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Review S08 EP20: Showdown At Linoone ・ EP21: Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?

Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
  1. He/Him

Both pics from filb.de

AG 113:
JP: Massuguma! (Linoone) The Shape of Friendship!?
Dub: Showdown At Linoone!

AG 114
JP: The Mysterious Island of Sohnano! (Wynaut)
Dub: Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?

This is up early...

Showdown at Linoone

Lineoone? I’ve been calling it Linoone ever since I got one in Ruby two and a half years ago!

The thing I like most about Linoone is that it is the best Pokémon that has Pickup as n ability, and I am glad that got showcased here. It was especially nice to see some of the hold objects. On that note, Max certainly knows his stuff. It’s a shame it doesn’t get put into good use. The round object thing, though… Token should visit Cherrygrove City some time. At least the Quagsire there give them back!

The shippiness was pointless and used an episode title in the process. So they’re parents and they love each other? It was done better with Brock’s parents.

Team Rocket are good, particularly at the beginning. You’d think James would know how spiky Cacnea is by now, though. :rolleyes:

Professor Oak is surprised that Ash has already got eight badges but is willing to use it as an excuse to hold the biggest party Pallet Town has ever seen… I just wish we could see more of Pallet Town after the glimpse from “Journey to the Starting Line”. Professor Oak apparently forgets his promise too…

Who, What, Where, When, Wynaut?

There’s nothing really new here since Wynaut appeared back in Johto, but it is interesting to see the way the anime depicts Mirage Island. Drew hasn’t done much lately, so it was good to be reacquainted with him before the Grand Festival. It would have been nice if the writers had put a little more into the seriousness of the next contest, because what Drew says at the end is important: May needs that ribbon to enter the Grand Festival.

What was May doing with those Wynaut? ‘Cos it wasn’t playing in the innocent sense of the word!

The Magikarp Sub’s first appearance since Training Wrecks was nice, especially with the twerps getting to see the inside. Though back then it got stuck at the bottom of the ocean and now it is in pieces over an island that is very hard to reach. And what happened to the Meowth balloon? Wobbuffet fits the theme but it is odd that it would be used.
England got these last weekend. In fact, we've already seen next week's episodes.

(And now I have no idea when the Ribbon Cup episode will air...)
Only this week, since we've had new episodes every day for a fortnight. It's stopped today with "Less is Morrison", so I don't know when we will be seeing the Grand Festival.
*Notes that the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish have also been ahead of America and Canada*

Oh, I didn't know that, Doctor Oak......

Anyway, that's nice of them though, to let everyone else be ahead for a change. ^^

I think they like to do that every so often, don't they?
They just do it at their own pace. We were ahead between Mosdeep City and the Absol episode as well.





Oh, I didn't know that, Doctor Oak......

The United Kingdom

Anyway, that's nice of them though, to let everyone else be ahead for a change. ^^

I think they like to do that every so often, don't they?

The WB really had nothing to do with it. Cartoon Network bought the eps to air in the UK, so they're airing them. And they're airing them how they like. Certainly, the WB is not being 'nice' about it. I'd say they'd rather that the UK waited about 5 months so they could get them all aired first just to keep the monopoly.

I wouldn't really be surprised following Chronicles if season 9 were to debut here even.

Certainly, it's either that or Toonami/CW is setting the UK up to have a looooooooong drought of new eps. Rather like the gap between Charizard Chills and the Pokemon Water War that seemed to last forever.

Oh yeah, it includes all of those countries!!

Wow, I always seem to forget how big the U.K. is.

Thanks for reminding me.

Showdown At Linoone: *major hearts* An actual /good/ episode that doesn't pick at the emotions of a twerp. Usage of in-game items galore, major TM exhibition, and hel~lo, Kimmy-kun and family. Me thinks Korban and Harmony were once one of those 'Lovey' couples in the game. Overall, probably one of the best episodes (barring Ralts'; that one doesn't count) for people who actually play the games.

Except Linoone's SA is sucky, but we'll ignore that. ^_^ And omg, Zigzagoon is so ky00t~ *heartsheartshearts!*


Who, What, Where, When, Wynaut: Bah. Totally skipped it for TMNT, and personally, it's no skin off my back. Drew is so not one of my favorite characters. Makes me gag, that boy does.
Did the episode seem really zoomed-in for you guys? Like, it was so zoomed-in when I watched the Wynaut episode that the bottom half of TO BE CONTINUED... got chopped off.
"Showdown at Linoone"

I love how the new animation makes all the attacks look much more exciting, from Water Pulse to that double Dragon Thunderbolt attack.

Nice to see Ash still keep in contact with Prof. Oak, we hardly see him anymore. Whoa, a Charizard reference? I wasn't expecting Ash to mention Charizard in this episode.

Aw, May gets awfully excited when her stuff gets taken. Loved the scene where the electricty shoots behind her and the other scene where she steps on Ash.

Hell, all those objects were from the games. Thick Club, Kings Rock, Soothe bell, nice to see them in the show.

"Wynaut episode"

This was the better of the two episodes, and a nice set-up episode for the Grand Festival. We haven't seen Drew in awhile, and it was nice to see him have an adventure with May.

Just what WAS May doing with those Wynaut anyway? Looks like they were all rubbing their bodies together and enjoying themselves. :D

Jessie's concern for Wobbufett was amusing to say the least. Meowth gets a super laser gun from nowhere, and May plays the damsel of distress at the end.

Some of Drew's lines in this episode really made me laugh, such as "You don't get out much do you?" and "We'll see about that next time I beat ya." :D

Drew is the only person who can make a Roselia look good with him. Sheesh, I can't imagine any other male character prancing around with a Roselia as their lead Pokemon....except maybe James and Harley...but the list begins and ends with them.
Evidently, they thought it to be more believable to have Meowth pull out the gun randomly than to give Pin Missile more strength on its own.
Does Meowth use that laser gun in any future episodes? It looked pretty cool.
What the heck kind of name is "Tokin"?

Hey, they kept the May buttshot! Complete with curvy ass!

Kimmy is a cute kid. He looks like he's a different art style, though.

Interesting use of hold items.

Hey, they played the old TR theme!

Masquerain has a cute voice.

Salty sea dog, eh?

What was with Victreebel's screech on today's Trainer's Choice?

Is this the first time they've called Dextette by name in dialogue?

Why does Safeguard act like a shield on the show?
Please note: The thread is from 9 years ago.
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