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Sony PS3 totally face compatiblity problems

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Pokémon Cordinator
Mar 24, 2006
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Sony buggin' out!

Red-faced Sony bosses announced yesterday that their prized PlayStation 3 is a plagued-station.
Just days from the U.S. debut of its mega-hyped video game, legions of fans were peeved that the updated console won't play some old games.

The announcement comes after Sony spent months boasting that first- and second-generation PlayStation titles would be compatible with the latest version set to be released in the United States on Friday.

"We are sorry for the game fans that they cannot play all games. But unfortunately some of these problems could not be avoided," said Sony spokesman Satoshi Fukuoka.

PS3 was released in Japan on Saturday and complaints soon followed.

The popular war game "Final Fantasy XI" is among those that don't work on the new 60gigabyte machine. The glitches are also muffling the background music to the "Tekken 5" combat game. And the virtual gun on "Biohazard" won't fire.

The problems are causing Sony to eat crow after it blasted rival Microsoft's XBox 360 last year for having similar compatibility problems.

"The big deal is they [Sony] claimed it would be fully backwards compatible and now they're running into problems," said Tim Surette, news editor of the San Francisco-based gaming magazine Gamespot. "I'm sure Microsoft is smiling."

About 200 of the 8,000 old games are affected by the glitches in the new $600 system.

Gaming fans already lining up outside the Circuit City in Union Square for PS3's release at 12:01 a.m. Friday said they'll just hold on to their old consoles to play the old games.

Rutgers University student Tamba Peters, 21, was more worried about getting his hands on one of the new PlayStations than coping with its bugs.

"The PS3's going to be my second girlfriend," said Peters, as his girlfriend, Katherine Poff, 20, rolled her eyes.

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And Sony are still going to somehow survive this farce of a launch...
Ohhh....a FF game not working? That will hurt 'em...
That sucks. Now I'm really freakin' pissed at the PS3.
Omigosh, I'm like totally getting a Wii then. =p Sony loses another customer... ;-;

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Raccceerrrr!"
Am I the only one not surprised? If the PS2 couldn't play all of the PS1 games, why would you expect the PS3 to play all PS2 and PS1 games? Anyone know why, exactly, they have these compatability issues from system to system? Is it related to the disc format changes? Or just idiocy?
Well, knowing Sony....I say the latter...

Really, what PS1 games wouldn't play?
I know I could never get Ergheiz to play.

Wiki article. That's the best I could find, no actual lists. I remember it being a real bitching point when the PS2 was coming out, but it not really affecting any of the major titles.
Just another example of the flaming piece of.......that Sony's become.

Hawt Swedish Chick Wii for the win.
Am I the only one not surprised? If the PS2 couldn't play all of the PS1 games, why would you expect the PS3 to play all PS2 and PS1 games? Anyone know why, exactly, they have these compatability issues from system to system? Is it related to the disc format changes? Or just idiocy?

The only way you can have perfect backwards compatibility if you have a full-blown PS2 inside the PS3. That, of course, is not the case.
Yikes, this is a big blow to their pride. Like I always say, the first versions of a system/game are always the glitchy ones. If I were a Sony fan, I'd wait a couple of months for the price to get lower and for the quality PS3's to come on shelves. I hope the Wii's aren't like this. It's bad enough that they are launching behind Sony and Microsoft, but I don't think Nintendo fans would take it too lightly if they couldn't play SSBM or something.
If you already have a PS2, why is this such a problem, other than the fact that they lied?
If you already have a PS2, why is this such a problem, other than the fact that they lied?

1) Some people may have been planning on purchasing old games and playing them on the PS3, even if they hadn't owned the earlier systems.

2) TVs get cluttered very easily when you have a bunch of systems plugged into them.
Yikes, this is a big blow to their pride. Like I always say, the first versions of a system/game are always the glitchy ones. If I were a Sony fan, I'd wait a couple of months for the price to get lower and for the quality PS3's to come on shelves. I hope the Wii's aren't like this. It's bad enough that they are launching behind Sony and Microsoft, but I don't think Nintendo fans would take it too lightly if they couldn't play SSBM or something.

I don't think it'll be a Wii problem because the Wii uses modified gamecube architecture... though I guess online Wii games probably won't work..
Zeta said:
1) Some people may have been planning on purchasing old games and playing them on the PS3, even if they hadn't owned the earlier systems.

2) TVs get cluttered very easily when you have a bunch of systems plugged into them.

Adding to that...

3) Some people may have traded in their PS2's to get store credit to use toward the purchase of a PS3.
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