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Shippers FAQ

Dec 29, 2002
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Q: What is Shipping?
A: Shipping is the belief of love existing, now or at sometime in the future, between two (or more) characters from some fictional creation, such as the Pokémon Anime. Since 1999, the term has also been extended to include a belief of love existing between a fictional character(s) and a real person/real people, and for a belief of love between two (or more) real people. While both of these are usually made up as jokes, some of them are quite serious, and there have really been people who have fallen in love with a character from, say, the Pokémon Anime, or with a person from the Bulliten Boards such as this one.

Q: I'm confused. What's Shipping?
A: *Sigh* Belief that love exists between two (or more) fictional characters/people, happy?

Q: Why are you even including the bits about real people in those definitions, given that you're about to give us a more simple definition, insofar as it applies to the Ships that actually get discussed and/or debated?
A: If I wasn't the one writing all these questions, I'd be smacking whoever asked that for being smart. In any case, it's just because I like to be complete.

Q: So really now.....what is Shipping?
A: As far as the debates and discussions are concerned, as well as the rest of this FAQ for that matter, Shipping is the belief of love existing, now or at sometime in the future, between two or more characters from the Pokémon Anime, or one of the Pokémon Manga series.

Q: What Ships are there?
A: Long story short...a lot. There's other topics here with links to the most recent versions of the (In)Complete List. I'd give you examples of some of the popular ones, but that list changes enough that I really don't want to be updating this post constantly.

Q: Okay, so now I know what Shipping is. So what can I use to prove my Ship?
A: There are two general broad categories of acceptable evidence. Hints, and Meta-Hints. There's also flat out proof, but that's pretty damn rare.

Q: So, what is a Hint?
A: A hint is a piece of dialogue (spoken or "thought" (ie. internal dialoge/monologue) made by the character(s), or an action of the character(s), that directly or indirectly 'hints' to them having feelings for another character.

Q: And a Meta-Hint?
A: A Meta-Hint is generally anything that 'hints' towards a character having feelings for another character, that wasn't actually done by the character in question. In most cases, what are classed as Meta Hints are things believed to show the intent of the creators of Pokémon towards potential character relations. These could be quotes from interviews, background music playing during scenes, odd images in the animation (Such as the infamous Vine Whip Heart), and so on.

Q: "OMG, Jessie & James got married in the Manga, RocketShipping is proven!!111"
A: Yes, and no. Hints (Or in this case, blantant proof), are only valid for the specific Pokémon Universe/Timeline they come from. For example, in this case, with Jessie and James being married in the Pokémon Mangas created by Toshihiro Ono, this is proof of RocketShipping for this specific manga series only, and not for the Anime (Though, given that Ono's manga was supposed to be based off the Anime, it could potentially be a meta-hint there), or for any of the other Pokémon Manga series. Likewise, that Red and Misty married in one of the Mangas (Yes, it happened) doesn't make any difference to any of the other Mangas, nor does it hint to Ash having feelings towards Misty in the Anime. For a more in depth explanation, see the Canon Rules below.

Q: "OMG, have you heard Misty's Song, etc? They, like, totally prove AAML!!111"
A: Shooting this one down always takes a little while. Scroll down to the Canon Rules.

Q: Why do you use the English dub names instead of the Japanese names when discussing the Ships?
A: Generally, just for the sake of convenience, and ease of entry into the discussions of people perhaps not quite so familiar with the names as we are.

Q: What if I don't give a damn about debating? What if I just like talking about my favourite two characters getting together, and stuff like that?
A: That's perfectly fine. The only times you'll get harassed to debate is if you start proclaiming your Ship is true, or actually go looking for a debate in some way like that.

Notes for Debating:
Just a few basic principles anyone in or wanting to get into Shipping Debates should take note of.
1) People will not accept your arguements without evidence. Be prepared to back up your claims.
2) Add http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ to your bookmarks, and self-check your arguments against the logical fallacies there. You *will* be pulled up on them if you make them, and in the process have your argument invalidated.
3) Try not to go over old material too much in a debate unless you've got new evidence that deserves to be discussed. There's no need for further re-hashings of long dead topics.

Canon Rules:
Just so you know in advance....the following are my own Canon Rules, and mine alone. They might not be accepted by everyone else. If that's the case though, I'll be editing these, so by the time most of you read this, it should be to the point where it can take you through any proper Shipping debate.

1) Evidence from the various Anime & Manga universes/timelines is generally only applicable to that universe/timeline. There is, however, one potential exception. Depending on the situation (For example, the crossover chapter in Magical Pokémon Journey, featuring the Anime characters), some proof/hints/meta-hints might be able to be counted as meta-hints for other specific universes/timelines.
2) The original Japanese holds precedence over all translations.
3) Information stated in official translations are only considered canon if not contradicted by the original Japanese, and not contradicted by any of the other official translations. No official translation has precedence over any other official translation.
4) Derivative works, such as the Americian CD's and Pokémon Live, are considered to be based off the Pokémon Anime for the purposes of debate. However, as they are derivative works and not an actual part of the Anime, they are only permissible as proof if they were produced in and for Japan, in Japanese. ie. If the next English Pokémon CD had Misty's voice actor scream "I love Ash and we just did naughty but nice things behind the Pokémon Centre!", it would be at best a Meta-Hint, but more likely just be dismissed entirely (Such as Misty's Song, etc).
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Originally posted by Archaic
4) Derivative works, such as the Americian CD's and Pokémon Live, are considered to be based off the Pokémon Anime for the purposes of debate. However, as they are derivative works and not an actual part of the Anime, they are only permissable as proof if they were produced in and for Japan, in Japanese.

Pokemon Live is an interesting case, then, as it *was* translated and performed in Japan.
is the belief of love existing, now or at sometime in the future, between two (or more) characters from some fictional creation, such as the Pokémon Anime.

What about in the past - for example, the theory that the reason Jesse and Cassidy hate each other is because they were involved in a relationship and had a nasty break-up?

No official translation has precidence over any other official translation.

Shouldn't the English translation have precidence over the other translations done by 4Kids, since those were all based off of the English translation rather than the Japanese original? For example:

Japanese > English > Spanish
Japanese > English > Italian > Polish (since the Polish dub was based off the Italian dub)
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Originally posted by Ketsuban
What about in the past - for example, the theory that the reason Jesse and Cassidy hate each other is because they were involved in a relationship and had a nasty break-up?

I suppose I'll have to revise the main definition. The working definition though looks fine. Who debates that Ship commonly?

Originally posted by Ketsuban
Shouldn't the English translation have precidence over the other translations done by 4Kids, since those were all based off of the English translation rather than the Japanese original? For example:

Japanese > English > Spanish
Japanese > English > Italian > Polish (since the Polish dub was based off the Italian dub)

That's certainly an interesting point, and I wondered about this when I wrote it up, but I don't know to be honest who does all the localisations.
Originally posted by Archaic
I suppose I'll have to revise the main definition. The working definition though looks fine. Who debates that Ship commonly?

No one, but still. =P
I have a question. Is a ship involving three or more characters supposed to be a threesome, or a love triangle?
Archaic said:
Red and Misty married in one of the Mangas (Yes, it happened)
What would be the proper place to ask for more info about this?
Magus said:
What would be the proper place to ask for more info about this?
This thread's fine. Or you could quote that post and make a new thread in this section or the manga section.
Barb said:
That's a good point. I think it started in the X-Files fandom sometime in the mid to late 1990s.
Actually, I think it was the Team Rocket fandom where it really picked up to what it is today. Though both are late 1990s, so it's hard to tell, but as far as I know, Rocketshipping basically put the term "shipping" into common use.
Ketsuban said:
Japanese > English > Italian > Polish (since the Polish dub was based off the Italian dub)


Where did you get that info? Polish dub is DEFINATELY based on English one (you can hear englidh voices in BG on one of SS Anne eps), also MQ opening is english one.

Although, some cities' names in Kanto are German (like Alabastia), and photographer's name is Todd.
Ketsuban said:
Japanese > English > Italian > Polish (since the Polish dub was based off the Italian dub)
That is no true!
1. Italian has own openings. Polish version has translated english ones.
2. Italian version have own names for Johto characters. Polish version uses english.

The version that Polish version is the most similar to is Russian one.
Archaic, I wasn't sure where else to ask, but you mentioned in another thread that you had saved copies of the General Rebuttal against Palletshipping and other shipping debates. Could I get a copy?


I'm confused. Why the Hell does a ship have to have any "proof" at all? In Naruto Fandom, a Popular Alternative Ship (as in Just underneath the common ships in popularity.) is SasuHina (Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuuga Hinata) and that has NO SO-CALLED "PROOF" in any way. I don't even think the two have ever actually talk.
In the past, debates on shipping hinged on whether or not the ship had any proof; in other words, was it canon? For some people, this is important; for others, not so much.
I'm not sure if this is the right spot to ask but is BillxBebe already a ship?
The right place to ask would be the Incomplete Shippers List, but to answer the question, it's called PCshipping.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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