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Some Strange Requests

Blackjack Gabbiani

Back due to popular demand!
Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Since I can't draw, my creative outlet is to write. But sometimes I'd like to see some of my ideas in the visual realm. So like the great Patrons of the arts, here's some requests, and I toss them onto you like a steak into a pit of hungry mutts.

-Jirarudan sleeping with a Lugia plushie under his arm. And I mean Jiri as he appears in the movie--not chibi, not younger.

-Domino laying back on a bed with a smoking gun next to her, like in the end of Traitor.

-the Hale family with mother and Teddiursa included

-Bishasu with a pair of sawed-offs, grinning evilly as though he's about to go off on someone

-Tracey and Relm Arrowny from FFVI comparing sketchbooks

-Pikachu with a Pocket Ash (you know, like a Pocket Pikachu?) Could be trading watts with another Pikachu using a Pocket Hazel

-Oak vs Grandpa in a science contest, with Gary/Tracey and Coconut looking on like the two older ones are nuts, and Delia bringing in a big tray of snacks

Any/all of these would be appreciated. If you want me to write something in exchange, it wouldn't be very long, but I could get something done.
*is the first to reply, and snatches the opportunity*

(Yes!) I want to try that Jiri & plushie request, BJ... I DESIRE it, and if any of the other able-bodied artists in this forum decide they want to give it a go too then fine by me, but that's not going to daunt this diva. I've been throwing around the notion of trying some Jirarudan art for a while now, and this sounds like a perfect opportunity..! *rubs her hands together and grins in her own inner-motive giddiness*

Ahm, anyway, I don't know how long it's going to take me to get it done. I still have James' Seviper and PZ's Mawile to do, but trust that I'll certainly get to working on it as soon as I can manage. I can already picture the whole thing clearly in my head, so I'll probably sketch it out at least sometime tonight...
Originally posted by Blackjack Gabbiani
-Pikachu with a Pocket Ash (you know, like a Pocket Pikachu?) Could be trading watts with another Pikachu using a Pocket Hazel
Well, that's about the cutest thing I've heard all day. Did I not say I wasn't going to do this anymore!? Oh wait, I'm so slow on my old fandom's requests because I can't stand it anymore.

But Pokémon-related art ish good. GS's Miyamoto and now Pocket Trainers. Boo. Yah. ^_^v
*bumps* ^.^v


(in that I keep my promises, not necessarily that I'm a great artist.)
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
-Oak vs Grandpa in a science contest, with Gary/Tracey and Coconut looking on like the two older ones are nuts, and Delia bringing in a big tray of snacks.
I'll try to do this one! I just need some Grandpa and Coconut references because I don't have a clue about how they look... Gee, I always go for the total wackyness! :D
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