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Review S09 EP17: Spontaneous Combusken! ・ EP18: Cutting the Ties that Bind!

Blackjack Gabbiani

Back due to popular demand!
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
So May nets herself yet another new rival. So how many does this make now?

Anyone else notice that they misspelled "Combusken" in today's title?

And what the heck is wrong with Brianna's voice?

Wait, Jesse calls herself Jessabella with no reaction from James?

And so James just called Mime Jr "Mimie".
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Also, Drew's new voice isn't exactly as good as the original 4Kids voice.

I think that makes her umpteenth numbered rival too.
I like Drew's voice, and Brianna had a good voice (reminded me of Suzy from Zatch Bell).

Combusken doesn't have an "h".
HEY, that was from the Samurai episode!

I believe so.

I guess it is more like a Bug Spray in the Anime.
Drew's voice is spectacularly mediocre. Like the rest of the episode. As contests go, that was way too deus ex for me.

The second episode was pretty good... I think Ash is improving, and this episode is a good demonstration - I'd say, if you can't give Sarah a chance after this ep, you never will.
No, Sarah wasn't that good in the last episode. I disagree with you there, Misty. She still sounds the same like she usually does, emotioness.

I know Lisa will agree with me when she sees that episode.
Brianna = cuteness. Loved her voice, though...it kinna broke when she was "yelling". That was kind of distracting. But hell, still cuuuute! ^_^

Drew? Just as blah as he was before. On the other hand, XD Brock's reaction to his smooth-talking was beautiful. "Like nails on a chalkboard." Jea~lou~sy~!

Spenser = narrator. x_X Hoi. But I like him! He's nifty sheen. ^_^ Coming riding in like, "Dude, MY-- OUR WOODS, bitch! ^_^ Have a good day now."

EDIT: Forgot to mention. o_O May's voice broke into Lillian's when she was mock battling with Eevee. So they're the same, right?

The one thing I HATED was Ash's hurt leg. Served no purpose. He can run and jump just bloody fine. Pangs of pain, my little toe. There was NO PURPOSE TO THAT, animators. And to Ash? T_T YOU SUCK, YOU FAKER; it didn't hinder you at all! You FELL. We all fall! It does NOT cause you to limp! And if you can run well enough five seconds later, IT WILL NOT HURT LATER. Drama Queen! *spits and leaves*

No, Sarah wasn't that good in the last episode. I disagree with you there, Misty. She still sounds the same like she usually does, emotioness.

I know Lisa will agree with me when she sees that episode.

And guess what? We're not bringing this up here; it always leads to more arguing than nothing. Take it to the New VA discussion thread.
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Drew isn't that bad, just different. We'll see when we actually get to see him in a contest, which won't be until the GF itself.

Yeah, I have to say it. Go, Scep! :254:
I didn't see the Combusken misspelling, though I wasn't looking at the screen at the time.

I think Ash is improving ever so slowly. I think Sarah is much better than she was in "Fear Factor Phony".

With so many pointy objects striking things, the second episode made me wish they allowed things to bleed in this anime. "I just got jabbed a Spear's stinger and yet I do not bleed (or even have a puncture wound)." They don't have to be swimming in blood and gore but at least be reasonable and let cuts drip a little blood.
Loved both of these episodes, but unfortunately I only caught the last half of
the contest episode and parts in between of "Cutting The Ties That Bind".
I'll probably have to watch the marathon next Friday.

From what I got though, the Sceptile episode was rather touching.
Loved both episodes. This Contest episode was the one Contestshippers were going nuts about last year. Brianna is an adorable Drew fangirl!

I like Drew's voice, it's somewhat similar to his old one.
I think Brianna's voice was bad. She sounded like Kate Monster from Avenue Q. And I think Drew sounded too old. Otherthan that, I liked the Contestshippy-ness of the episode.

In the second episode, was it just me or were there a lot of redundant lines? It was kind of annoying. There was stuff like this.

Ash: Pikachu will be fine, this is Pikachu we're talking about.


May/Brock/Max: Wow, this was good.
Max: Wow...(something something, can't remember exactly)

There was another one near the end of the episode.
I'm not seeing what was wrong with Brianna's voice. The way she delivered her lines such as, "He's so cute!" and her faint at the end was perfect for a Drew fangirl like her.

Spenser's voice was rather plain though, but at least it fit him.
Drew's new voice was....unimpressive. I didn't see much else of the episode because I woke up too late.

The Sceptile episode was good, but Spenser's voice is just doesn't seem right. It's too much like Tucker's (maybe how Tucker would sound at Spenser's age? But whatever, it doesn't work)

I have to disagree with the previous posts. I think Jimmy Zoppi is the one who's improving. Sarah was in her usual range, mediocre at best to terrible at worst.
Nobody mentioned the dialogue mistake in the Spontaneous Combusken episode...Brock said, "Now that's weird. I thought Fire-type moves weren't that strong against Ground-type Pokemon." Fire attacks work just fine on Ground types, it's Dragon-types that they're weak against. I guess it's sort of an understandable mistake to make though because of all the Rock-Ground types and how Rock is indeed resistant to Fire. Still, PUSA should know better.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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