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Review S08 EP48: Hail to the Chef!

Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
  1. He/Him

Pic from Bulbagarden Archives

JPN: Nyula (Sneasel) and Barrierd (Mr. Mime)! Whose Restaurant!?
Dub: Hail to the Chef!

Where's Mime Jr. and Weavile? :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Those two will be showing up in D/P to give us the new Pokémon, (like the Sudowoodo later in the saga,) so I assume that makes them worthwhile as Pokémon of the day.
I missed the ep due to playing KHII. I'm almost halfway through.
Chosen of Mana said:

Pic from Bulbagarden Archives

JPN: Nyula (Sneasel) and Barrierd (Mr. Mime)! Whose Restaurant!?
Dub: Hail to the Chef!

Where's Mime Jr. and Weavile? :rolleyes:

i just saw it, by the way good pic
The show was just aired. Brock seemed really gay when he held Max's hand. Also, aren't those girls preteens? Why did Brock fall for them? *coughcoughdamncoughchildcoughcoughrapistcoughcough*
If Brock was a rapist, he would have been arrested by now. Especially with the frequency he goes for Officer Jenny.

If anything, it is just out of character to his normal attitude to girls yonger than him.
Blazemxx said:
The show was just aired. Brock seemed really gay when he held Max's hand. Also, aren't those girls preteens? Why did Brock fall for them? *coughcoughdamncoughchildcoughcoughrapistcoughcough*

Brock sometimes falls for that kind, oh and he not gay
It was a pretty good epsiode. Once Mr. Mime startd to get better tasting food he lost all of his flair. He could have used confusion on like the salt and the peper only rather than just using his hands. Overall, not bad and kinda leading up to new pokemon.
Pretty enjoyable episode. It's funny, so far my favorite episodes in BF have all been filler episodes. I really enjoyed Meowth's self motivated feud with Sneasel, though once again TR predictably attempts to steal all the Pokemon. Seriously, can't they just behave themselves? *L* But I guess the ending wouldn't have been wrapped up as tightly without them so, *shrug*
As for Brock and the girls... I dunno, they SOUNDED a lot older than supposed pre-teens, I woulda guessed they were about Brock's age. The one thing that kind of disturbed me was during the sequences where there were some very ODD reactions to the food, even by psychadelic Pokemon standards. Ash blasting through the sky, with what appeared to be smoke coming out from his backside... at least, I HOPE it was smoke. Dammit, that better have been smoke.
Oh, and the casual toss-in of "I'm gonna kick butt". Probably about only the third time the series has used that word (and all in the AG series). I just find it amusing, that's all.

Well, now to wait for the trainwreck that is Pokemon Chronicles to air tonight!
I think my favorite parts would be somewhere halfway through where Sneasel was making fun of Meowth and Meowth was getting all PO'ed. It's a Sneasel running-gag!

Oh, and there's the part near the end where Ash used Solarbeam! That was so weird!
In the cookoff, i was going for Sneasel. It would have won if team rocket had not have interfeared in it
Never expected to hear the words "kick butt" in the anime. :loopy: Was it really used before?
Yeah, "butt" was. I don't recall the episode, but TR was blasting off. I think James said something about a kiss (was this the "kiss out assets goodbye" line?), then Meowth said something like, "We can kiss our butts goodbye!"
Ah, just watched this episode. I was in West VA for the weekend and just getting in.

For the episode, I loved it. Even though it was a filler, it was a rather decent episode.

Hmm, did anyone catch the milk edit again with Brock's dating fantasy?
It's the only thing that irked me a bit, but the rest of the episode makes up for it.

The exaggerated expressions of glee did it for me ^_^. Not to mention, I loved the iron chef type cook off, just wish it could have went on a bit longer.
I... really don't think that one was an edit. -blink- I'm pretty sure that was there in the original, if I'm not mistaken.

This was the type of Pokemon episode you'd screen at anime clubs.It just has that sort of oddball humor you find in other anime like Azumanga Daioh or Excel Saga.And to top it off,this ep had excellent animation.Overall,a great episode.

As for the dub,it's these types of episodes that will make you miss the original voices...

Good God I'm going to miss the original voices.
QuietDragon said:
I... really don't think that one was an edit. -blink- I'm pretty sure that was there in the original, if I'm not mistaken.

Oops, my bad. Should have asked first.

Though, it did look rather suspicious.
This was a very good episode! I enjoyed both Mr. Mime and Sneasel's different shows! And it was really cool to see them hold a little cook-off competition like that!!!! :-D Of course, I also liked getting to see Trick used in the anime for the first time. That was awesome!! And also, it was great to see that they rembered the fact that Meowth hated Sneasel (which was all the way from "Pop Goes The Sneasel). Yay! I love the continuity! Anyway, overall, this was a very good episode indeed, and it was also really funny too.

Rating: 5 out of 5
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