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School Poké-sketches

Pacific Pikachu

Cuddly Electric Critter
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, I finally got to scanning a bunch of doodles from school... All were done in normal ball-point pen, and all were done some time during school. I have hundreds and hundreds, but these are some of my favorites.

Pichu - Just a little Pichu using Thundershock. I changed his proportions a little (as compared to the official pics) because I wanted to make him less top-heavy.

Ivysaur - A simple Ivysaur sketch. The scan came out very blurry... I was surprised when I came home and compared it with the official pic, because the pose looks remarkably close. :eek:

Espeon Scribble - A messy doodle of an Espeon that I did sometime last year... It's really sloppy, but I rather like the pose.

Plusle and Minun - Plusle and Minun looking...strange. I don't know why exactly they look so weird to me, but they look strange. It was my first pic ever of them, and without any references, so be gentle. ^^;;

Corny Horse/Unicorn English Project - This is really stupid. I don't know why I'm putting this here. A five-minute doodle we had to do for English... The prompt was, "Do a picture that shows someone looking at the ordinary and seeing the extraordinary." Don't ask. The horse looks crappy. The Unicorn looks crappier.

Charmander - I actually really like how this came out. ^^;; It's just a simple Charmander, but I think the pen shading came out nice, and he's cute.

They're all really quick, and done with cruddy pens, so keep that in mind. ANY comments, constructive criticism, or whatever are welcome. *Goes to start a new thread with more respectable Poké-art*
Pichu - Cool! You used good texture to bring out the personality, and it's a new look toward the underestimated Pichu ^-^"

Ivysaur - This is sort of like the opposite of Pichu. Instead of Ivysaur looking slightly dangerous, this one looks soft and gentle. Amazing shading and texture! It also looks like a girl.

Espeon - I agree it's a great pose. You should redo it as more than just a simple doodle! It would look better with some color and a larger proportion.

Plusle/Minun - Aw! Rather than looking determined, you made these two look extra cute. I love the poses and the shading!

Horse/Unicorn - A little abstract-looking, but it makes people think. At first you think it's the horse looking at its reflection, but then you see they're in different poses, and that one is a Unicorn. Wow, you're really good at drawing horses!

Charmander - How cute! I love how you made the light source be the fire on the tip of his tail, it brought a lot of sense to the peice.
I think the horse/unicorn image is nice, to be honest. ^^; Like Myuu said, the fact that they're in different poses when it should have been a reflection is interesting.

The Pichu and the Ivysaur made me squeal. *laugh* Ya never really see alot of middle-evolution art, with the starting Pokemon. People like drawing lots of Squirtle or Chikorita or Charizard, but they always seem to neglect the middle stages. Purdy Ivysaur~ The shading is really nice. o.o

And yanno, I always like it when purdy art changes your opinion about a Pokemon you might not have liked before.

*steals the Plusle* >>a;
I like all of these a lot! ^^ I'm very impressed that you can do this kind of pretty work with just pen... I find that really difficult. Excellent job on all of them!

My favorite is actually the horse/unicorn one... I really like how you put them in different poses, but made it look like the horse was supposed to be staring at its reflection. It reminds me of the kind of things I like to paint/look at in my art classes at school... I'm a huge fan of abstract art, and I think this is a really nice piece. I could see it as a painting, actually... ^^
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Great pictues! I like how you did the pen shading, I like the pose of the Espeon one, the horse/unicorn looks really special in my eyes and the other ones aere just plain nice pictuers :)
I'd like to give a WOW! And.. you did that at school!? x.x! Even I can't draw that well XD ever...

I like the Espeon one ^^! Its so cute!
One thing I am going to say that sums all your pictures, they fantastic! Especially when it comes to your shading, very nice.
This drawing looks pretty good for being drawn with a pen. I especially like the shading in its eyes, as well as the rest of the body. The only thing I didn't particulary care for was the lighting shocks coming from its cheeks. Other than that, though, nice.

Again, very good considering it was drawn with a pen. It's a little wider in the back opposed to the front, but nice job again.

Aww, such a cute creature. The only thing I didn't care for was the size of it's forhead, which I think sticks out a little too much, and I think the actual scribbles could have been done in a better way, but other than that, good job, again.

Plusle and Minun-
Plusle's head is rather wider compared to the rest of the body, but I think it makes it a little cuter that way. Its eyes and mouth make it cuter as it does with Minun, too. I have noticed with these two as well as Ivysaur, that the shading made the objects appear darker, and I'm still deciding if I like that or not.

Horse and Unicorn-
Wow, the horse was very impressive. On here you did an excellent job with shading and shading in the right places, too.

Good job. I really don't see any mistakes on this one.

Overall, nice job. When drawing with a pen or pencil, shading is a important priority that I think you have mastered.
All of those drawings were great, but i especially liked the pichu! Nice work, keep it up!
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