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Review S09 EP09: Reversing the Charges ・ EP10: The Green Guardian

Blackjack Gabbiani

Back due to popular demand!
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Elekid goes nuts after being struck by lightning, then Celebi makes vines grow everywhere.

What the HELL is wrong with Jenny's voice? She sounds like a gruff man!

Solana, huh? Interesting name. What was her Japanese name again?

Officer Jenny sounded just as bad late-Hoenn as well.

THat music during the Linoone scene ROCKED! What was it from?
I only caught the last like 5 minutes of Reversing the Charges but it was pretty good. I don't remember Donphan's voice being like that. Was that one of the pokemon's names to change?

Hinata's name I'm not too fond of. Her voice isn't bad though. The team Rocket being in the vines is pretty funny. The "capturing" seemed pretty wierd and they were trying not to make it sound like mind control as much as they could.
Those sure are some enormous berries Pikachu gave Celebi.

So does Solana have the shortest shorts ever or what?

Ah well. It's just not the same without the IMM showing up to cause trouble.

So that's Cycling Road, huh? I thought it was replaced in the anime by the Bridge. It would have been nice to see Tyra and Chopper again.
So that's Cycling Road, huh? I thought it was replaced in the anime by the Bridge. It would have been nice to see Tyra and Chopper again.

Welcome to Anime Battle Frontier, BG. :<

I have to admit Celebi was kinda cute this episode.

Also, I've heard Hinata means 'Sunny'. If that's so, Solana seems like a good english name because it sounds similar to 'Solar'.
This is Pokemon, you only get cameos when the writers want to showcase new Pokemon. >:O

First ep was a pretty obvious filler with Phanpy's evolution tacked on, and it was a rehash of... the first AG episode? Either way I wasn't truly impressed.

Second ep was interesting, though I have two pet peeves - one was the Team Rocket somehow captured Celebi despite Celebi being psychic and a legendary, and it didn't even resist. WTF? The other was the time travel thing with the fire and everything, but honestly, if I can't expect higher forms of entertainment to do time travel right, I shouldn't expect it of Pokemon X)
These eps were pretty good. An interesting way to kick off Ranger promotion if that is what they were aiming for.
When I hear the name Hinata, I think of more the character from Naruto then the Pokemon Ranger. Then again, when I hear the name Sakura, I think of ether the Pokemon character or Sakura from Naruto.
I really like the script in Reversing the Charges. REALLY like it. That said, nothing else was very special about it, even with Donphan's apperance. .....But the whole "oh hey! How you doing?" attitude May and James had was...cute. ^_^

As for the Green Guardian, now...where have I seen Solana's kind of moves before? XP Not the whole capture thing (the whole thing's shoddy; I find it hard to believe they'd just SIT there and be "captured"), but the Tarzan stuff.

Give up?

Clair swung through the trees like that. Yah, THAT Clair, all the way back in Johto, and the only 'non-main' character who ever got more than three episodes consecutively. Now I wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to have been a Pokémon Ranger for Johto before taking over the Blackthorn Gym.
Ehh. They were alright episodes. The one about Elekid had really no point besides helping it out. And the Celebi episode, couldv'e been more legendary feeling than just trying to help out again.
How in the flip was Reversing the Charges a rehash of the first AG episode? It's continuity. If anything, I was glad that the Electric Pokémon DP disease was remembered and not just in one episode never to be seen again. The rare little occurance called memory is what saved the episode for me. That and how James and May are now girlfriends. ^^ First Sweet Baby James and now this! I love how those two interact. XD

Oh, and the awesomeness of Donphan, of course.

So, capturing? That sounds way too close to catch. At first I thought they were saying catch/caught, and was upset that there appearnatly no difference between the two in English. But I started to listen more clearly and "caught" the difference. *shot*

Is Solana how the captions spelled it?

...Plusle, what in the world are you doing? :p

Im love how we saw the peek-a-boo faces of Pikachu. The last time I remember him doing that is way back in Pikachu's Vacation, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Now I really want to see Pikachu doing a charade of Celebi. And Mime Jr. doing an imitation of Pikachu doing an imitation of Mime Jr. XP
No edits to Hinata/Solana's shorts. TAKE THAT 4KIDS.

Though, I've never liked those real short, tight, thin shorts she wears. It detracts from the realism of the character and turns her into walking fan service. Really, who would actually go into the woods (and mean into the woods, not hiking on trails) barelegged AND barearmed? I guess Japan doesn't have poison ivy or pickers like we do here.

Jenny did sound bad. What happened to VA from Mastermind (or was it just an off day for them).
"Reversing the Charges"

Interesting, yet fitting pun name I have to say. :p Anyway, the episode itself wasn't that bad in my opinion. I liked the way Elekid would use his Thunder/Thunderbolt moves...by spinning its arms. Creative. Also, it was funny to see how small Phanpy was compared to the Golem Mecha. lol. Finally, I liked the use of that one Battle Theme they played during the ending fight. I haven't heard that theme for a while, and it was nice to hear it again. :p

"The Green Guardian"

To be honest, Celebi has appeared in way too many things for being a legendary, lol. It got its own movie, it was in a Chronicle, and now in an episode. Could it hog anymore spots? :p Anyway, interesting episode indeed. I liked the animation in this one, when Celebi would make those giant vines, and when they would go away as well. And I agree with Misty...How could Celebi get captured that easily, and not render itself free? It can time travel to teleport away. Figures things don't always make sense in the anime. :p The ending was nice, as it went out with a bang. Celebi's exit had great animation, and was a nice closure to the episode.
Really, who would actually go into the woods (and mean into the woods, not hiking on trails) barelegged AND barearmed? I guess Japan doesn't have poison ivy or pickers like we do here.

Ah yes, most comic/cartoon/game character tend to never wear more than one set of clothes, which was chosen due to it's hotness/coolness, not it's level of appropriateness.

And that is why Hinata and most of the other Pocket Monsters humans will wear the same t-shirts, shorts/jeans and sneakers no matter whether they're walking through thick forests, crossing hot deserts, climbing snowy mountains, going swimming without any opportunity to dry or change their clothes, or even sleeping. Because the designers can't be arsed to design a new costume for them.
I skipped "Reversing the Charges," didn't look too good to me. "Green Guardian," on the other hand, while being far from the best episode, was great by PUSA standards and an enjoyable watch. At least they gave Hinata/Solana a good name.

Only two things bothered me about this episode (I didn't catch Jenny's voice, I'll have to listen to it again): The continuing black hole devoid of talent that is Sarah Natochenny and Jimmy Zoppi, and how little it was acknowledged that the Pokémon don't always like the Capture Styler (tho it does seem that is fixed with "Pokémon Ranger and the Deoxys Crisis!!" coming later this season)

Next week: Bonsly and Eevee!
"Reversing the Charges"

Meh, I didn't really care too much for the "Electric Pokemon Syndrome" to begin with, so seeing it again wasn't that great.

Although, I thought it was interesting that Ash had Pikachu absorb lightning too, in order to be up to Elekid's level of power. It's a good thing Team Rocket had that electricity absorbing mecha. ^^

It's funny how whenever Pikachu or any electric Pokemon builds up too much electricity, they always conveniently have an electricity absorbing machine. Ah yes, the convenience of the writers, lol. XD

Overall, this was an okay episode.

"Green Guardian"

I liked seeing Celebi again. I had no idea it could make giant vines grow like that! And I also had no idea that Celebi's vines could put out a forest fire! I mean, wouldn't they just burn? Or maybe they're really thick or something? O_O

And yay, Cycling Road! I liked Solana's name. It sounds similar to Hinata, so it works. Oh, and Solana's a cool character. I was surprised to see a Pokemon Ranger in this episode. And the way she "captured" the Linoone was awesome.

As for Officer Jenny's voice, yes, I agree with everyone else. Her voice was bad, so I didn't like it much.

But overall, this was a very good episode, much better than "Reversing the Charges" in my opinion.

THat music during the Linoone scene ROCKED! What was it from?
Oh that music?

Habunake, that background music was from Destiny Deoxys. ^^

And I LOVE that music, by the way! I'm glad they decided to use it in the show! :)

Im love how we saw the peek-a-boo faces of Pikachu. The last time I remember him doing that is way back in Pikachu's Vacation, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Actually, the last time Pikachu did that was in the Advanced Challenge episode "It's Rocket Roll To Me", where Ash met Liza and Tate. XD

Only two things bothered me about this episode (I didn't catch Jenny's voice, I'll have to listen to it again): The continuing black hole devoid of talent that is Sarah Natochenny
Oh yes!

I completely agree with you there, The Great Butler!

Although, technically, we're not supposed to comment on the old/new VAs in the review threads anymore. And I wouldn't say anything else related to that, except I feel like this must be said......

That's why I'm going to put my thoughts into a spoiler (you can read my comments about Sarah if you want, but you do not have to).

Personally, I believe Sarah's performance in both these episodes was pretty lackluster, especially in "Reversing the Charges".

I noticed a severe lack of emotion from Ash in that episode. It sounded like Sarah was saying all the lines the exact same way. And this made me very sad.

Also, for the first time, I noticed that Sarah's Ash does indeed sound girly. While watching that episode, I found out her Ash voice sounds way too much like a girl, and it really shouldn't be like that (especially not for the main character).

Thankfully, Ash didn't say much in "Green Guardian", so that episode wasn't as painful for me.
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