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Ragnarok's Trade Thread**Now able to poketransfer!**Updated With New Pokes***


haha u read my title :p
Nov 9, 2010
Reaction score
Poketransfer now available!!!
I can now Transfer pokes onto my white cartridge, so anything thats listed as 4th gen is available in 5th gen as well altho i will transfer these on request so it will take a little bit before they are ready. Ill list all of my stuff that is on my white in a seperate section to avoid confusion.

As of now I dont really have the time to provide much in the way of services such as EV training or breeding. I may be able to clone or rename if u catch me online and im not busy, the only payment necessary would be a clone of what im working with if interested.

1. For the most part its safe to assume that everything in my shop is cloned so if you dont like clones this isnt the place for u.
2. I unfortunately dont have a whole lot of time on my hands atm so most of my trades need to be done either earlier in the day (before 4pm my time) or need to be done on wednesday or thursday, as those are the days I usually have off. Also i usually check the forums here on my phone while im at work so just cause im online doesnt necessarily mean that i can trade, altho feel free to shoot me a VM or PM to doublecheck.
3. I can attach most items to a poke im trading off in either gens as a deal sweetener if it helps, just make sure to lemme know beforehand so i can throw it on.
4. Please keep all trades for like pokemon, EVed pokes for EVed pokes, DW for DW. The only exception is that ill trade most things in the shop for UT Flawless pokes I dont have.
5. Be polite to everyone that posts in this thread, I will not tolerate any rudeness here.
6. Please post what u are offering and what you are asking for clearly so i dont have to guess at what your proposing, this includes just asking what i want for pokes from here, please post an actual offer or at least a CMT. I will ignore any posts that are overly confusing and vague. Also to show that you have read the rules for my shop please reference Gallade somewhere in your post, i may choose to ignore posts that dont contain this.

I will be updating and refining the shop as i go so they'll probly be new pokes added before to long.

4th Gen:


My full collection of EV trained and battle ready pokes. Most of them are level 100 already but some are still lower level since i had just finished EV training them and havent had time to level them yet. The large portion of the EV training has been done by me.

Shiny Mamoswine
Lvl. 50
Adamant Female
Snow Cloak
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/252/6/0/0/252
Earthquake/Ice Shard/Stone Edge/Superpower

Shiny Froslass
OT. Smogon
Lvl. 100
Timid Female
Snow Cloak
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31 (HP Grass)
EVs: 6/0/0/252/0/252
Substitute/Blizzard/Spikes/Thunder Wave

Shiny Exeggutor
Lvl. 100
Modest Male
IVs: 31/26/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire)
EVs: 40/0/0/255/0/215
Hidden Power/Psychic/Sleep Powder/Leaf Storm

Shiny Staraptor
Lvl. 100
Adamant Female
IVs: 31/31/31/9/31/31
EVs: 0/253/4/0/0/253
Return/Close Combat/U-turn/Brave Bird
also available as Lvl. 1 UT

Shiny Cacturne
OT. Mat
Lvl. 100
Adamant Female
Sand Veil
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/254/0/0/4/252
Swords Dance/Substitute/Focus Punch/Sucker Punch
Also available as Lvl. 1 UT

Shiny Kabutops
OT. Serra
Lvl. 100 with Pokerus
Adamant Male
Swift Swim
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/252/6/0/0/252
Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Stone Edge/Swords Dance

Shiny Sceptile
OT. Serra
Lvl. 100
Timid Male
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
EVs: 0/0/0/252/6/252
Hidden Power/Focus Blast/Energy Ball/Leaf Storm

Shiny Medicham
OT. Hayley
Lvl. 99
Jolly Female
Pure Power
IVs: 31/31/31/8/31/31
EVs: 6/252/0/0/0/252
Trick/Psycho Cut/Hi Jump Kick/Ice Punch
also available Lvl. 1 UT

Shiny Swellow
OT. Mary
Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Jolly Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/252/0/0/6/252
Facade/Brave Bird/U-turn/Protect

Shiny Crobat
OT. Mat
Lvl. 99
Jolly Male
Inner Focus
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 232/0/56/0/76/146
Roost/Brave Bird/Whirlwind/Taunt
also available as Lvl. 1 UT

Shiny Venasaur
OT. Shadow
Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Timid Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/6/252/0/252
Petal Dance/Leaf Storm/Sleep Powder/Leech Seed

Shiny Lucario
OT. alfred
Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Adamant Male
Inner Focus
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/253/4/0/0/253
Extremespeed/Close Combat/Crunch/Swords Dance
Also available Lvl. 1 UT

Shiny Sunflora
OT. Hayley
Lvl. 99
Modest Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
Leech Seed/Sludge Bomb/Sunny Day/Solarbeam

Shiny Drapion
OT. John
Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Jolly Female
IVs: 31/31/31/27/31/31
EVs: 6/252/0/0/0/252
Pursuit/Night Slash/False Swipe/X-Scissor

Shiny Absol
OT. Mat
Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Adamant Male
Super Luck
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6/252/0/0/0/252
Megahorn/Zen Headbutt/Sucker Punch/Swords Dance

Shiny Pelipper
OT. twisted
Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Bold Male
Keen Eye
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 236/0/160/114/0/0
Surf/Air Slash/Roost/Toxic

OT. Pikbec
Lvl. 51
Adamant Male
IVs: 30/31/28/19/31/31
EVs: 0/252/4/0/0/254
Stone Edge/Dragon Dance/Dragon Claw/Crunch

Shiny Porygon-Z
OT. Yuii
Lvl. 100
IVs: 31/31/24/31/18/31 (HP Ghost)
EVs: 10/0/0/252/0/248
Ice Beam/Recover/Psychic/Hyper Beam

Shiny Porygon-Z
OT. Ash
Lvl. 100
IVs: 31/31/30/30/30/30 (HP Fighting)
EVs: 0/0/4/252/0/252
Hidden Power/Try Attack/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt

OT. Wyatt
Lvl. 100
Jolly Male
IVs: 31/31/31/23/31/31
EVs: 0/245/10/0/0/255
Night Slash/Earthquake/Close Combat/Ice Punch

Shiny Empoleon
OT. Pikuffy
Lvl. 100
Modest Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 26/0/0/252/0/232
Drill Peck/Flail/Aqua Ring/Hydro Pump

Shiny Glaceon
OT. Max
Lvl. 36
Modest Female
Snow Cloak
IVs: 31/31/31/30/30/31 (HP Ground)
EVs: 70/0/0/248/192/0
Ice Beam/Ice Shard/Hidden Power/Signal Beam

Shiny Jolteon
OT. Linda
Lvl. 69
Modest Female
Volt Absorb
IVs: 28/31/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
EVs: 0/0/60/255/0/195
Thunderbolt/Signal Beam/Hidden Power/Subsitute

Shiny Bronzong
OT. Mat
Lvl. 100
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0
EVs: 254/152/8/0/96/0
Light Screen/Earthquake/Reflect/Explosion

Shiny Metagross
OT. twisted
Lvl. 100
Clear Body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 60/252/0/0/0/196
Agility/Meteor Mash/Earthquake/Thunderpunch

Shiny Infernape
OT. MattJ
Lvl. 100
Naive Male
IVs: 30/31/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
EVs: 0/66/0/252/0/192
Fake Out/Heat Wave/Close Combat/Hidden Power

Shiny Crawdaunt
OT. LyDFrvr
Lvl. 100
Adamant Male
Hyper Cutter
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31
EVs: 0/252/6/0/0/252
Crabhammer/Night Slash/X-Scissor/Dragon Dance

Shiny Typhlosion
OT. Pikuffy
Lvl. 89
Timid Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 10/0/0/252/0/248
Blast Burn/Eruption/Focus Blast/Extrasensory

Shiny Ludicolo
OT. Jonny
Lvl. 100
Modest Male
Swift Swim
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 32/0/0/255/0/223
Rain Dance/Hydro Pump/Energy Ball/Ice Beam

Shiny Shiftry
Lvl. 100 with Pokerus
Modest Male
IVs: 31/2/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire)
EVs: 6/0/0/252/0/252
Bide/Nasty Plot/Grass Knot/Harden

OT. Alex
Lvl. 100
Rash Female
IVs: 7/15/17/30/31/22
EVs: 87/0/0/249/7/167
Thunderbolt/Psychic/Focus Blast/Icy Wind

Lvl. 74
Bold Male
Water Absorb
IVs: 31/12/31/30/31/30
EVs: 188/0/252/0/68/2

Shiny Turtwig
OT. Pikuffy
Lvl. 12
Adamant Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 62/244/200/0/0/0
Stockpile/Spit Up/Swallow

UT Flawless

My precious collection of Flawless Babies. These pokes havent recieved any training yet. I may be able to EV train and trade them off as trained once i get a little more time on my hands and if theres a demand for such.

OT. Alex
Lvl. 1 UT
Modest Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Bagon
OT. Lance
Lvl. 1 UT
Naive Male
Rock Head
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Dragon Dance/Hydro Pump

Shiny Turtwig
OT. Pikuffy
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Swallow/Spit Up/Stockpile

Shiny Duskull
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Impish Female
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Night Shade/Pain Split/Will-o-Wisp/Payback

Shiny Mudkip
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Trapinch
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Male
Hyper Cutter
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Ralts
Lvl. 1 UT
Timid Female
IVs: 21/31/31/31/31/25
Confuse Ray/Mean Look/Destiny Bond/Will-o-Wisp

Shiny Diglett
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Male
Arena Trap
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Horsea
OT. alfred
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Elekid
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Ice Punch/Fire Punch/Cross Chop

Shiny Gligar
OT. Gabe
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Female
Hyper Cutter
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Baton Pass/Agility/Double-Edge

Shiny Pidgey
OT. Siburke
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Female
Tanged Feet
IVs: 20/31/31/31/31/31
Brave Bird/Steel Wing/Pursuit/U-turn


Ill get a list posted of the few events i have once ive taken the time to research what all of them are cause i dont know off hand which ones are what.

Regular shinies

These pokes are shiny without any kind of EV training or special IVs. (IVs and verification of UT or T can be provided on request)
These are low priority for me, so most of them can be added in for deal sweeteners.

Lvl. 18 Mild Male

Lvl. 31 Modest Male

Lvl. 12 Serious Male

Lvl. 16 Relaxed female

Lvl. 52 Bold Male

Lvl. 1 Brave

Lvl. 1 Modest Male

Lvl. 1 Timid Male

lvl. 56 Relaxed Female

lvl. 1 Modest Male

Lvl. 20 Naive Female

Lvl. 1 Bashful Male

Lvl. 1 Jolly Female

Lvl. 1 Modest Male

Lvl. 18 Sassy Female

Lvl. 1 Rash Male

Lvl. 25 Mild Female

Lvl. 1 Timid Male

Lvl. 1 Careful Male

Lvl. 70 Calm

5th Gen Pokes:

These are the few interesting pokes i have obtained so far on my White cart. I would like to trade these for other 5th gen guys but by now means is it a requirement at all.

Shiny Shuckle
Lvl. 1 UT
Impish Female
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Cubone
OT. Jake
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Male
Rock Head
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Gible
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Male
Sand Veil
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Yanma
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Timid Male
Compound Eyes
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Sneasel
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Male
Inner Focus
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Drillbur
OT. White
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Female
Sand Force
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Abra
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Timid Female
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Beldum
OT. Luis
Lvl. 1 UT
Clear Body
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Cresselia
OT. Sudo
Lvl. 50 UT *needs to be doublechecked*
Modest Female
IVs: 31/22/30/30/30/30 (HP Fighting)

Shiny Mareep
OT. Jake
Lvl. 13 UT *needs to be doublechecked*
Modest Male
IVs: 30/15/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)

Shiny Magnemite
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Magnet Pull
IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/31 (HP Grass)

Shiny Cresselia
OT. Sudo
Lvl. 50 UT
Modest Female
IVs: 31/22/30/30/30/30 (HP Fighting)

Shiny Machop
OT. Jake
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Male
No Guard
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Torchic
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Solosis
OT. Infi
Lvl. 1 UT
Bold Female
Magic Guard
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Eevee
OT. Vixana
Lvl. 1 UT with Pokerus
Timid Female
IVs: 31/16/31/31/31/31 (HP Dragon)

Shiny Eevee
OT. Vixana
Lvl. 1 UT with Pokerus
Timid Female
IVs: 31/16/31/31/31/31 (HP Dragon)

Shiny Deino
OT. Gian
Lvl. UT
Modest Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/27/31 (HP Dark)

Shiny Shellder
OT. Jake
Lvl. 1 UT
Impish Male
Skill Link
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

Shiny Spiritomb
OT. Mat
Lvl. 1 UT
Adamant Female
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31

OT. Pikuffy
Lvl. 1 UT
Timid Female
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
Hypnosis/Disable/Power Swap/Heat Wave

OT. Byaku
Lvl. 1 UT
Modest Male
Flash Fire
IVs: 19/22/28/31/31/31 (HP Ice)

OT. Kory
Lvl. 1 UT
Modest Female
Compound Eyes
IVs: 2/28/12/31/31/31 (HP Ice)

OT. Reuban
Lvl. 1 UT
Jolly Female
Mold Breaker
IVs: 29/31/16/4/31/31
Night Slash/Dragon Claw

OT. Milun
Lvl. 1 UT
Rash Male
IVs: 11/29/31/31/27/19

OT. Mat
Lvl. 10 UT
Mild Male
Solar Power
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/31 (HP Electric)

Shiny Rhyhorn
Lvl. 41 Adamant Male

Shiny Minun
Lvl. 1 Lax Male

Shiny Roselia
Lvl. 48 Mild Female

Dream World Pokes:

These pokes are all from the dream world with hidden abilities and all female ready for breeding. interesting moves learned will be listed after each poke.

Kangaskahn - Fake Out
Poochyena - Poison Fang
Lickitung - Rock Climb
Exeggcute - Synthesis
and Nidoran Male if anyones interested


Ok, ive finally got time for a decent wants list. The way im gonna do it is everything on my wants list is gonna have a credit value, and everything except for my regular shinies and dreamworld pokes will be worth 1 credit, the afore mentioned will be worth only a half a credit. Every want will have a credit value attached to them based on importance and urgency on my part. While not having anything on the list by no means disqualifies u from trading, i would like to keep nonlist trades to same category if prudent. (dreamworld for dreamworld, Flawless for Flawless) And even barring that ill still at least CONSIDER cross category trades so if u see something u want please dont be afraid to offer. And on a last note, please dont just ask me what i want, for i want everything including your couch, so unless u wanna ship me your couch for my pokes plz post what ur offering, and now the list!

Close Combat Growlithe - 1 Credit
Good IVed 5th Gen pokes - 1 1/2 Credit
Adamant Shiny Flawless Shellder with Skill Link and Icicle Spear - 2 1/2 Credits
Spikes/Leech Seed Ferroseed (both can be learned from Catcurne)- 1 Credit
Relaxed Flawless Ferroseed with above eggmoves (low Speed IV even Better)- 3 1/2 Credits
Flawless Calm Chansey(preferably shiny) - 2 1/2 credits
Nonshiny Flawless Careful or Relaxed Pineco(preferrably with stealth rock) - 2 1/2 Credits
Shiny Modest Feebas with HP Flying or Psychic - 3 Credits

Being provided by fishpies when he has time
Elemental Bite Shinx - 1 Credit
Extremespeed Dratini - 2 Credits
Shiny Flawless Eevee - 2 Credits

Ill update the list as i think of anything i need, and on one last note, please keep egg move pokes male plz, itll make my life easier.


I will occasionally be updating the shop with contests for free pokes, these will range from battle contests to quizzes. Ill try to have the first one up within the first couple of days so check back soon!

Trade List - just for my benefit so I know who im looking for to trade with.
Shinymamoswine - Drapion for PorygonZ
Jimiinthesky - Metagross for Gengar
Daena - Catcurne for dratini
Kurieg - Turtwig for Leavanny
juan8913 - Bulbasuar and turtwig for dratini and totodile??
TheJustice - Elekid for Carnivine
Last edited:
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Shop Open for Business!

What would you like for the Shiny Flawless Mudkip?
I've got some DW females if you want them?
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Shop Open for Business!

I have some DW females: Dratini, gligar, farfetch'd, lickytung, vulpix, surskit and shinx.

I'd like your shiny piplup, if you're interested.
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Shop Open for Business!

Would you be interested in trading that gengar in my thread for the shiny metagross? :)
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Shop Open for Business!

I like your EV'd shiny Cacturne.. are you interested in obtaining DW females at all? I have the following:
Poliwag, Slowpoke, Stantler, Nidoran, Gligar, Bidoof, Exeggcute, Dratini (with the eggmove ExtremeSpeed), Carvanha, Shinx, Murkrow, Swablu. :)
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Shop Open for Business!

@justice - for my first post? sure lemme know what DW females u have other than dratini, gligar, natu, and the ones i have listed.

@duque - sure ill trade u the piplup for the farfetchd

@jimi - sounds good to me, lemme know when if your available to trade

Also i hope everyone knows that all these guys are on 4th gen games, mainly my Soulsilver, so itll take a couple trades to finish the transaction
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Shop Open for Business!

I've just noticed...this is in Gen IV yes? you can't trade on gen V?
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

I'd love that shiny turtwig, I've got a bunch of DW Females on my White Cartridge, and two shinies (Numel and Leavanny), their IVs arn't anything special though :-/
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

i CAN trade in 5th gen but almost none of my pokes are transfered yet since i havent beaten my game yet. I can still trade all the pokes their but only to 4th gen games for the time being
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

I have a bellsprout or a Tangela to spare, if you'd like. But if you want to trade IV gen I've got some rare Pokes on there too?
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

can i get shiny bulbasaur and turtwig for my shiny dratini n shiny totodile
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

i CAN trade in 5th gen but almost none of my pokes are transfered yet since i havent beaten my game yet. I can still trade all the pokes their but only to 4th gen games for the time being

yeah, same here, I beat the 7th Gym in White and then fell into the dark abyss of dream world breeding from which no light escapes.

There's a poketransfer thread in the main trade Forum, or i could give you something in 5th gen for the Turtwig in 4th.
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

In Gen IV I have an Ambipom, 31 in Speed, 252 Spd, 252 Hp, 4 Def

I can attach any item you'd like really.
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

@duque - sure ill trade u the piplup for the farfetchd

'kay, I'll let it ready.

Or, in case you want, we can trade piplup using a IV gen game, and later, I'll give you farfetch'd when you finishd your V gen game.
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

I'm looking at this Pokemon:

Shiny Venasaur
OT. Shadow
Lvl. 99 with Pokerus
Timid Male
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 0/0/6/252/0/252
Petal Dance/Leaf Storm/Sleep Powder/Leech Seed

Would you accept any of these for a trade?

Zapdos—touched level 56 calm nature
Lugia level 70 UT from HG
Ho-Oh—touched level 49 sassy nature
Uxie level 50 UT jolly nature
Mesprit level 50 UT relaxed nature
Azelf level 50 UT serious nature
Dialga level 1 UT bashful nature with adamant orb (from Pearl)
Palkia level 47 UT hardy nature (from Pearl)
Giratina level 70 UT bashful nature (from Pearl)
Cressalia level 50 UT modest nature (from Pearl)
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

@Justice - well if u can transfer between gens i can just trade u the mudkip on a 4th gen game and just trade me the tangela on a 5th gen game

@Juan - do u happen to have IV spreads for the dratini and totodile?

@Kurieg - yea lol i know the feeling, but yea i can trade the turtwig for the shiny leavanny

@Duque - yea i can trade u the piplup on a 4th gen and then pick up the farfetchd from ur 5th gen game, cause i can still trade on there, just not transfer from 4th gen games

@everyone - Ill have to wait til tomorow to do any trades cause i had something come up so i have to go to work early.
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

i would like shiny crobat and/or kabutops and/or rayquaza, just ttell me what you want, i can get it
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

@Duque - yea i can trade u the piplup on a 4th gen and then pick up the farfetchd from ur 5th gen game, cause i can still trade on there, just not transfer from 4th gen games

Right. Already have your farfetch'd, so, I think we can trade tomorrow, by this hour or sooner.
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

You looking for egg move pokes?
Re: Ragnarok's Trade Thread Open for Business!

I'll trade ur shiny evd drapion for my shiny evd HP fighting 70 porygon-z
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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