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Review S07 EP35: Whiscash and Ash


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Japanese Episode AG 75: "Showdown! Fishing Master & the Giant Whiscash!"
American Episode 347: "Whiscash and Ash"


Kids' WB!, 10:00am ET
No encore airing this week

While traveling on to the next city, Ash's badge case gets eaten by a giant Whiscash. As the gang attempts to retrieve it, an old fishing master appears and decides to help our heroes. Can Ash become a master fisher and get his five badges back?

Post your thoughts about the episodes here. Please mark any spoilers for episodes not that have yet to air in America in spoiler tags.
Sullivan was scary. o_o And so was his Flaaffy, did you see that thing's eyes go red when it used Dynamicpunch?

But still, an original episode, and pretty enjoyable, but I hope this doesn't signify the return of "Pikachu thundershocks the ground, the ground blows up, TR goes blasting off again". We had that in the last ep too.

Anyway, 8/10.
Question, did Flaaffy have a nickname? I'm pretty sure this one did in the Japanese epi, heh. Anyway... Suzumura, Sullivan... awesome.

it's Krabby!1

I missed the little opening. *sigh*

It was kinda cute when Ash was struggling and then funny when he was halfway alive. XD

Those Pokémon lures were pretty cool. It was kinda random that Masato picked Kecleon.

Sullivan was so funny. ^_^ I liked the part where he kept catching small Pokémon and then throwing them back in.

It was also funny when Jessie was catching Feebas with her hair, although the pronounciation James used irked me. o_O I guess TR doesn't realize how rare Feebas are or else they aren't rare in the anime.

I also liked the part when they showed all the badges and then the gym leaders.

Hannah is a good name for a Flaafy. *makes a mental note* I thought that Flaafy's appearance was pretty cool. I can't believe that Ash-tachi didn't try to stop him was using a master ball. It would've made more sense if he tried to use an ultra ball or a net ball.

Although pointless, this was a pretty good episode.
Rating: 8/10
I loved the Feebas bit. And after I got a shiny looking so hard, but never get an actual feebas. :p
Zak said:
Question, did Flaaffy have a nickname? I'm pretty sure this one did in the Japanese epi, heh. Anyway... Suzumura, Sullivan... awesome.

In Japananese, it was Hama-chan. In English, it was Hannah.

Gym Leader picture!

Phone calls made me miss a good ten minutes. Anyway.

Is it just me, or are the voices of pokémon getting more and more predictable? It irked me that I guessed right on Whishcash's voice being Forrestress'. *vein*

Sullivan was...man, that egocentric of a man who can pull of the pink robes and walk beside a pink pokémon with pride (not to mention a damn good VA to boot) gets an A+ in my book. ...And he looked like Pegasus. ^.^

And I balked when Jesse pulled out three Feebas when I haven't even gotten one ever, as easy as that. *wanted to KILL* Three! That was three future Milotic right there! And Jesse tossed 'em away! DO you know how cruel that is?!

But it was kinda...you knew Sullivan would be getting into trouble when he pulled out an electric type to battle Whishcash. But then, when it did Dynamicpunch, then Iron Tail, I figured, 'okay, I was worried for nothing'. T.T Then he called out Thunderbolt/shock and it was, 'yeah, what a moron.'

But props for the episode, despite borrowing from all those 'biggest catfish/croc/any water animal to ever roam the river/pond' tales! :D It was fun!
So who *was* Sullivan's VA anyway? He sounded vaguely like Dan Green...could he have another voice we hadn't heard before? Because whoever it was, he was damn good.

Was it just me, or did the pond seem to vary wildly in size depending on the shot?

Ok, so Meowth, you know what a Feebas is...but not how mind-bendingly rare it is?! And aww, no Boss Fantasy this ep? Come on, I want to see what your cracked-out little mind comes up with for a giant fish!

Hey, Bullet Seed did area damage rather than just one big hole like it usually does. Interesting.

According to the captions, the Flaaffy's name is spelled "Hana".

You know, I bet 4Kids just loved Sullivan. He looks like a YGO character, he acts like a YGO character...and thanks to them, he *sounds* like a YGO character too!

OK, so...um...yeah. The Master Ball goes in Nero's mouth and it doesn't catch. Wheras a certain later capture of May's worked just fine that way, and that was a regular Poké Ball. *cough*
I liked this episode. Pretty funny in places, especially with Sullivan. And this makes...two times that Ash has nearly drowned? The other time I'm thinking of is in the second movie. Maybe he should just take scuba diving lessons.
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
So who *was* Sullivan's VA anyway? He sounded vaguely like Dan Green...could he have another voice we hadn't heard before? Because whoever it was, he was damn good.

Not Dan Green, no sir. I swear I've heard it before, but not as a regular. I think it's a new actor, oh yes. o_o Which is /good/. New voices are /good/!

Hey, Bullet Seed did area damage rather than just one big hole like it usually does. Interesting.

You know, I bet 4Kids just loved Sullivan. He looks like a YGO character, he acts like a YGO character...and thanks to them, he *sounds* like a YGO character too!

But not quite. XD This guy does depression and ego extremely well. Pegasus never did those emotions, at least not this heavily. I /loved/ the way Sullivan responded to him being called a 'legend'. All lit up and so unmodest.

And was I the only one who noticed that when Grovyle did Bullet Seed, the seeds were angled downwards, but when it hit the balloon, they were flying upwards? *nitpick*
I really liked this episode, although Sullivan was rather strange. To be honest, he reminded me of Ahab from Moby Dick by Herman Melville. It reminded me of the GS Ball episode when Sullivan said that Whiscash were drawn to shiny objects. The part where Ash dived after Whiscash was funny, as were the names that James gave his plans. Though it was a filler episode, I enjoyed it a lot.

Roxy's Rating: 8/10

I thought this was a good episode. It was also pretty funny. I thought it was funny when Sullivan kept on catching small Pokemon. It was also funny when Feebas kept on biting Jessie's hair. That scene where they showed all the Hoenn gym leaders was also good. The only thing I didn't like was Sullivan's voice. I think they could of done better.

Rating - 9/10
Satoshi also nearly drowned in Miniryuu no Densetsu (The Legend of Dratini).

It was interesting enough. 8.1/10. It was a bit slow at times, and I'm slightly nitpicky. Drowning creeps me out. I also found it strange that Ash could struggle like his life depended on it, but 1. he couldn't tear the seaweed, 2. he didn't actually try to untie the seaweed (shoot, it wasn't even tied, it was only slightly wrapped (pic from Filb)), and 3. this guy could pull Ash out of the seaweed with ridiculous ease. Then there was how Corphish probably would have pulverized Ash's pelvis and broke his lower back were it not an anime.... >_> <_< And that Flaaffy was scary. Anyway, nice things: The weird facial expressions. Interesting-looking character of the day (and I like his Japanese name). They said "god." Little Whiscash! It was still fun. I noticed that Bullet Seed damaged an area instead making a big hole, too (yet I didn't notice the direction of Grovyle's aim? Darn).

Did anyone else not like Sullivan's voice? I know I expected something a little different (something like Blaine, actually), but this? Maybe I'm just not used to such deep voices....
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Here's my review of this episode:

I really loved this episode! And I think the part at the beginning when Ash fell down because of that bucket was hilarious. LOL. XD And I really liked the part where Ash dove in the water, to go after that Whiscash. The part when he got stuck there, because of the seaweed was really funny. And I really liked the part when he grabbed on to the Pikachu lure, and landed on the boot. I liked the way he said, "I'm alive". That was really funny! And I really liked the part when, later, the guy gave them each lures to use to catch Nero. I loved how Ash picked the Pikachu lure, for good luck. That was cool! And I liked how Brock got a Lotad lure, and I thought it was funny how May got a Psyduck lure, and Max got a Keckleon lure. XD Anyway, I loved the part when Sullivan kept catching all those little Water Pokemon. That was funny! And I also liked the part when Jessie kept catching all those Feebas with her hair. That was hilarious! XD And I really liked the part when Sullivan caught a Magikarp, and Ash started laughing, and then he caught Nero. That was cool! And I liked how they made Nero look so strong. I mean, it not only pulled Ash, but it pulled Pikachu, Brock, May, and Max too! And I thought it was interesting how Ash thought of having Corphish use Crabhammer on him like that. I thought it was funny how May said that was crazy, and then Ash said something like, "Maybe it is crazy, but I have no choice!". And I loved it when he said that. One of my favorite parts in this episode was when Ash pulled Nero out of the water and it landed on the beach. That was really cool! And I loved the part when Ash's Grovyle used Leaf Blade on Team Rocket's balloon, and it made all those holes. That was awesome! And I really liked that the part when Ash had Pikachu use Iron Tail against Seviper's Poison Tail attack. That was really cool! And I really loved the part when Ash got his badge case back. That was so cool! And I thought it was funny when he said, "What a relief". XD Oh, and I thought Sullivan's Flaafy was really cool! And I loved how it used Dynamic Punch and Iron Tail against Nero! Although, I actually forgot that Whiscash is part Ground type (I always thought it was water and electric for some reason), so when Flaafy used Thundershock, and it didn't work, I was like "Huh? Why didn't it work?". LOL. XD Anyway, I thought it was really cool how Sullivan had a Master Ball! And I liked everyone's faces when they saw it, cause they were all surprised. That was so funny! And I think one of the funniest lines in this episode was when Ash said to Sullivan, "Shouldn't you stop talkin' and start catchin' Nero, Mr. Sullivan?". XD Oh, and I thought it was weird how Nero just swallowed up that Master Ball, and then went back in the water. I mean, since that Whiscash took Ash's badges, I really wanted Sullivan to catch it. Although, I liked how Sullivan said something like, "As long as I don't catch it, I can always look forward to the hunt.". That was cool! And I liked part at the end, when Ash was looking at his badges and he said, "I'm never letting you guys out of my sight again.". I loved that line! And overall, I really loved this episode, it had a lot of funny parts in it, and I think it's one of the best episodes I've ever seen.

Rating: 10 out of 10
So Sullivan had been hunting that Whiscash for 50 years, yet didn't know that it was part Ground type? XD
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