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So...are there multiple versions of the Lucario movie?


Jan 2, 2003
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So we all know about how the first movie got all this CGI added when it was put on DVD in Japan, right? And how the same thing happened when 2004's Deoxys movie was put on DVD. So my question is...did the same thing happen with the Lucario movie?

There are only really two ways we'd be able to find out. We could to rely on the memory of someone who saw the film in theatres and see if he or she can spot any differences in the DVD, but it's unlikely that that would actually work. The second, and more feasible, option would be to compare the screenshots in the "This is Animation" book for the Lucario movie to the images on the DVD. Those books are released at the same time the movies are released in theatres, so all the images in those books are taken from the original, unaltered version of the films.

So is anyone able to confirm one way or another about the video of the Lucario DVD?
When I was watching the extra features on the DVD I noticed that there were scene in the trailers that were done in animated format, not cgi that were not included in the film. Mind you that video from the trailers are rarely incorporated into the actual movie, but this could support your theory. Ill get some screenshots later.
On a related note...is there anywhere online where one could buy the "This is Animation" book for this movie?
Plenty. In fact, I activated a feature on Bulbapedia to help make buying books easier. ISBN 409101593X, 劇場版ポケットモンスターアドバンスジェネレーション—ミュウと波導の勇者ルカリオ This is animation. Amazon Japan will ship overseas, though books cost more than DVDs. s-book.com too, but their system is rather more inconvenient.

There are also the pictures from that "pamphlet" you might be interested in.
Would you be able to post scans from that pamphlet?

The weird thing is...there wasn't any pamphlet released with the Deoxys movie. We just got some crappy 3D glasses and a small 5-page or so booklet that you could look at with the glasses. Lame.
I tried scanning it, but they didn't come out well. I'll see if there are adjustable settings for magazine paper. The images SPP had up before the DVD release were from the pamphlet though.
The mosaic magazine scan is a common issue, I dont know if that is your exact problem, but most professional grade image editing programs have a filter to remove the mosaic.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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