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Spring Samba (A Journey Through Johto) SIGN-UPS

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Sir Red

Oct 6, 2010
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The Pokemon World is full of mysteries. Pokemon, the amazing creatures that thrive on our planet, of with many unique qualities are found most everywhere; from the dense jungles to the vast, open plains, soaring high above the blue skies and diving down to deepest depths in the ocean, there isn't one place you won't find them! In the Pokemon World, Pokemon and people live together in harmony. Living together, and reaching out to each other, as friends and comrades, they coexist.

Some people, however, choose to use Pokemon for their own selfish reasons. Abusing Pokemon, using them as tools or slaves, evil characters use Pokemon to commit crimes and sometimes to achieve an even greater goal. Despite the fruitless efforts of those determined to stop these,there will always be evil out there to counteract all of the good in the world.

Police officials in Azalea Town have reported sightings of suspicious men and woman clad in only black, with the exception of the blood red "R" imprinted on their chests, near the Slowpoke Well. The citizens of Johto fear that evil teams will soon rise again, like the ones that have been defeated in Kanto many years before.​

In this RPG, you will play the role of a Pokemon Trainer, traveling to Johto to start of their Pokemon Journey. During the RP, you will have the choice of becoming a Pokemon Trainer or Coordinator. An evil team, to be introduced throughout the course of the story, will threaten the Pokemon World as we know it and it is up to the players to stop them. But until then, enjoy your Pokemon Journey and have fun!

Johto, a History
1,500 years from modern times, the place now known as the Ruins of Alph was built in Johto, and the earliest system of writing was developed. Nobody knows exactly who built the Ruins of Alph, but research indicates that they were most likely an ancient civilization that wished to co-exist with the enigmatic Unown that bear great resemblance to letters from our modern Latin alphabet. Not only did the ancient people impart messages in the ruins' walls describing the Unown, but a statue of a Pokemon was also erected for reasons unknown.

At some point later, outsiders began to gather near the ruins. The Unown were timid creatures, rejecting contact with anyone but the ancient clan who had protected them. To make sure of the Unown's well being, the Ruins of Alph's inhabitants decided to leave Johto, but not without devising complicated puzzles so that the Unown could be summoned again. As for the clan, they headed for a mountain in the far north where they met another group of people who hailed from Spear Pillar. Together, the two groups constructed a temple to honor the Pokemon, Arceus, which incorporated elements from the Ruins of Alph and Spear Pillar; this collaboration probably has something to do with the relationship between Arceus and the Unown. The temple, too, has been since left in ruin, and its lowest floor is known today as the Sinjoh Ruins. However, the ritual of honoring legendary Pokemon goes all the way back to ancient Johto, specifically Ecruteak City.

About 700 years before modern times, the people of Ecruteak built two large towers with the hopes of fostering friendship and hope between Pokémon and humans, the Brass Tower in the west, which was said to awaken Pokemon, and the Bell Tower in the east, which was said to put Pokemon to rest. Both towers became the roost of two powerful flying Pokemon, Lugia and Ho-Oh, respectively. Although it is unknown what made the citizens of Johto revere Lugia and Ho-Oh, a seperate tale indicates that Lugia had had a previous encounter with the people of Johto when it stopped a war on the Whirl Islands, which were a single island at the time.

The towers stood for a good 550 years, when a lightning bolt struck the Brass Tower. It was engulfed in flames, and the fire lasted for three days. Finally, a sudden downpour came and put out the blaze, but it had already burnt to the ground. Three nameless Pokemon perished in the fire, but Ho-Oh descended from the sky, and ressurected them. The revived Pokemon were meant to embody three powers: the lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burnt the tower, and the rain the put out the fire, and thus, the legendary beasts, Raikou, Entei and Suicune were born. When the three appeared, the struck terror into those who saw their rise. Then the Pokemon, knowing their own power, fled, running like the wind, off into Johto's grasslands. Both Ho-Oh and Lugia flew away at the sight of the growing distance between people and Pokemon. While they never returned to Ecruteak, they yearned for a person to touch the hearts and souls of Pokemon once more.

Around 500 years from modern day, the Cianwood City Pharmacy, the world's oldest pharmacy was built. About 400 years ago, Azalea Town was struck by a long-term drought wave. After once again bringing the rain back by yawning, the Pokemon, Slowpoke, gained an honorable position in that town.

It was mid-morning in the quaint town of New Bark. People were just beginning to emerge from their domiciles, some still groggy from a restless night. The shops and businesses that lined the dirt roads were just opening around now- the only place that had seen activity before this time in the morning was the local Pokemon Research Lab, which had been preparing for the big day ahead of them. Many of those who woke up during these hours did so by choice- for love of their job, or for love of the multitude of species of Pokemon that only showed up when the sun was just making its way over the horizon. Professor Elm yawned and gently stirred his coffee. "It's almost time!" he mused, glancing at his watch and opening up the door of his laboratory as the sunlight streamed in, glinting off the marble floor tiles. After all the anticipation, the day was finally here. Several children would be stopping by the lab to pick up a starter Pokemon and a Pokedex to start the journeys. You could just feel the excitment in the crisp, spring air...

1. All general Bulbagarden rules apply.

2. No godmodding, bunnying, flaming, etc.

3. No tennising.

4. Keep swearing to minimum.

5. Keep romance PG-13.

6. Please, be logical, but be creative.

7. I would REALLY like this RP to get off the ground more than anything, so let's try to make this work.

8. Use proper grammar.

9. Be active. Only join if you are an avid poster.

10. Depending on how many members we get, there may be a selection process to see who actually participates in the roleplay.

Pretty self-explanitory
Age: Again, pretty self-explanitory
Gender: Male, female, never bothered to look down, etc.
Training Career: League or Contests?
Hometown/Region: Where is your character from?

Appearance: What does your character look like? A paragraph should be sufficient.
Personality: How does your character act? I'd like atleast a paragraph, please.
Background: What events took place in your character's lifetime that shaped who they are today? What were they like growing up and before they became a trainer. Two paragraph minimum.
Starter Pokemon: Doesn't have to be a traditional starter given away by the professors. Please include gender and nickname, if one.
Other: Anything else you wanna include?

Name: Marcus
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Training Career: League
Hometown/Region: Olivine City, Johto

Appearance: At 5 feet and 10 inches, Marcus is quite tall for his age. He has a rather pale complexion, and has a stocky, well-toned build due to a vigorous lifestyle. Marcus has shaggy, dark brown hair which will normally be covering down over his wide, blue eyes. In terms of apparel, Marcus goes more for comfort than style. Usually, he'll be seen wearing a pair of ripped cargo jeans, and a solid white t-shirt, or sometimes even a sweatshirt on some of those really cold days. Marcus wears the same pair of orange tennis sneakers everywhere he goes, which, surprisingly have held out all of these years, but are horribly dirty and worn.
Personality: Marcus tends to be an easy-going guy, but a lot of things set him off. He is prone to injuries, and can get very upset with himself often. But, Marcus sees things through to the end, and never backs down. He stands up for what he believes in, and reaches out to everyone, or atleast those who are kind towards Pokemon. Marcus is a little flighty at times, but is honest and determined. He wants to make a difference in the wold he lives in. Marcus is not really flirty, but likes to keep to himself. But, he isn’t afraid to make new friends, which isn't hard for him since he loves to talk about himself. Marcus definitely looks out for his friends and is really just an open, owtward kid that loves to cheer people up.
Background: Marcus had a pretty swell childhood. He lived in a small cottage on the beach with his mum, a house mother, dad, who worked for the Devon Corp.'s Johto Branch, and two older sisters. Marcus always dreamed of being a trainer, and was very jealous when his elder sister set off on her own Pokemon Journey. He came into harm’s way with Pokemon many times, unfortunately. Once, while playing catch with his friends, and going to retrieve the ball which had rolled away into the tall grass, Noa was attacked by a Raticate. He even received terrible burns from a Magmortar’s flame drum, which he still has scars from. Marcus was home schooled, and was an excellent student, but was constantly caught daydreaming. He was generally liked among the people who knew him, but Marcus still had trouble with bullies. One day, he was corned in an alleyway, by a couple of kids from his school who apparently had a bone to pick with him. It wouldn't have been that big of a deal, Marcus is a pretty strong kid, he could take them on. But, they had a bat. Marcus was suddenly rescued by a Aipom and its Swift. Out of gratitude, he took it home and gave the Pokemon a place to stay. In later years, the Aipom ended up living in the hollow oak next to his house. So, now that he's 13, Marcus is fianlly permitted by his parents to start his Pokemon Journey.
Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil, Male, no nickname yet (May be changed.)​
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Name:Rei Valentine
Training career:League
Hometown:New Bark Town, Johto.

Appearence: Has a black trenchcoat,which does a good job of covering his old white shirt. Has long blue hair,some of which is dyed black,and black eyes. Wears black sneakers that are over 10 years old. Wears his pokeballs around his neck,similar to Alder.(He thinks he made it up first)

Personality: Rei is a very strange guy,who belives silence is the best way to learn about a person. He can also be very loud when with friends. Regards pokemon as tools,but still cares for them. His quiet demeanor can put people off,but for those who look past it,he's a pretty cool guy. Many people are tense around him,due to his strange aura.

Background: He was adopted by a family in Johto,and never got to know his real parents. Was always a rebel in school,and was in more fights than he can count. Always tries to stop bullies,no matter what their age. The day Marcus was cornered by the bullies with a bat, Rei was two blocks away in a fight. He was so ferocious in that fight that people started calling him the "Devils Left Hand". He was sent to Unova to stay with his uncle,who brought home a injured Zorua from 'work' one day. Rei took the Zorua back home to Johto,where he was asked by Professor Elm to help some kid on his journey.

Pokemon: Zorua is male,nicknamed Ark.

Other: All of his pokemon are level 1, and hes way too poor to buy pokeballs.
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Name: Eliot Nadel
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Training Career: League
Hometown/Region: New Bark, Johto
Appearance: At exactly six feet tall, Eliot's pretty tall for his age. He has fairly long blue hair, mostly because he hates the barber's shop (He's worried about getting his ears chopped off.) He usually dresses in formal styles, usually wearing a tuxedo vest, button up shirt, tie, slacks, and dress shoes. He always wears a pair of pink heart-shaped sunglasses, and has uncommonly large blue eyebrows. He also wears a pair of kitty ears. He says they are magical, but they probably aren't.
Personality: Eliot was raised to be a gentleman. He is very polite and well mannered, and will always serve others before himself. He's the kind of person who would give anyone the shirt off their back, and their pants, shoes, socks, heart-shaped sunglasses, and tie as well. He is also constantly awed by the feminine form, often rhapsodizing on the beauty of women he meets, and hitting on most females and pretty men. However, he will never disrespect a woman, and is very chivalrous. Above all, though, he respects his father. Maybe it's because he knows that his father is working to support him, or maybe it's just instinctual, but his ultimate goal is to make his father proud. He doesn't know how he will, but he wants to.
Background:Eliot saw a lot of his father's back, as his father was a serious businessman working on serious business. His father often left him with a singing baby sitter that was very strict, and taught him to be a gentleman. Whenever he stepped out of line, she would scream in his ears and sing annoying songs he hated about drinking sugar in addition to medicine. He tried raising Pokemon so his father would be proud, but his dad kept ignoring him. So he decided to go beat the Elite Four to gain his father's favor. He ordered a Lotad egg online, and hugged it until it hatched.
Starter Pokemon: Lotad, male.
Other: Nope!
Reserve me a spot? I'll sign up later today
Hi! This seems good. I might not be very active on bulbagarden at all, but am an avid RPer on another forum.

Name: Clover Trink
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Training Career: Both... no, League.
Hometown/Region: Cherrygrove City.

Appearance: Clover is a tiny girl with platina blonde hair that she most of the time tries to keep in a high ponytail. It's so bushy, however, so it tends to fall out and stand in every direction anyways. Her face is kind of chubby - the only chubby part of her. She's got freckles all over her nose and cheeks and bright green eyes that seem to glow at you. For clothing, Clover doesn't dress in a very girly fashion. She wears brown, sturdy boots that fit perfectly even though they look a bit too big for her. They cover her legs almost up to her knees, where gray leggings can be seen instead, until the bright brown brace trousers begin. They look rather large on her and have lots of golden buttons and pockets where she keeps everything and anything. Under that, she wears a long sleeved t-shirt that tends to get dirty pretty often. She has extras with her, in different colors. For keeping her belongings, she wears a green bag over her shoulder. It looks heavy and large, but that's where Clover's unusual strength shows. She carries it without trouble. Clover hasn't gotten any "womanly features" yet and perhaps never will. She has a round necklace hanging in a thin, black leather band around her neck. It shows a yin-yang symbol, but it's gold and silver instead of black and white. Of course, it's not real gold or silver.

Personality: This is a girl who doesn't worry about things unless she really has to. She isn't afraid of getting her hands dirty and she keeps up a smile at most times. Somewhat oblivious to others, but not really naive, she can be annoying sometimes when she doesn't really listen to warnings or advice. She is rather handy and knows how to fix many things, like machines, and she knows how to build things, make up fires and pretty much survive. She doesn't really know how to make herself pretty or act as polite as one should in some situations, though. She's been told that looks isn't at all everything but that she is very cute anyways, and she believes that it's what lies within that counts. She treats pokémon like friends and talks to them as such. In battles, she is quick and creative but doesn't like to put her friends through much pain so she might give up a bit early sometimes.

Background: Clover was born as the only child in a happy but rather poor family in Cherrygrove. The parents of her father lived with them and were the ones who taught her how to have fun in life... until they both died from old age when Clover turned 9. Her parents kept up the cheerful spirit though and she got over the sorrow quite quickly. Mr Trink was a caretaker at the local school and on top of that he often helped out at construction sites or at garages and workshops. He was a very handy man and he built the Trink's house with his own hands, despite it being very costly. Mrs Trink was working at a flowershop and she loved the outdoors and nature and pokémon and taught Clover a lot about that. They were quite poor, like I said, and couldn't really spoil Clover like many other kids in town were. But they gave her as much as they possibly could in terms of love, and one day she told them what they always knew she would say: she wanted to start a pokémon journey and get pokémon of her own to take care of and play with!

Starter Pokemon: Emolga, male, nicknamed: Emonga

Other: Nope :3
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@kenshin akagi - Denied. Everythings seems okay, but what you put as your starter Pokemon troubles me. I know this wasn't in the rules, but please, no legendary Pokemon. You may only have one starter, as well, you put down three. Change that, and you're in.

@Kona-Chan - Accepted!

@GroundTrainer - Reserved. Reserves last 3 days.

@Furuba - Nice job. Accepted!
Thanks! If I may ask, how many players will you require before we start? Also, are there levels for pokémon?
It really depends. I'll probably leave this up 'til the end of the week and go from there. But, if we end up getting a lot more people sooner, we'll start sooner, see? And nope, no levels. This RP is mostly based off of the anime.

@kenshin akagi - I see you've edited, but like I said in my earlier post, no legendaries, please.
No, Zorua is not a legendary. Just furrybait Nintendo made so people could draw yaoi of it on deviantart.
WHY DID YOU HAVE TOO REMIND ME! NO ZOROARK! LUCARIO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?! I'll be in the Emo corner trying to forget this horrid scene.
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No. Zorua's fine. But, if I'm not mistaken, before you last edited, you had Genesect written as your starter. You're accepted, by the way.
May I make a slot reserevation? I'd like to enter but I don't have much time at the moment to finish that registration form.
Name: Lila Samson
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Training Career: League
Hometown/Region: Jubilife City, Sinnoh

Appearance: Lila has pale skin, blonde hair in a pixie cut and large brown eyes. She is quite tall for her age, and shows off her long legs with denim short shorts, and on top she wears a plain white t-shirt with a short blue cardigan over it. Her shoes are bright yellow with shin length white socks and she wears a necklace with a pink diamond on it given to her by her mother when she was young.

Personality: Despite an older appearance, Lila's very much a kid inside. The first impression she generally gives is that of a bubbly young girl. Lila can be very impulsive, and gains obsessions easily: once she has her heart set on something, she will pursue it as far as she can go (or until she finds something new to obsess over). She also is prone to having temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way, a complete change from her normal peppiness.

Background: Born into a wealthy upper-middle class family in Jubilife City, and raised as a spoiled only child, Lila never had a true desire to become a Pokémon Trainer at all - with both her parents working busy Pokémon-free jobs at Jubilife TV, she never saw the desire to. However, all this changed one day when on a rainy day, she watched a Silver Conference final battle. This lit a spark in her mind and she begged her parents to let her begin her Pokémon Journey in Johto. Knowing that they could do little to sway her obsession, they reluctantly agreed, and Lila set off to New Bark Town for her adventure to begin, excited for her future.

Starter Pokemon: Litwick, nicknamed Pyro.
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I'm really sorry this took so long, I completely understand if my reservation is gone or, the sign-up's have been closed.

Name: Nathan Parker
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Training Career: League
Hometown/Region: Goldenrod City

Appearance: Nathan is of average height for his age, and of average build but, leaning towards the skinny side. He has straight brown hair that falls to just above his shoulders. Most people tend to view him as being handsome. He enjoys to wear the colors that match his favorite Pokemon type, ground. Usually wearing, brown pants or jeans with a earth-colored shirt. Shirts depending on the weather, sweater for cold, t-shirt for hot. He also has glasses that he reads with and he sometimes wears a scarf if its cold.

Personality: Nathan's personality has changed over time as he has matured, what once was energetic and easily upset is now calm and collected. He rarely looses his temper or gets upset with people. He does exhibit some anti-social tendencies but, once people get to know him, they realized he's a nice guy. He still gets excited, particularly about his favorite type of Pokemon, ground.

Background: Nathan was born and raised in Goldenrod City, Johto where his parents worked at the Magnet Train Station. He found his first Pokemon when he was 9, a Trapinch that had gotten lost and was now wandering the alleyways of Goldenrod. He wanted to leave to go on his starting journey when he was 10 like most other kids but his parents made him wait until he was 13. He therefore feels that he has missed out on what he could have already been doing. His main desire to challenge the league is to gain recognition and hopefully open up his own gym in the region.
Starter Pokemon: Trapinch
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