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Review S07 EP02: Let Bagons Be Bagons


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Japanese Episode AG 42: "Fly Bagon! Towards the Future!"
American Episode 314: "Let Bagons be Bagons"


Kids' WB!, 10:00am ET
A Bagon tries to learn how to fly as Team Rocket has one of the funniest "Boss Fantasies" ever. Coconuts!!!

By the way, One Piece premieres on the Fox Box today at 9:30am ET. You must watch it.

Post your thoughts about the episodes here. Please mark any spoilers for episodes not that have yet to air in America in spoiler tags.
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I won't be around to see this ep. I haven't seen 2 eps so far. Jump for Joy way back in August, and this one (that is if Kids WB actually shows it on Friday). Damn baseball tournament starting at 9:30. I won't even get a chance to see Sonic X (maybe a bit of it but not much).
By the way, there's an encore of the episode on Friday the 24th at 4:00pm ET for those of you who can't watch it this morning.

By the way, this is the first time they've messed up the premiere of an episode of Pokémon Advanced. Up until now, all of the episodes have premiered in order, but for some reason "Love at First Flight" is being skipped at the moment. There's no reason to cry "banned episode" yet, as the episode is probably just being skipped to get to "The Princess and the Togepi" sooner.
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AH, I just realized that!!! Now I guess its a good thing I'm taping this episode on a seperate tape. I'm trying to get all the episodes in order.

Maybe they are skipping the Illumise episode due to the "Brock attempts to rape Ash" scene. ^^ I was wondering how they would dub that.
Quite an amusing episode... I loved the boss fantasies with coconut milk, the line about Team Rocket and the value of hard work was funny, and it was so amusing to see Seviper get all tangled up... Other thoughts:

I loved the Pikachu/Bagon battle, especially how it dodged that skull bash.

Satoshi's explanation of how he became such a good trainer I rather liked... I'm liking the Advance Generation far less arrogant Satoshi.

And we saw a pokemon actually evolve at the end of the filler, and Bagon got to fly by jetpack! So neat to watch.
This is the first time I've seen AG live in a while. I've been taping the last few, being forced to watch them later. I still haven't watched last week's, someone probably taped over it by now...

What a nice filler! Michelle was really awesome. That's also my mom's name. XD That shirt was teh coolest, and so was her hair. *gets fanart ideas* Okay, such a cool filler character! Those sunglasses kinda seemed like cheating in a battle, but they were still really neat! Does anyone know who voiced Michelle? I couldn't put my finger on her. Anyhow, I hope she recurrs!

Two boss fanaties in one! My mom was talking to me during the second one, but I loved the even more demented style of art used in them. XD How obsessed with Coconuts does Meowth think the boss is? XD

I loved the part when Haruka May and Ash were fantasizing about flying, and Max said they were so immature. :p Reminded me of myself. It was cool how Bagon got to fly with Meowth on the jetpack.

This was also the first time I saw the new theme. It's not half bad. This just reminds me on how behind I am with the Japanese ones. ;_; But the "Trainers: which Pokémon evolves into Grovyle?!?1one!?1" thing was so stupid, even worse then Who's That Pokémon. I guess they ran out of mons. :sigh:

Rating: 9/10!
Hitchi: The previous "trainer's choice" one was much better. Out of the options of Mudkip, Taillow, and Combusken, it asked which one would be best to battle Poliwrath. The answer, of course, was Taillow.
It was a pretty good show, it really showed what a good and well trained Pokèmon pikachu is. Dogasu, I did catch One Piece, but I didn't really like that show.
This was a really good episode! And I loved the battle that Ash had with Michelle! Pikachu did great against Bagon! Although, I didn't really like how they didn't get to finish their battle, cause it was interrupted by Team Rocket. Anyway, I really loved the part when Ash was telling Michelle how he trained his Pokemon by encouraging them. That was so cool! ^_^ And I liked those boss fantasies that Meowth had. They were really funny! LOL. And I really liked the part when Meowth and bagon were flying with the jetpack! That was funny too! And I also liked the part where Bagon went with Treecko on the jetpack, to help get Pikachu back from Team Rocket. That was really cool! Oh, and I loved how Bagon evolved into shellgon at the end! That was cool too! And it was great how all those Pidgeotto flew by as well! Overall, this was a pretty good episode, and I really enjoyed it! :-D

Rating: 10 out of 10
Rocketshipper said:
Maybe they are skipping the Illumise episode due to the "Brock attempts to rape Ash" scene. ^^ I was wondering how they would dub that.

It's not a question of censorship, since we know that the episode had been dubbed and is airing on Sky One. It's just Kids' WB! being weird with its scheduling like they used to be before Pokémon Advance started.

pikapal said:
Dogasu, I did catch One Piece, but I didn't really like that show.

Thanks for watching, anyway. I've been reading message board reactions all morning and have read an edit list, so I know how 4Kids is treating it. Let's all hope they release bilingual DVD's some day.
YAY! so its not completly skipped. But that still doesn't mean they couldn't removed that scene. There have been other times when WB has edited out something that was left in somewhere else. That short scene from "Got Miltank" comes to mind. There are also those scenes from season one that were cut from TV but left in on the VHS tapes.
I just about crapped myself at the Boss fantasies, especially since they both ended with white stuff splattered all over his face.

...what, you don't think he gets around?

Eh, never mind (it's a damn good thing this is an all-ages board)

Another thing--notice in the first one, they imagine him working for *them*. And the pith helmet from last weekend makes another appearence. (my question--how many of those outfits that appear in the Boss Fantasies do you think he really has? We already know he has a scary Hawaiian shirt...)

Bay-gon, hmm? Where does the y sound come from when it's spelled Bag-on? (either way, what the hell does that name *mean*?)
O.O Team Rocket seriously needs a reality check. What they think is real and what *is* real are tw entirely different things. They need a smack across the face, not to mention a healthy does of reality. *shudders* They think way too highly of Giovanni.
Originally posted by Rocketshipper
That short scene from "Got Miltank" comes to mind.


What scene did they take out from that episode?

That's weird, I didn't know they did that....
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FrozenWind said:
O.O Team Rocket seriously needs a reality check. What they think is real and what *is* real are tw entirely different things. They need a smack across the face, not to mention a healthy does of reality. *shudders* They think way too highly of Giovanni.

How quickly they forget what happened in Mewtwo Returns. He's a complete psychopath, and they seem to have put it out of their minds entirely.
Originally posted by Lady Dragonrider
Wasn't there a scene where Meowth and Cyndaquil were sucking on Miltank's teets?

Oh yeah, now that you mention it, I think there was a scene like that or something....

And I guess that must've the scene that Rocketshipper was talking about.
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Bay-gon, hmm? Where does the y sound come from when it's spelled Bag-on? (either way, what the hell does that name *mean*?)

The best guess I have is "Baby" + "Dragon".

In which case Bay-gon WOULD be the correct pronunciation.
Please note: The thread is from 20 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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