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Random Legendary Pokemon


Amateur Breeder
Jan 13, 2011
Reaction score
I have been cleaning out my boxes and have decided to trade some of my spare legendaries.

Edit: I added a couple of Dittos w/ perfect IVs to the post.

I don't have any particular wants, but shiny Pokemon and evolutionary stones are nice. If you think you have a good offer though, fire away!

List of offered Legends:
UT Articuno
UT Zapdos
UT Moltres
UT Mewtwo
UT Raikou x2
UT Entei x2
Suicune x2 (1 UT)
LT 10th Aniv. Celebi (Touched, but didn't gain a level.) {Claimed!}
UT Groudon
Heatran x2 (1 UT)
UT Lv. 1 Regigigas
UT Lv. 1 Giratina
UT Non-Special Encounter Shaymin {Claimed}

I also may get more Pokemon from Gen. III games, so I'll update the list if I do.

Dittos w/ perfect IVs:
Perfect HP.
Perfect Attack x2
Perfect Sp. Attack
Perfect Sp. Defence

All offers are not hacked.
If you need a level or original location for any Pokemon, just ask!
As the Shaymin is not an event, I am willing to TEMPORARILY trade my event Shaymin if you want a gracidea flower. Get it quickly! I will then trade you your new Shaymin in return for the event.

Friend code:1420-7754-5242
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Articuno is Jolly, UT Heatran is Modest, and T Heatran is Docile.
What would you want for the Celebi? I have a DW Evee, plenty of good-IV'd Porygons (and I can have it hold an Up-Grade as well for Porygon 2), egg-moved Ferroseed (Leech Seed), items (I have most/all evo items)?
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I am interested in UT Groudon and Heatran.. Not sure if you are interested but I can offer quite number of DW like Smeragle, Poliwag and Burmy.. I can also offer quite number of items, that includes items from battle subway.. :)
May I ask what a "Non-Event Shaymin" is?
ikmdude: A good IV Porygon w/ Up-Grade works for me, but I just realized that the Celebi has been touched, but without gaining a level. Sorry about not checking that. Let me know if that matters.

Kaguya: A DW Smeargle and a razor fang would be great.

iKonoha: Sounds good to me!

Switcherroo: In Platinum, I got Oak's letter through the event and caught the in-game Shaymin. Because it is not a special encounter Shaymin, it cannot activate the Gracidea flower in-game. But it can use the flower if you already obtained it, thus the procedure explained above.

Everyone: I double checked, and only the Celebi was incorrectly labeled.
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That works for me. Would you like those 'rused? Oh, and kudos for liking Ghost Trick.
It technically is an event because you needed Oak Letter's to get the Shaymin, which wasn't available in-game and was only released for a set amount of time. It may not activate the Gracidea event, but the Shaymin is still an event itself due to the nature in which you had to obtain it -- through receiving Oak's Letter.

Not that it really matters, as long as the Shaymin's legitimate, so don't mind me. :)
It technically is an event because you needed Oak Letter's to get the Shaymin, which wasn't available in-game and was only released for a set amount of time. It may not activate the Gracidea event, but the Shaymin is still an event itself due to the nature in which you had to obtain it -- through receiving Oak's Letter.

Not that it really matters, as long as the Shaymin's legitimate, so don't mind me. :)
Rectified it above. Just to be accurate.
Do you happen to know the EVs it gained? Either way, that's cool. Porygon(Iv'd) with up-grade for the Celebi.

Also, I have a non-event Shaymin myself as well (possibly hacked). Could I get a turn with your Shaymin to get the flower?
Sadly I have no idea about the EVs. On a more positive note, I can lend you the event Shaymin. I'll trade you Shaymin for the Porygon, then Celebi for Shaymin. You should start the trade in Lacunosa Town, since the girl who gives the flower is in there.
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Could I get the 10 ANNIV Celebi? I can clone it and give it back to you :), I can give you a shiny flawless charmander, a shiny flawless manaphy or a shiny flawless bulbasaur. All legit. (your pick :))
Bursty: If imkdude agrees, sure.

General: I found a Zapdos lurking in the depths of my boxes in Platinum, so I added him to the list.
I can offer various evolutionary items for your Ho-Oh: Dusk Stone, Sun Stone, Thunderstone, Water Stone, King's Rock, Dubious Disc, Magmarizer, Electirizer, DeepSeaTooth, DeepSeaScale, Metal Coat, Dragon Scale, Protector, Reaper Cloth, Razor Claw, or Razor Fang. Are any of those good?
I'm usually available, let me know when you can trade.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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