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Religion Angers Me

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Golden Wang of Justice
Dec 30, 2002
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There are some stupid fucking beliefs out there.

What do you think are some of the sillier mythological beliefs currently practiced?
Not being able to drink coffee. <-- WTF?
Not being able to donate blood because it's against "God's will". (Yeah, right God wants people to die because they can't get a blood donator...)

Sure, I respect people's beliefs, but some of them are incredibly ridiculous.
Anything involving the Rapture. Even if one accepts the Bible as the True Word Of God, it takes an awfully creative reading to get anything resembling some of what I've heard.
The annoying "Pokemon/Harry Potter/Yugioh/Aliens/Anything" is satanic.
Why should you "respect" beliefs if they're outlandish and stupid?
The annoying "Pokemon/Harry Potter/Yugioh/Aliens/Anything" is satanic.

Oh yeah, forgot about that too. ._.;;;

I remember when people used to say the Smurfs were satanic because Peyo sold his sould to the devil. XD

Why should you "respect" beliefs if they're outlandish and stupid?

More like I respect the fact they have the free will to believe whatever the hell they want to. ^^;
It's not that cows are sacred. It's that they believe it might be a reincarnated relative.

Silly beliefs:

ANY diet restriction (religion-based).
The entire anti-evolution standpoint.
Any post-life virgin-fest.
What Habunake said.

And I'm sure there are tons more than I've just...blocked from my mind or can't quite properly form into sentences that are short and non-rambling.
I forget where I read this, but I think it applies to what Girafarig_Magcargo said...

"Saying atheism is a religion is like saying not collecting postage stamps is a hobby."

- Trip
Beliefs that cause people to attempt to intrude upon my own personal beliefs are annoying. Everything else is fine.
Off the top of my head: Scientology, Raleans, and these guys:


I'd have to agree, though it's not so much the beliefs as it is the people that choose to actively, and publicly, represent those sects. The Raelian "belief" structure isn't that bad once you scrape away the crazy. It's really just a sci-fi attempt to create a religion that doesn't immediately piss off all the other religions. It's fun if you don't take it too seriously.
How anyone could believe a man who lived and died 2,000 years ago walked on water, turned water into wine, and is god is beyond me.
Jehovah's Witnesses are no fun. Those idiots don't celebrate birthdays.
Word on the street is that they were founded by a schizophrenic.
XD so I take it this year we won't be getting any rants from you about how the poor poor Christians are so oppressed because of their savoir not being made the focus of the season and how this country was founded upon Christian beliefs?

I think the "no evolution" thing is one of the ones that irritates me the most, along with anything relating to sex like "homosexuality is evil" or "sex before marriage is evil." Especially the ones that don't even make sense, like all that "one man, one woman" stuff from Christians whose own bible strongly endorses polygamy, and how they can put so much effort into banning gay marriage when their bible never says anything against gay marriage but their savior/God directly stated in the bible that divorce is wrong in any case unless the woman- just the woman, not the man- is a prostitute, yet you never see them trying to ban divorce to protect the "sanctity of marriage."
And Mohammed was probably on something when he made his prophecies, but nobody cares about that, IS. Don't knock Jehovah's Witnesses for simply not celebrating your holidays--if a Jew doesn't celebrate Christmas, is it as big a deal?

"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."
-L. Ron Hubbard, who then proceeded to do exactly that.
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