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Review S08 EP07: It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!


May the Aura be with you.
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score

Fresh from events that have apparently already been forgotten, Ash is in Mossdeep City and is ready to challenge the Gym Leader to a battle. But everyone is over at the Space Center where Team Rocket manage to steal a rocket...with Tate and Max inside.
This is the usual “meet the Gym Leader and challenge him to a battle” episode, though it is a decent one.

Team Rocket steal a rocket. Meowth has a point. Why hadn’t anyone thought of that before? Well, they did magic one out of thin air back in Violet City, but an actual space shuttle would be very useful. Though probably not for the reasons Meowth gives. And Jessie already knows that a Boss fantasy is coming up! Are they really getting that predictable?

Pikachu’s impression of the Pokémon…funny, but who was the triangular one?

As for how this episode transfers to the next one…well, I’ll save that for next week…
The triangle one looked way too much like Snorunt....but that can't be right. o_o

Seven words: Jason Anthony Griffith as Tate is Love

Okay, so Rchael turning out to be their mother wasn't a surprise; she did look enough like them. However...Commander Jim? >.> Um, Star Trek? Ick!
The triangular one was Corphish.
I liked this episode, even though Tate & Liza seem to have older voices than I thought they would. Pikachu's impressions of its teammates was funny. And the Zero-gravity battle was a good idea.

MistyIRC said:
although I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical about the Baltoy stopping the space shuttle... Considering the likely massive momentum of it all, the physics of it are a bit off to say the least. :p

Well if they can keep six humans and a Pikachu in zero-gravity for that long, it is possible. And they couldn't keep it up for long, so...
This was a great episode, excellent characters, great voices, and the brother/sister theme was great.

One of the best introduction to Gym leader episodes ever. This is Pokemon at it's best.
[Shuttle Rant]Whoever wrote this must never have seen a shuttle launch. They had the boosters coming off too early and the fuel tank way too early. The Shuttle is practically in orbit well the fuel tank is released. They also neglected the roll the shuttle does while climbing. I'd also like to mention that a few Baltoy could not hope to create enough Psychic force to slow down, let alone stop the shuttle in its tracks.

They should have let them get into space and have Tate show TR who's boss because he'd been trained in Zero Gravity and Team Rocket closest encounter with ZG is being blasted off. Not to mention Cacnea and Seviper would be useless in orbit.

Another issue I had was the shuttle landing. The shuttle is incapable of much manuevering at all, let alone a high degree bank especially with the engines on. The shuttle would have been torn to pieces by the G forces. Yet Max and Tate weren't even the least but woozy. Not mention they'd need a run from New York to London to land the shuttle hot like that. Which is why the emergancy landing sights get farther from the shuttle as it climbs to allow it to decelerate to the point that could land on the runway. The Space Sbuttle is not an F-14 yet they treated it as such in this episode.[/Shuttle Rant]

*Catches breath*

Other than that this episode was great. The Corphish antics were gold and Max smacking his claw way while not even looking is an instant classic.

The various training machines were true to life and Zero Gravity room was sweet. It's too bad we didn't get to see any other battles in it. Ash getting Dizzy was a hoot and a little bit of Kanto side making an appearance. Maybe he'll think about touching something next time.

The Big Al's Rating
8.3 out of 10
The Shuttle Scene was poorly written but the rest of the episode made up for it.

I copied this from my SPPf because the shuttle rant's too long to write all over again.
I was wondering if the shuttle information was correct. Thanks for the info/rant, Big Al.

I actually like this episode a lot. Tate and Liza are so cute! Ash in the centrifuge was really hilarious. I was waiting for a line from James, but it didn't come, which made me happy. Give us a break every few eps. XD

I realized that Team Rocket (especially Jessie) loves food a whole lot more than anything else. Like, if J&J got married (bear with the 'shippyness), they couldn't have a wedding cake because they wouldn't get down the aisle. They'd already be at the reception eating the food. XD

Anywho, this gets an 8.5/10. Yatta!
I loved the parts with pikachu floating in the background and when it impersonated Ash's other pokémon. This was a pretty good episode.
I give it a 7/10.
Although I know next to nothing about shuttle launches, I intuited everything TBA mentioned (except the roll. It rolls, huh?). Also, would they have really launched the shuttle later the same day after having several intruders and having to set it back up after landing it? o.o
I pretty much agree with him.

Other than the shuttle thing, it was funny, silly (dadgummit, Ash should know better than to touch stuff like that without permission, especially when it's gated off), and just plumb crazy. Strangely, though, it didn't excite me that much (save for the "WTH! That's not smart/right!" moments). 8/10.
Great ep, especially the fantasy. One problem, though.
"That's hot"- Jessie
Why, 4Kids? Why?
Thanks a lot. Way to reinforce the image that Jessie is an airheaded ditz, with that stupid Paris Hilton reference. Excuse me while I go shoot my TV.

Also, am I the only one who was utterly shocked to learn Tate was a dude? All this time I thought Tate and Liza were twin sisters, and I almost thought they pulled a reverse Bashou on him... Damn misleading sprites. I'm still holding out to see what will become of Tucker...
nekusagi-chan said:
Also, am I the only one who was utterly shocked to learn Tate was a dude? All this time I thought Tate and Liza were twin sisters, and I almost thought they pulled a reverse Bashou on him... Damn misleading sprites. I'm still holding out to see what will become of Tucker...

The info that Tate was male was easy to come by, it's not like every major website stated he was a female.

Tucker is male, and he's too manly looking for 4kids to change him either.
nekusagi-chan said:
Thanks a lot. Way to reinforce the image that Jessie is an airheaded ditz, with that stupid Paris Hilton reference. Excuse me while I go shoot my TV.

At what point did Jess say that?

I don't think Jessie ever really had the image of being an airheaded ditz. If anything, she's the exact opposite by being the leader of the Team.
When she got burned (by Combusken or Torkoal, I forgot).
And Blackjack, "that's hot" is Paris Hilton's catchphrase (she got it trademarked, if I'm not mistaken.
It definately doesn't sound like the right context for a Paris Hilton reference.

Are you supposed to pay for using trademarks as well, or is that just for copyrights?
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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