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Rioting in France

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Dagoth Ur

Registered User
Jan 11, 2003
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Is it really true that all this was sparked by two immigrant morons who fried themselves running from cops who were not even chasing them, or is there more to the story?

How should the rioters be dealt with? Why hasn't Chirac sent in troops yet?

If I were in control of France, I would have sent in the military to forcefully crush this insurgency already.
All I can say is that it seems like the French seemed to have been watching News Reports on us last month....

It all seems eerily familliar - Seriously, you'd think that the scenes on TV were from Belfast rather than Paris....

If I were in control of France, I would have sent in the military to forcefully crush this insurgency already.

Yeah, that's a fantastic idea - send in the armed guard representatives of troops that were chasing down the two kids in the first place.... Genius idea. That's BOUND to stop everyone being so pissed off....
(The following post is hideously ignorant, as I know little of modern France and my knowledge of the riots extends to "Islamic minorities have been rioting for nine days.")

It's France. They HAVE to do this kind of thing, the average French government(As in governmental system, not politician in office) since the revolution has lasted about 20 years. :p

Seriously, the Fifth Republic wasn't going to give France eternal stability, it's not gonna ever be like the UK... Not that this will be what brings it down, but still...

Besides, given the harsh assimilationist attitudes of the government and discrimination against muslim Frenchmen, they deserve it... Just call elections and be done with it, y'know?
Doctor Oak said:
Yeah, that's a fantastic idea - send in the armed guard representatives of troops that were chasing down the two kids in the first place.... Genius idea. That's BOUND to stop everyone being so pissed off....
Who says anything about calming the rioters down? I was thinking along the lines of shooting them down.
The news say that the cops were not chasing the electrocuted fools in the first place. What is wrong with making the assumption that the rioters are supporters of those two teenage idiots (hey, if they ran from the cops, they must have done something to deserve it), hence they are also morons or criminals that society would not miss?
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Tsing Shi Tao said:
Who says anything about calming the rioters down? I was thinking along the lines of shooting them down.
The news say that the cops were not chasing the electrocuted fools in the first place. What is wrong with making the assumption that the rioters are supporters of those two teenage idiots (hey, if they ran from the cops, they must have done something to deserve it), hence they are also morons or criminals that society would not miss?

Hi Hitler!
Archaic said:
It is not politically correct to simply kill the stupid for the crime of being stupid.
What about the fact that they are causing property damage, attacking police, and rebelling against the government? And the fact that supposedly the rioting is being organized by "drug traffickers and Islamist militants," and many of the rioters are immigrants? Isn't that enough reason to declare the situation out of control and kill them?
You kill a criminal, you don't get rid of a problem - you make it a thousand times worse.

You either take yourself from a moral high-ground and throw yourself waaaay past their level or you end up making martyrs.

That's hardly going to stop anything is it? You don't stop people being pissed off by shooting them in the head - wouldn't you be a bit narked if you had a few bullets in you?
At least it's fun to watch the French method of dealing with Islamic "militants"
Doctor Oak said:
You kill a criminal, you don't get rid of a problem - you make it a thousand times worse.

You either take yourself from a moral high-ground and throw yourself waaaay past their level or you end up making martyrs.

That's hardly going to stop anything is it? You don't stop people being pissed off by shooting them in the head - wouldn't you be a bit narked if you had a few bullets in you?
So what's your solution? Let the rioters continue their thing?:rolleyes:
Shoot the rioters, if they become martyrs and more rioters join in, shoot them too. I cannot imagine a government letting immigrants run amok in their country so that citizens have to cower in their basements.
Of course, give the rioters fair warning first (not that they deserve any). "You have 60 minutes to stop. If you don't, you will be shot. Survivors will be shot again nonlethally, then given to the Americans for fun."
Tsing Shi Tao said:
So what's your solution? Let the rioters continue their thing?:rolleyes:
Shoot the rioters, if they become martyrs and more rioters join in, shoot them too. I cannot imagine a government letting immigrants run amok in their country so that citizens have to cower in their basements.
Of course, give the rioters fair warning first (not that they deserve any). "You have 60 minutes to stop. If you don't, you will be shot. Survivors will be shot again nonlethally, then given to the Americans for fun."

In most civilized countries, rioters are arrested and tried rather than gunned down on the street.
Birdboy2000 said:
Besides, given the harsh assimilationist attitudes of the government and discrimination against muslim Frenchmen, they deserve it...

Yeah, cause the way WE treat them is SO MUCH better. We LET them wear the headscarfs...as we tote them off to jail because they're "suspicious" (I point to a VERY recent story as evidence).

Tsing Shi Tao said:
I cannot imagine a government letting immigrants run amok in their country so that citizens have to cower in their basements.

Hell, America was BUILT on that.

I don't think the rioting is right, but if you look at what's been happening in France over the past few years, it's not surprising that a riot has finally broken out.

Girafarig_Magcargo said:
In most civilized countries, rioters are arrested and tried rather than gunned down on the street.

Too bad that doesn't count America.
Too bad that doesn't count America.

-- You're a fucking idiot.
GrnMarvl13 said:
Yeah, cause the way WE treat them is SO MUCH better. We LET them wear the headscarfs...as we tote them off to jail because they're "suspicious" (I point to a VERY recent story as evidence).

Hell, America was BUILT on that.

I don't think the rioting is right, but if you look at what's been happening in France over the past few years, it's not surprising that a riot has finally broken out.

Too bad that doesn't count America.

I wasn't aware that America executed people who smashed shit.
1968 Democratic National Convention. EVERY LABOR RIOT from 1850-1920. Hell, half the time it wasn't even a riot until the government got involved. The riot after the Red Sox finally won the World Series again (and that wasn't even a REAL bullet, it was one of those rubber bullets, yet someone died). Every race riot in American history. It's NOT something America is proud of, but it IS part of our history. Do we do it now? Eh, it's been a while since we had a good riot (aside from that one with the gang members and the Nazis, but I think the cops were more confused about WHO to shoot).

Juroujin said:
- You're a fucking idiot.

Thank you. It's always nice when someone gives me a random insult with no reason WHY. It's like Christmas.
Whenever rioters physically attack police officers (see 1968 convention), police should respond with force.

You're saying that law enforcement kills rioters, and back that up with mostly vague instances from several decades ago. Oh, and death via rubber bullet, which was, by all accounts, accidental. Good work.
Rioters dig their own graves.

Like, Kent State. You can't expect to throw rocks at National Guardsmen and not expect to get some form of retaliation headed your way. Is it sad that innocent people died? Yeah. But nevertheless, you sort of take your life and put it in a police officer's hand when you decide to express your views through violent protest.
evkl said:
Rioters dig their own graves.

Like, Kent State. You can't expect to throw rocks at National Guardsmen and not expect to get some form of retaliation headed your way. Is it sad that innocent people died? Yeah. But nevertheless, you sort of take your life and put it in a police officer's hand when you decide to express your views through violent protest.

Except they sent scared troopers who sprayed fire into a mass of students, many of whom were innocent.
Except the students were throwing rocks. And by being in a group like that, you're exposing yourself to danger.
evkl said:
Except the students were throwing rocks. And by being in a group like that, you're exposing yourself to danger.

Those were separate incidents.

As for the innocents, they were going to class, not just hanging around.
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