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Review S07 EP03: The Evolutionary War


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Japanese Episode AG 095: "Huntail and Sakurabyss! The Evolution Riddle!"
American Episode 366: "The Evolutionary War!"


Kids' WB!, 10:00am ET
Encore airing on Friday, October 7th at 3:00pm

As Ash and the gang make their way to Mossdeep City, they encounter a group of kids arguring over which Clamperl evolution is better - Huntail or Gorebyss. Can Ash and his friends, with the help of Professor Birch, solve the mystery of these pokemon's evolutions?

Also, notice how the CotD look just like the CotD in "A Double Dilemma."

Post your thoughts about the episode here. Please mark any spoilers for episodes not that have yet to air in America in spoiler tags.
"ABC Islands," huh? I guess it makes sense, but it would have made more sense if they had repainted the giant rocks on each of the islands to go along with the new names.

It seems like I've been mispronouncing Gorebyss all this time. Ah well.

Good God, Nancy has a really annoying voice.

I guess water pokemon in the anime can survive out of water after all. When the two Clamperl evolved, Huntail and Gorebyss didn't seem bothered by it at all.

The lol moment of the episode:

Nancy and Keith: "Use Confusion attack!"
Team Rocket: "We're confused!"

Overall, it was a very slow paced episode filled with repitition, but I've seen worse.
Today's episode wasn't too bad, but it wasn't too good either. Just some random ho-hum filler. And the ABC islands looked nothing like A,B, and C's.
Originally, the islands were called I, Ro, and Ha, after the katakana symbols the islands look like.
"We saw 'em on the water, and they were goin' at it!"

Bland and pointless, but hey, Professor Birch makes everything better. *v* ... aoh, and the Huntail were pretty cute, too. ♥

I rather enjoyed the "Kingler Z" mecha, though. o_oa; ... for reasons completly unrelated to the episode. "No worries! Kingler X will be reborn as the more powerful Kingler Z!"~

Also, way to recycle a pun, dubbers. "What you seed is what you get" wasn't even that funny the first time. (and James' "Can you hear me now?" line? It's like they weren't even trying...)
I actually liked the episode, despite the really lame excuses used by Nancy and Keith (I always wanted a this/that; what is this, West Side Story/Romeo and Juliet again? As if the show hasn't used that plot enough times), the sudden stop of a generational rivalry because two kids wanted the opposite evolution (because we all know adults highly value the changes among the lil'uns because they found some 'so cool'), and Professor Birch's describing the taste of the water making me gag.

All-in-all, I was missing Birch's incredible random appearances and this was a nice surprise. ^^

BTW, Gorebyss is so much better than Huntail, it's not funny. Island 'C' loses~

It starts here in an hour and a half. :(

I, and everyone else I know who plays the TCG, have always called it "Gore-biss." "Gore" as in Al Gore, and "Biss" as in the abyss.

Of course, we all used to call Metagross, "Meh-tuh-grawss" until they pronounced it "Meh-tuh-gross" and Illumise "Ill-loo-miss" until they called it "Ee-loo-me-zay."

Is how I pronounce Gorebyss how they pronounced it? :p
For some reason a lot of the fillers between the 6th and 7th Gym battle were pretty mediocre. Probably because they're focusing on all the useless fish Pokemon (Clamperl, Gorebyss, Huntail, Relicanth, Walimer...not much you can do with these guys). Pretty surprising for Hoenn, as almost every filler is a good one. Oh well, after the 7th Gym battle the fillers reach excellent Hoenn quality again.
James: Can you here me now.

I guess it was only a matter of time. :disgust:

Yes this was another filler that would have found itself right at home in Johto. I still think three years is too long for a region.
Better than last week's episode, but still not great. I liked the plot, but I wish they could have presented it in a less repetitive way; seeing the same scene over and over for each little kid was annoying. It was nice to see Birch again, but I thought he was being a little dumb when he drank the water on each island. What if it had some poisonous mineral in it? Team Rocket had some good lines and I liked their Kingler Mech. Didn't they have one before, sometime in johto?? I also liked how the two little kids were fighting at the beginning.

Girl: We'll never get there the way you drive!

Sounded like they were married ^_^.

overall score: 2 stars.
Jo-Jo said:
I've always pronounced it Gor-uh-biss...

Where is there an "uh" or something like that between the Gore and byss? :p Sounds to me like they were pronouncing it as if it had been spelled "Goreabyss."
The "e".
I was surprised by it too.

All the kids fighting was interesting, but I can't say that the resolution made sense. Despite that this is Pokémon, I thought Nancy and Keith were eventually going mercilessly teased or even beat up. (You know how humans are often herd animals.) Nancy's voice was annoying. So was James' "Can you hear me now?" Oddly enough, for whatever reason, I did like this episode. I'll give it an 8/10.

Does anyone know for a fact who Deepsea Teeth/Scales come from?
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I liked it pretty well. The part when Jessie's Seviper leaped out of the water and unleashed Poison Tail was pretty cool. I thought Team Rocket had good lines, but yeah, the plot was a tad repetetive. Not bad for an episode with a plot we've seen about a million times before, though. I think its always funny when Wobbuffet pops out...lol.
Ok call me dumb or whatever, but I don't get this:

James: Can you here me now.

I'm either too half asleep or braindead to get this or it only makes sense if you've seen the ep. Somebody help me out here.
^ Huntail used Screech, and Jessie was saying "Do you hear that?" and then Meowth says something else about not hearing her and the loud noise. And then James says "Can you hear me now?" after the Screech attack stops.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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