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Stupid Flash to D/P ending...


Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score

Look what I just found, someone made an Animutation (very weird music video, just watch it) to the current Pokemon DP ending in Japan (By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~), quite hilarious! It's a bit lower quality then other movies of this genre, but still
Wow, that was so retarded it was funny. lol. I like when people take Japanese words and translate literally what they sound like into English. :p
Certainly not what I was expecting. I almost gave up on it in the first ten seconds, but it was able to redeem itself by the middle section.

Really, someone had to be hyped up on some dope ass LSD to sanely watch that...

It's rather insane, but in a good way. >>
That said, I think its worth a peek.
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That... was completely on crack. I love it, though. Especially the random facts in the middle.

Still. Nothing beats the Yatta! flash. Gosh, I haven't seen that one in ages...
One of the worst animutations I've ever seen. I didn't even smile. Not that it's horrible or bad, it's just.. not even remotely funny.
its kind of hard for me to find that very much funny, but its cute for trying..
One of the worst animutations I've ever seen. I didn't even smile. Not that it's horrible or bad, it's just.. not even remotely funny.
I'd add that it IS horrible and bad.

I used to really like animutations until they got hijacked by a bunch of people who don't get how to make them. You shouldn't find yourself realizing what the person making the flash is a OBSEZZED fan of from the beggining, or anywhere for that matter. I could go on and on, but I think everyone's in agreement with me anyway.
Ah yes, the infamous Animutations!

I love these things. All of you naysayers must have been sitting naked in the woods, because you have sticks up your butts. It's fun (not funny, just fun) because it's weird.

But the hundreds of random facts and the 'KAAAHHNN!!!" were great.
Ah yes, the infamous Animutations!

I love these things. All of you naysayers must have been sitting naked in the woods, because you have sticks up your butts. It's fun (not funny, just fun) because it's weird.

But the hundreds of random facts and the 'KAAAHHNN!!!" were great.
By all means, they CAN be fun. I just think basic lipsync with a KND character+flipping background+colin does not always equal fun. Sorry to say. ;p

Fun for an endurance test, I'll give it that.:mallet:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rolf!!!! it was s00000000 funny that maril thing ROFL!! s000000000000 funny i nearly cried my mom wouldnt let me see the rest :( BUT IT WAS S0 FUNNY!!!!
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