reckoned with
grass types are the weakest type. don't choose them

Grass types are awesome and most of them have acess to Leech seed,Giga Drain and Ingrain which makes them tough opponents.The only reason they aren't used more is their weaknesses to both top offensive types:Ice and Fire.

I know, everyone hates on grass and bug types, which are my favorite, but with good move sets many of them are a force to be reckoned with
You have to use x to win.

I have seen x as a species, a type, a move, and an item - probably other things too. Apparently you can't win without the same pokemon, the same types, or the same strategies that someone else is using which really confuses me. If we were all doing the same exact thing, wouldn't it be harder to beat each other? ._.

Hoenn has too many water routes.

I would respectfully disagree -- it's only about 1/3 water routes, and the real world is the other way, with the world being 2/3 water. So I don't think there are too many water routes, and I personally enjoyed island hopping.

The problem with this is, while the world is mostly water, the vast majority of us spend most of our lives on land. There is also the fact that if you were to spend that much time in the sea you would get more variety than tentacool/wingull/pelipper over and over.
You have to use x to win.

I have seen x as a species, a type, a move, and an item - probably other things too. Apparently you can't win without the same pokemon, the same types, or the same strategies that someone else is using which really confuses me. If we were all doing the same exact thing, wouldn't it be harder to beat each other? ._.

Hoenn has too many water routes.

I would respectfully disagree -- it's only about 1/3 water routes, and the real world is the other way, with the world being 2/3 water. So I don't think there are too many water routes, and I personally enjoyed island hopping.

The problem with this is, while the world is mostly water, the vast majority of us spend most of our lives on land. There is also the fact that if you were to spend that much time in the sea you would get more variety than tentacool/wingull/pelipper over and over.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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